I Find A Way To Deal With The Pain, Minho Style (Part 7)

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"Another family meeting?" I asked "Why?"

"Discussing Minho and your's actions." Alice told me. "Max will also be there." She added.

"As always." I said. Alice rolled her eyes, but didn't say anything. We walked into the living room where Max and the Davis siblings were waiting. Minho met my eyes when I walked in the room, we both already knew that we were screwed.

"So, who's going to talk, we pretty much figured it out, but I think that we should here it from you two." Alice said. Max met my eyes and encouraged me to tell them. I saw Minho swaying around, debating if he should talk. I sat down next to Minho and made my decision.

"It was all my fault." I said. Minho glared at me.

"No it wasn't." He insisted.

"Yes it was, it was my fault that we got in the mess." I said.

"I'm the one that drove the car." Minho argued.

"It was my idea to sneak out the window." I said.

"It was stupid me who let those ideas get in your head." Minho said.

"It's my fault Melody is even there!" I said louder.

"It's not your fault at all! You didn't punch her!" Minho yelled.

"I'm the one that left her!" I yelled.

"She's the one who made the horse jump!" Minho yelled.

"I'm the one who got on the horse!"

"She made you get on the horse!"

"I let her talk me into it!"


"Wait." Alice said, interrupting Minho. "I think all of us need a full story on what happened yesterday." I looked over at Alice, and then I did exactly that. I told them the full on story.


Author's Note

Very short chapter, and that's only because this day is ending soon.

On a happy note, there will be a long author's note! Why? Because I've come up with some titles that I'm thinking of using for the third book of Mr. Nobody.

Please give an option on these titles, because I really need some feedback from here since my family or friends in RL aren't giving any.

1. Last Last Chance

2. Break Free

3. I'll Be Back

4. I Will Always Write Back

5. Only Letters

6. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken

7. Just A Voice

8. Cry A River

9. Weakness of Words

10. Lost, But Still Not Found

Please vote, comment on which ones best fit. Also please don't steal these names, because they took forever to come up with, and I might use them for other books.

Thank you to everyone who actually read all of that.

Word Count: 441

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