A Secret Worth Keeping (Part 12)

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At some point I ended up in the car, the whole day was starting to be a blur together, and I just started having black outs when I couldn't remember anything that was happening.

"Where's Melody? Where Melody? Where Melody?" Macy kept asking. I started choking on tears again. Minho whispered something to Macy and Macy didn't keep asking.

"You ok Huckleberry?" Minho asked, moving closer to me. I slapped him away. "Huckleberry you can't stop talking again." Minho told me. I slapped him away again. I opened the door the moving car, unlocking it by the handle, and just let myself fall out.

"KYLE!" I heard Alice yell. The car screeched to a stop. Alice came running out of the car, falling down next to me. "Kyle, Kyle thank god I wasn't driving fast. What are you thinking? Do you want to kill yourself?" Alice tried touching me, but I moved away. "Kyle, she's going to be ok, everything is going to be ok. We can visit her tomorrow even, Kyle please are you ok? Are you hurt or something? Please just talk, Kyle please speak. I don't care what you say, but please just say something." She begged me.

But I didn't say a word. I didn't move, I stayed on the side of the dirt road, lying down with my head between my arms and cried. I didn't say a word. I didn't speak a word, because I couldn't have a say in what was going to happen.

"Kyle, please just answer." Alice begged. "Anything." She added almost in a whisper. Minho walked towards Alice.

"Do you want me to drive?" He asked her.

"You can't." Alice replied.

"I'm fifteen, I can get a permit. I can drive though, I know how. I needed to start driving when I was thirteen." Minho told her. Alice shook her head. I could tell she was a mess, by not even looking at her correctly. She was trembling. "Huckleberry, come on let's get to the car, and then we can go home and sleep. You want to sleep?" Minho asked me, in that voice he used with his siblings. I stood up, without saying a word. I almost tripped a few things, I didn't feel like I was there. I felt like my mind was blank. "It's ok Huckleberry, she's going to be ok." He reminded me. I sat in the back seat of the car, and Minho made sure I had my seatbelt on correctly. Alice sat in the front, while Minho started driving slowly home.


Author's Note

Who likes this chapter? I was going to divide this chapter in two parts and first and I'm just like, no. Theses are way too short chapters.

What is going on with Kyle?

Why do you think Minho had to learn to drive at such a young age?

Word Count: 480

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