A Goodbye Gift (Part 3)

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I walked out of the room, with Lemon on my tail. Mom and Steve rang the doorbell. Minho quickly got it, though he didn't look happy by the fact that they were here.

"Hello." My mom said to Minho.

"There's hell in hello." Minho said with a fake smile.

"Hiiiii Mom." Alice said rushing over to Minho's side. I could tell she wanted our mom not to take notice of what Minho said, but Minho had a way of making sure his point got across.

"Hi Alice, nice to see you again." Mom said. I walked in the room slowly. "Kyle!" She said happily.

"Hey Mom..." I said nervously.

"You've grown so much, how tall are you now?" She asked.

"Five six." I told her.

"He's going to be taller than you soon Alice." Mom said. I was only an inch shorter than Alice, but I really didn't think I would grow too much. I had grown almost three inches these last few months.

"And Minho is already so tall." Alice said.

"He's nearly your height." Mom said.

"I'm Minho by the way, Kyle's foster brother." Minho said.

"Brother?" Steve said.

"Yeah, we aren't related by blood, but he's as good as a brother, because he treats me like his own brother and I treat him as my brother." I told them both.

"Pleasure to meet you then." Steve said. Macy ran into the room as she was being chased by Michael and Mike. She hid behind Minho.

"They're going to get me! The monsters are going to get me!" Macy yelled. Minho picked up Macy laughing and swung her on his back.

"And this must be little Macy." Mom said. "Do you want to be a flower girl?"

"Yeah! I will go like poof and poosh and pluff." Macy said as she demonstrated how she would throw the flower pedals.

"I look forward to seeing you all in a few weeks, I've found the most perfect bridesmaid dresses. I was hoping to see Kyle's friend, since it was Nicky's idea to put her in the wedding." Mom said.

"She's very happy that she is in the wedding." I said, remembering what she said last night. "She can't wait."

"Well, let's get you loaded up." Steve said. I went back to my room, Steve following me. His eyes wandered to the large bulletin board on my wall.

"Is that you friend?" He asked as he pointed to the picture of Melody and I.

"Yeah, that's Melody." I told him. He pointed to another photo, the one with Dad and I.

"Your father correct?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said shortly.

"I don't want to replace him." Steve told me. "But I sure hope we can be friends."

"I think we can be friends." I told him. He smiled widely at me.

"I'm glade." He said. Lemon walked into the room and started meowing. "Your cat?" He asked.

"No, I bought it for Melody this morning." I told him honestly. He nodded but didn't say anything else. He took my suitcase and brought it outside. I grabbed my backpack and walked outside. Everyone was already outside. I took Lemon in my arms and walked over to Minho.

"Give Lemon to Melody." I told him. I had tied a little note around Lemon's blue ribbon. "Promise me."

"I would like to promise that, but I think you should give it to her. After all, she just pulled up." Minho said. I turned around, and smiled because she was getting out of the car. Mom and Steve were already ready to go, but I really wasn't. Steve was already in the drivers seat, but I sure wasn't getting in the car yet. Melody hugged me tightly again, tighter than when she had left for camp.

"I thought you weren't coming." I whispered to her.

"Like that would happen." She whispered back. We released the hug. "You'll text, and call?" She asked me.

"Of course, until everyone gets annoyed." I told her.

"Will you write too?" She asked.

"Old fashioned way?" I asked her.

"As always." She said.

"Oh course I will write." I told her.

"Even if I send a few hundred letters, you will still write back?" She asked.

"Melody, I will always write back, and nothing can change that." I told her. She smiled widely. She swung her backpack around and pulled a small fur all out. "Bandit!" I cried.

"He's for you. Something to remember Michigan by." She told me. I scooped up Lemon who was hidden behind me. She laughed and took Lemon from me. Lemon immediately started purring. I took Bandit who was jumping all around in joy. Melody placed Lemon down and I stopped petting Bandit for a moment. I hugged her first this time.

"I'll miss you." I whispered to her.

"I'll miss you more." She whispered back.

"I'll miss you more than ever." I told her.

"See you for Christmas?" She asked.

"I'm waiting for a new sweater." I joked.

"Bye Hoodie Boy."

"Bye Mels." I hugged her one last time, and everyone else.

"Be careful." Alice told me. I got into the car, with Bandit on my heels. He hoped in the seat next to me. I opened the window and both Bandit and I stuck our heads out the window. I waved goodbye and didn't stop until they disappeared.


Author's Note

I would like to thank three very important people.

First I would like to thank iheartcellos who was with Kyle since day one. Thank you for all the comments and support you've given me in these just few months! We don't even talk too much, yet your one of my favorite users here on Wattpad.

Secondly, I would like to thank Emma emma_ships for the support in RL and online. Even though you just found out I was the owner of this account, that didn't stop you from reading my books and commenting and voting.

Thirdly I would like to thank my best friend, who I now share an account with puppy_lover_222 . We write together on that account, but you still read on there like there's no tomorrow. Thank you for the support and being very straight forward if the part wasn't good enough (literally saying this sucks).

And lastly all my close almost siblings not here on Wattpad that gave me advice on that to do with the book and listened to me talk about the book and didn't bring me to a mental hospital. Though I'm sure crazy enough to be there.

Thank you to all my readers, because this book wouldn't be here without you.

And that my friends is the end of book two (though more chapters will be added to this book).

Word Count: 1127

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