A Run To Ibaleterm (Part 10)

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"Kyle, I knew you didn't hate me. Besides when have we ever gotten in a fight and not made up?" Melody asked me.

"I thought you would die and Mina said that you lost a lot of blood and that didn't help-"

"So you beat yourself up." Melody finished.

"Yeah I kinda did." I said. Melody took my hands and ran her fingers over my knuckles that were still bruised.

"So it's my fault." Melody finished.

"No it's my fault." I insisted. Melody started to protest, but Max and Minho came back in the car.

"He's going to be ok." Max told us. Melody and I shook our heads. "What happened?" Max asked, looking at Melody's worried face.

"Just worried about Thomas," Melody said "I don't trust that Coral."

"Thomas kept his original surname, he didn't change to Creen." Minho said.

"There last name is Creen? Coral Creen?" Melody asked.

"Yeah." Minho responded. "That's weird." Minho added.

"I didn't switch my last name, I didn't take Gilbert, and I am not taking on Dager ether." I said "I'm fine with Forest and it's going to stay that way."

"No duh, you're going to keep your last name, Alice isn't." Melody said.

"That would be weird for Alice not to be Alice Forest, wonder what last name she'll take on after." Minho said. All three of us looked at Max. Max noticed out staring quickly.

"What? We aren't getting married anytime soon. We both want to finish collage first." Max said.

"So you've talked about it." Melody concluded. Max didn't respond, confirming Melody's point. "Alice Parker doesn't sound bad at all." Melody added.

"Shut up." Max told her.

"Hey you made your bed, you lay in it now." Melody said.

"That has nothing to do with it." Max insisted. Max pulled up in the driveway. I could see Alice through the window, she looked worried, something I never wanted to see. Max noticed it too. We got out of the car, Max was the first one out and to the door.

"What's wrong?" Max immediately asked.

"Nothing, what's wrong with Thomas? What happened?" She asked, she looked at Minho and I. I just heard from Ann at the shelter that Thomas had a black eye. I thought you all had gotten mixed up into it." Alice said.

"I'm sorry, I should have called when I came to pick them up, but my phone died." Max said. He hugged her and kissed the top of her head. Alice hugged Minho and I at the same time, and Melody afterwards quicker. Minho looked a little surprised by the hug, but Alice didn't take notice of it. "There's pasta and veggies in the kitchen, Michael, Mike, and Macy already ate all their food. I exempt from all four of you too." Alice said. Melody started to say something, but Alice interrupted her. "And yes Melody, you can make cookies afterwards." Alice said. The look on Melody's face told me that was exactly what she was going to ask.


Author's Note

Well hello! I'm sorry for the shorter chapter, but this day he quickly coming to an end.

Word Count: 526

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