Alice Has Lost It (Part 6)

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"Guys, time to get up..." Alice called. I opened my eyes and rubbed my eyes. Where was I. "You guys look so cute when you sleep." Alice added. Melody woke up. She was still leaning in my shoulder. She woke up and her face turned red.

"We fell asleep?" Melody asked. She yawned. "When?" She added.

"You guys slept for a good hour and a half. I got some photos too." Alice laughed. Both Melody and I jumped up. Melody grabbed Alice's phone and I entered her password.

"5903." Melody said. "I'll have to remember that password." She added. She scrolled through Alice's photos. She growled and covered her face. I took the phone from Melody.

"I sent it to a few people too, you three look adorable." Alice told us. Macy was still asleep. Melody didn't look any happier by that comment from Alice. I took the phone and looked the photo over. Macy was in her own car seat, doing her own thing. Melody's head was on my shoulder and my head was on her head. It wasn't that bad. Not really. Other than the fact Alice actually sent it to people.

"Who did you sent it to?" Melody asked Alice, her hands still covering her face.

"Not a ton of people," Alice said. "Just Melody's parents, Mina, Max and Minho."

"My dad!" Melody shouted.

"Yeah, he would be listed in your parents." Alice said. Melody looked scared by that fact for that moment.

"Wait, how did you get Minho's phone number?" I asked Alice.

"I stole it from your phone before you went to pick up Melody from camp." Alice told me.

"Of corse you did." I said. "Let's just get in the house." I said after a while. Melody seemed pretty upset about that photo, especially the fact that it had been sent to her dad. We carried all the bags into the room.

"I'm going to make some food." Melody said. Melody always cooked when she was here. I'm pretty sure she knows our kitchen better than Alice and I did. Alice carried Macy to my room.

"So we can decorate her room." Alice said.

"Alice, why did you want to buy so many things for them. Especially if they aren't going to stay here too long" I asked her. Alice took a deep breath.

"I've been thinking about fostering a kid for a while." Alice told me. "It's not that I'm bored of you or anything, I just felt like there might be kids out there like us. Even after they leave I still want to keep these rooms they are." Alice said. She studied me over a little bit. I could tell she was debating if she was going to tell me something or not. She decided not to. I knew her too well to know that she was hiding something, but I didn't push it. I wasn't sure I wanted to know.

"But you took in four." I stated. Alice took another deep breath.

"Yeah. When I heard what happened to them. I thought of you." Alice stopped for a while. I looked up at her, but she didn't notice. She was unwrapping something for Macy's room. "How Patrick had hit you, and when we left for Michigan. I felt that they were just like you and they needed help." Alice told me. Nether of us said anything for a good two minutes.

"Let's finish this." I said. We covered the bed in pink bed coverings. Alice had bought one of those pink fabric things that hung from the ceiling and onto the bed. Alice pulled out a stuffed doll and placed her on the pillow that said: Princess. The room was still white. We hadn't painted the room yet. I didn't think we would for a while.

"Foods ready!" Melody called about twenty minutes after she had started cooking. Macy ran to the kitchen. I didn't even know she was awake. I washed my hands and rushed to the kitchen. I walked in when Melody and Macy were doing their prayer thing. I felt something in me wanting to join them, but the other half of me held back. I didn't know why. I waited until they were done before walking into the room. Melody had made sandwiches, mine with butter on the inside as well. Everyone sat down and ate the food.

Alice went to show Macy her new room after we finished eating. I helped Melody clean the table. She loved staying in the kitchen, even if Alice or I wanted to help, she would usually push us out of the room. This time she didn't. She washed the dishes, while I dried them and put them away. Nether of us said anything the whole time. I could tell she had something on her mind, I didn't know if I should ask her about it or not.

"Where are your things you bought?" I asked her. Melody wondered for a moment.

"I think I left them in the car." She answered after a moment.

"I'll go get them." I told her.

"Thanks." She said. She seemed distanced, she wasn't being herself. I knew something was on her mind. I wanted to ask her about it right at the moment. I went to the car and got her stuff. Melody rarely forgot things. Something was up. I went back into the house and walked into the kitchen. Melody wasn't in the kitchen. I went to the living room. She wasn't there ether. I left her stuff there, so she wouldn't forget it when she left. I walked into my room. Melody was running her fingers over the picture of us on my bulletin board. She had a small smile on. She noticed me in the room.

"It seems like it was ages ago." Melody stated. I shook my head.

"It does." I told her. I went up to the bulletin board next to Melody. She looked over the letters she had written.

"You kept everyone of them?" She asked me. She sounded surprised. I didn't know why though.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked her. She shrugged.

"I kept every letter you sent me too." Melody said. "Sometimes I would look at them and read them over and over again. Sometimes I felt that when I came back, you wouldn't want us to be friends anymore." Melody told me. "Those letters helped me prove myself wrong."

"That's why you didn't write too much?" I asked. Melody shook her head.

"I was scared I would annoy you too much." Melody said.

"It would take a lot for you to annoy me." I told her. I saw Melody smile. I knew this was what had been bothering her.


Author's Note

I love this chapter. Next chapter will be so so so so short. I'm so sorry, but I want to leave this chapter as it is at the moment. I don't want to add on to it.

Thanks for reading! I'm working on the picture things, I made a few for new characters, but they aren't in the story yet so I can't add them.

Till Next Short Chapter!

Word Count: 1199

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