How We Met-P2

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I used to be loner at school.Its just me,myself and I.
I used to spend days wondering around the old gothic corridors-too scared even to venture into the library.Everything and everyone scared me, talking to a teacher was too embarrassing even to think about.I was alone.

But then everything changed...

We moved house.From boring old York (In the UK) to Canada,Toronto.Canada is amazing,I did school on my laptop,Lenovo-(thats the make),it was easier to text instead of talk.I understood what I was doing.I got clever, I got friends for the first time.I could be me, I started watching the avenger movies-Captain America,hulk,Iron Man,Avengers-age of Ultron and my favourite-Avengers-Civil war.I found myself.

In early 2012 I met Helen,she joined the same online school I went to.Instantly over texting and bad internet, glitchy Skype calls, we became friends-Best friends.We played Minecraft together-my user name was Avanger,Helen-Helulk.Writing avenger fanfics was a fun past time.We both loved the avengers and Minecraft.Classic gamers-ready to spend 24 gaming-no breaks,okay only 3 breaks.

It was around that time when we made our websites in class.Our teacher-Mr Davis showed us a collection of websites made by other students and himself.One of the websites-made by a former student,Amanda Feather,really intrigued me.A friend finding website-helping lost souls..called- Be You Don't Be Broken

It was asking for volunteers,befiend someone-do something good.Be a credit to society.That instantly clicked with me.So I sent a email to Amanda asking to volunteer, after waiting a day or two, she replied.

"Yes Ava you can help!I am so glad you emailed me, never in a million years would I think that someone as kind hearted as you would volunteer."

Except she didn't say that...

Sorry this email [email protected],does not exist.

From Google

Can we improve your experience?If so then can you fill in this 'short' questionnaire?And so...blAh Blah blaH...bLah

Then that was the end of me trying to find Amanda,exept the 109 times I tried to resend the email.I simply went back to writing avenger fanfics and skyping Helen.I never imaged that I would actually hear from Amanda again except if google would sent me another..

This email address really doesn't exist, please stop trying,is there anything we can do to help-if so then would you mind completing this short questionnaire?

From your Bro Google (who is really getting annoyed at you for trying to resend this a dozen times §£@**(~_~)^RR&&*%WERTTEWQ@Frfg)

It was late 2012 when she, finally (!),replied.I posted the first email in February the 16th and she replied in October the 4th.Talk about slow correspondence.Amanda was happy that I volunteered,but I had to go through a 12-month trial period.I was assigned to a young boy called [email protected] who ended up being a hater, faking the entire things it was January 2013 when I first chatted with Morgan.Of course I didn't know that she was called Morgan-her name was Morganana and I was Avenger.



Avanger:Whatcha doing

Morganana:Contemplating life over a keyboard

Avanger:Well I haven't heard that before...Its it entertaining?

Morganana:I have yet to discover...



And that was how it began...

'a little bit of happiness goes a long way'

This was a long chapter-at least longer than the other ones.Anyhoo leave Stars,✨✨),and I,maybe, will do another looooong chapter!!!

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