More Sneak Peeks

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Here are more sneak peeks to two more books.

A Bully's Story
(Published April 29, 2017 on mrnobodyseries )

"What were you thinking?" Steven yelled at me.

"I was thinking I didn't want to move to Florida." I replied coldly.

"Your mother was worried sick." Steven told me.

"She isn't even my real mother." I snapped.

"Nicky..." Steven warned.

"I hate you all." I said.

"Nicky, your mother isn't happy with you now, I wouldn't act like that." Steven tried said.

"My mother is dead." I snapped again. "My father is in jail too. I have a step mom that has re-married and I have to come with her and live with her in Florida."

"Nicky, about your father." Steven started as he pulled up in the driveway of his house.

"What ever." I said as I got out of the car and slammed the door closed before he got another word out. I kicked a stone on the driveway, hoping it would hit someone in the face.

"She's here." Cried another voice. Stupid Isaac Dager. Why couldn't I slip in my room and act like none of this ever happened. Stupid Alice Forest for ratting me out. Stupid Kyle Forest having everything so easy. Stupid me for not punching them all square hard in the face.

"Nicky!" My stepmother ran into the room. "We were worried sick! What were you thinking! How did you even end up in Michigan?" She asked me.

"Why couldn't we get her, why couldn't we meet Alice and Kyle?" Isaac asked, complaining again. Since he learned about Alice and Kyle, he wouldn't shut up about meeting them. I looked at my stepmother, and she got that faraway look in her eyes. The one she always got when she talked about Alice or Kyle

"I was such a jerk to both of them, I don't know what I was thinking when I was acting like that." She said. "Alice won't even let me pay for anything they need, I'm not sure how they're even holding up in Michigan."

"They live in a crappy house, with a crappy life and real crappy friends." I snapped before I started marching upstairs.

"You're just complaining because you don't have any friends!" Isaac called up to me.

"Isaac be nice to your step sister." His father warned him.

"Shut up!" I called to both of them.

"She isn't my step sister yet." Isaac insisted. The little stupid, jerk, runt of a boy.

"Nicky, please come down. We need to talk to you." My stepmother called to me.

"Shut up!" I yelled back.

"Respected your mother Nicky!" Steven called down to me.

"Shut up!" I yelled to him this time.

"Nicky just get here!" Jillian called to me. "Ashley and I already know and Ashley isn't taking the news too well." I marched down the stairs.

"What is so important that I can't be alone!" I shouted in Jillian's face.

"Your father is dead that's what." Jillian snapped in my face.

Running Away From Me

"Thomas, it's time for school!" Mama yelled from downstairs. I struggled to put on my left shoe from my right shoe. Or was it right from left?

"I don't want to go Mama." I complained. Footsteps started coming up the stairs. Mama poked her hair in the room. I was sitting on the floor. Toys still thrown around and my bed still not made.

"Thomas baby, you got to go to school." Mama told me.

"I don't want to though. There's too many people there and they're mean." I told her. She sat with me on the floor, in the mess of all those toys.

"Baby, when you grow up there's going to be people that are going to be mean to you, there're going to hurt you and make you cry. But baby, I'm always going to be there for you. I'm always going to stand next to you, even if the whole world wants to hurt you." She told me.

"Why?" I asked her. She laughed before responding.

"Because I'm your Mama baby, and I love you." She told me.

"What about Daddy?" Daddy said as he walked into the room. We all started laughing. He hugged us both and kissed us. "I love you more than anyone. Actually one other person loves you more Thomas."

"Who?" I asked.

"There's this King up in the clouds, he made you, and he loves you so much, and that's God." Daddy told me.

"And if we aren't here, he is." Mama told me. We all went into another family hug and then they both drove me to school.

I never saw them again.

Ok that's it, they'll be up on this account ASAP, please comment feedback and questions.

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