Troubles Come Around (Part 1)

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~Tuesday June 20, 2016~

"Bye!" Alice called as I ran through the doors of the pet shelter. No one was in the front. I frowned and went to the back room. Minho was in the doctor room. His hands running through his hair, and him looking worried.

"Minho what's wrong." I asked. He jumped and turned around, looking at me. His arms snapped to his side and he put the "tuff guy" look that he always had on.

"Nothing." He said quickly, just like if you asked a little kid if they took the candy and they said no. When they really did. I looked around the room.

"Where Bandit!" I yelled.

"You got to help me find him. I got here an hour before I usually do, because Ann asked me because she said she had to go somewhere. I opened up the back room to the back woods and I left it open for a second. When I turned around Finn wasn't here and the door was wider than I left it. I don't know what to do! If Tim and Ann find out what happened they'll kill me. I won't be able to come here-" Minho explained really quickly.

"Ok got it. We just got to find Bandit." I told him. I went to the floor calling Bandit's name over and over. Minho and I checked the rest of the shelter with no luck.

"So he really is outside. With a injured leg. This is so bad!" Minho said.

"We just have to find him." I said. We wandered into the woods, each of us calling Bandit's name. Minho surprisingly called him Bandit. "Wait. What about Thomas." I said after a while. Minho and I turned to us, our eyes alarmed.

"I'll get him and keep him busy, you keep looking." Minho said. Without another word he ran towards the shelter. Silence filled the air and I was alone.

"Bandit..." I called softly. I hurt a rustle in the bushes I wouldn't have heard if I had been calling Bandit's name over and over before. I went through the bushes. The bushes's thorns scratching my skin off and leaving small traces of blood behind. I didn't care then, because I saw little Bandit, his leg stuck in a small hole. His fur was coated in mud and he had leaves all over him. I picked him up and brushed the leaves off of him.

"Let's get you home." I told him.


Author's Note

I know this chapter doesn't even hit 500 words, but I'm pretty tired and thought it would be better to split up these next few chapters. Hope you liked it though!

Written: December 12, 2016
Word Count: 454

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