I Turn Redder Than Max (Part 11)

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When we finally got in the house, I threw my crutches down and flopped on the couch in the living room. Max was sitting on the floor playing with Macy. They were surrounded by dolls.

"How's dolly land?" I teased Max. "Are you are official babysitter now?" I asked Max.

"I wouldn't be talking, Mr. I-Got-Hit-By-A-Car." Max said. I held up my hands in defeat.

"Alright, alright, point taken." I said, still holding my hands up. Max stood up and went next to Alice, Alice kissed Max on the cheek. That resulted some gagging from me. Both Alice and Max glared at me. I didn't react.

"Kyle you wanna play dollies with me? We can go to candy candy land." Macy told me.

"Candy candy land?" I asked her, not sure if I heard right.

"Yeah!" Macy said happily. "Candy candy land." She repeated.

"I'm sorry Macy, Kyle had already taken a trip to la la land." Max told Macy, using one of those weird baby voices. "That's how he got hit by a car, while he was laying down in the middle of the road." Max told Macy.

"Hey, watch it. My foot might be broken, but my fists still aren't." I told Max.

"Try me!" Max insisted.

"Boys!" Alice shouted. We both turned and looked at Alice.

"One, if you're going to challenge someone one don't do it while I'm present. Two, yes Kyle it was a stupid idea to lay in the middle of the road-"

"So now you're taking sides with your boyfriend!" I complained.

"I'm not talking sides-"

"Keep telling yourself that." I told her.

"As I was saying-" Alice tried again.

"Yeah yeah, don't fight, learn your lesson, have to learn to get along then hold hands and sing kumbaya. We get it." I said.

"Actually, that's pretty accurate." Alice said. "Now come on, where's my circle and singing."

"I. Am. Not. Singing." I said, putting my foot down. The one that isn't broken. "There isn't one thing that will get me off this couch in one piece." I told them.


I knew that voice, and she didn't sound happy. Not at all, why did I have to get everyone mad at me now? Why not spread it out in a week on different days. One day Alice, one day Macy, one day Max, one day Minho, never mind scratch that. Minho being mad at me would be scary. Very scary. Melody too, Melody could be a very scary person.

"KYLE KYLE KYLE KYLE KYLE KYLE KYLE KYLE KYLE KYLE!!!!" She screamed again. Now I'm confused, seconds ago she sounded mad and now she's happy. Very happy. "KYLE JAMES FOREST WE WON! WE WON!" She shouted. I jumped off the couch and crashed into Melody as she came running through that door. "WE WON!" She shouted again.

"I'm scared to ask, what did we exactly win?" I asked Melody, as calm as possible.

"You know that writing thingy we entered in March?" Melody asked me.

"No." I admitted.

"Well you better remember, we had to write a short essay about what we are thankful for. We split up the work, you did half of it, I did half, and together we turned in a wonderful six page essay." Melody said.

"The one were I wrote about you and you wrote about me?" I asked, still confused.

"Yes, that one!!!" Melody shouted even louder this time.

"The one that had no chance of winning anything, yet your here shouting when you were mad at me just this morning?" I asked.

"Yes that essay! What other essay have you written?" Melody asked. None, alright, none other. "We won it! We actually won that trip!" Melody shouted happily again.

"What did we win!" I said, now alert, actually getting happy now.

"You forgot why we even entered it? We won a free trip to New York and $500!" Melody screamed.

"You're kidding." I said.

"No duh Hoodie Boy, we won the stupid writing contest and now we're going to New York to get the prize!" Melody said happily.

"Melody, I swear if this is all just a joke I'm never going to be your friend again." I told her.

"If this is a joke, then I'm have no clue it's a joke. It isn't a joke because I got the letter with two plane tickets!" Melody said happily.

"Alice I'm going to New York!" I yelled to Alice.

"And I was trying to get you to stay in the house." Alice complained.

"Well too bad, because we are going to New York to pick up five hundred dollars!" Melody said quickly and happily. Then she flopped on the couch, and I sat right next to her.


Author's Note

They get one last happy month together, might as well make it a good one. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

Sorry for shorter chapter again, I have that test this week.

Add me on Instagram @ 1daughterofposeidon

Word Count: 829

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