A Fourth of July Wish (Part 5)

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I went back to the kitchen, where Melody was running around the kitchen, putting cookies in the oven, making sure things didn't boil too long in the pots on the stove. I couldn't believe her parents didn't let her cook at home, I'm fine with cookies, especially pasta, I only like making pasta alone, but Melody, she did it for fun! That's like saying you like cleaning the house for fun. The oven started beeping while Melody was washing dishes.

"I'll get it don't worry." I told her. I grabbed a dry towel, so I wouldn't burn myself and took out the hot cookies from the oven. "I'm eating these right now." I announced.

"No you're not, those are got the guests." Melody insisted.

"But, but, but-" I tried.

"Not another word mister." Melody told me. My jaw was now dropped, no cookies? What kind of world is this Melody was telling me about? That's like no butter.

"On today's news, Kyle just became speechless by his girlfriend." Minho announced. I glared at him.

"You sound like Thomas." I told him.

"That's the worst thing I've been called." Minho stated. He took a cookie from Melody, and Melody didn't do anything.

"That's it!" I yelled. I stood up, grabbed a handful of cookies and ran away.

"Kyle James Forest!" Melody yelled. I ran past Alice, who was still talking to some lady.

"Kyle, stay off that foot!" Alice yelled after me, after I ran right past her and sprinted down the hallway.

"Just a minute!" I called back.

"Kyle! Give those cookies back!" Melody yelled after me, gaining on me quickly. Stupid cast on my foot.

"Kyle I'm not kidding! Get off that foot, I don't want to go back to the hospital!" Alice called to me. I ignored her this time. I ran into my room, Melody running in before I could close the door.

"Now hand over the cookies." Melody told me. I licked all the cookies. "Ew, that's gross." She stated. Minho appeared in the doorway.

"Now Huckleberry, listen to your girlfriend." Minho told me. I glared at him. Melody didn't say anything ether.

"Fine," I told them both. I licked the cookies, making them all soggy in my spit and placed it in Melody's hand. Melody blinked a few times and dropped the cookies on the floor. Minho looked dumbfounded, and looked like he wasn't trying to burst out laughing.

"Kyle, run." Melody stated, looking like she was holding in a lot of anger.

"Why?" I asked, not exactly wanting to know the answer to my question.

"I'm about to kill you and I would like to give you a few precious seconds to run." Melody stated.

"Yeah Kyle," Minho said, finally bursting out laughing. "go listen to your girlfriend." Melody turned to Minho.

"Run." She warned him.

"Yes ma'am." Minho said, then we both ran.


Author's Note

Guys I love Kyle. I love Melody. I love Minho. I love happy Minho. I live for problem free Minho.

Idk why but I really like the fact that Minho has only ever called Melody, Kyle's girlfriend or Ma'am.

Guys I love Minho.

These are reasons why I'm as single as a Pringle.

Word Count (I'm sorry): 540

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