A Run To Ibaleterm (Part 3)

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Marigold stood stunned for a moment, after, maybe even a full minute she followed Poppy out the door. Melody released a breath I don't notice she was holding. She slumped in the seat and closed her eyes tightly. I saw little drops of tears start to appear from the corner of her eyes. Ann and the two other girls looked over at Minho and I, looking for answers. I didn't give them any. I took Melody by the hand and lead her through the door into the cat room, way in the back. The moment I closed the door behind us, the tears rolled down her face as a river.

"I don't know what to do, I don't want to be mad at her, but I don't want to let her off the hook, but I want the nightmares to stop." Melody stopped talking at once when she realized what she had said.

"You're having nightmares?" I asked her. Melody didn't reply. She leaned agents the wall and sunk to the floor. "Melody!" I said, raising my voice a touch louder. I quickly realized my mistake though, because if anyone heard screaming they would come in here. Melody wouldn't be too happy about that. I kneeled down in front of her. "Melody please let me help." I whispered. She looked up at me with red eyes, wet tears running down face.

"I don't know what I need help with." She whispered. If she didn't know, and I didn't know ether, I did the next best thing. I hugged her. She wrapped her arms around herself. More tears ran down her face. I felt the scar shaped like an X on her shoulder, the one she had told Marigold about. I hugged her tighter, making sure I stayed away from that scar. I looked down at her and wondered how in the world could anyone ever want to hurt such a nice and kind hearted person. I ran my fingers over the scar on her shoulder, and I felt her pull back her arm slightly. I glanced over and studied the scar closed.

"Shouldn't you have a bandage over this?" I asked her. Melody shook her head. "Why don't you have one on?" I asked her.

"It fell off and I didn't realize before since I had the sweatshirt on." Melody told me. She pulled off the sweatshirt and I noticed really how many marks she had on her skin. Large bandages covered her all around. What was under them, I couldn't see, but I wasn't sure I wanted to see. She noticed me looking over her arms. "The doctors said some them might come off over time, others like the one on my shoulder won't ever come off." Melody told me.

"Bandages?" I asked her, not knowing what else to say. She shook her head. I thanked God that I had thought to bring my backpack with me. I pulled out the bandages. I opened one up and handed it to Melody. She quickly placed it on her shoulder and then pulled her sweatshirt back on. While she was pulling her hair up in a ponytail I noticed something on her neck. A bandage so large that it was a touch larger than my whole hand. "What's this?" I asked her. Melody dropped her hair back down, trying to cover up the bandage, but I didn't let her get away without telling me. "Melody, please." I begged her. Even though I was trying to be tuff and not let her get away with anything. I was broken. I didn't understand why anyone would ever want to do anything like this to anyone.

"It's another cut." Melody whispered. "That one I'm too scared to take the bandage off."

"I'm so sorry." I whispered. I don't know if she heard me or not though. I wished it all could have happened to me. I knew what had happened, I knew what was going on, and I told people only what they needed to know. I wish it had all happened to me, so Melody would still be ok. Now, I only know what Melody is telling me, which isn't much.


Author's Note

Hello! Hello! Hello! I feel like I divide up these author's notes in the most boring way possible. Who thinks my author's note's suck! Me! (Like me)

Ok then. I am working on new parts on my account mrnobodyseries which haven't published anything on yet (at the time I wrote this, about April 10th) But, "A Bully's Story" The story told from Nicky's point of view will be published there first! So make sure you stay there to get news fast! Mr. Nobody new and improved will also be published there soon.

Now the third book title news. These are the top three names:

1. I'll Be Back
2. I Will Always Write Back
3. Last Last Chance

One of those names will be the title for the third book (yeah!)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait for next chapter on more news for the new title.

Lastly, our mini question time. These question are for you to answer or just to think about. I love it when readers actually answer them, because I like knowing what they think is going to happen. It takes all my will not to just spoil it in one comment (if I don't respond to your comment it's because I didn't want to spoil anything).

How would you be reacting it you were Melody?

How would you act in place of Kyle after your best friend just went through all that?

What do you think that's going through Marigold's head?

Who are the two other girls at the shelter?

What do you think Ann is think right now, since she has no clue about the past events?

Omg thank you everyone who actually read all this. Comment below your favorite emoji if you read it all.

Thank you all for the support, reads and votes!!!!!!!!!!!!

Word Count: 999

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