A Fourth of July Wish (Part 2)

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"Are you really moving?" I asked Melody. I knew Melody didn't want to talk about it, but it was bothering me, and it was bothering me hard.

"Yeah. I really am. My parents found a farm and everything. They want us to have more animals, have a larger ranch, and be homeschooled." Melody said. "Sadly the homeschooling part isn't happening. None of them can teach, so their goes their dream, and mine."

"You could always move in, share a bedroom with Macy." I told her. "It wouldn't be that bad. Macy loves you, and then you can make her a bigger girly girl than she is. You can cook in the kitchen like you always like to, and then you can always slap some sense into Minho, Michael, Mike and I."

"You know that won't happen. My parents would never let me." Melody said.

"Then we can dress up in all black clothes and run outside and make a run for it. Living off the land, look up a few things to see how in the world people did it." I told Melody.

"You aren't running away anywhere with that bad foot of yours." Melody told me.

"And you are like having an older sister." I grumbled.

"Hey, I'm not the one who laid in the middle of the road-" Melody started saying.

"We aren't starting that conversation again, because I can't think of any more words right now that mean stupid." I told Melody.

"Fair enough." Melody told me.

"Fair for you." I grumbled.

"Oh shut up."

"You shut up!"

"You shut up!"

"Both of you shut up!" Macy yelled.

"You can't tell me what to do!" Melody yelled back to Macy.

"You're fighting with a two year old." I stated.

"Shut up." Melody told me.

"You shut up." I told her.

"You two are not starting THAT again." Alice called to us.

"Does everyone listen to everything we say around here?" Melody asked Alice, who was still in the next room.

"Yes." Max called back. Melody and I looked at each other, before we marched into the living room, where Alice, Macy and Max were.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Max. "You're always around here." I added.

"And you're always getting hurt." Max told me.

"We asked what your doing here, not to list all the stupid things Kyle has done." Melody said.

"We would start a list." Max said, resulting a glare from Alice.

"Don't worry," Melody told Max "I keep a list."

"You do!" Alice, Max and I said at the same time. Melody shook her head.

"Yeah, it's in alphabetical order." Melody told us. I slapped my face.

"I could not have done that many stupid things." I insisted.

"I have a list, would you like a copy of it?" Melody asked me.

"Yes, I would like to see this list of yours. I have barley done any stupid things, I'm not even clumsy." I told them. I started walking towards the couch, and ended up tripping on one of Macy's Barbie dolls, doing a weird flip around thing ending with me falling onto my butt. "Not a word." I warned.


Author's Note

Yes. It's another short chapter. I'm sorry, but life is hard sometimes.

It is on me.

Word Count: 549

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