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(???? POV)

"General, Nedorous rises on the Angel lands tonight."

"Good. Just as he predicted."

"We are preparing for the attack. Are you to come as well?"

"No. I have my own plans to assist the battle. Tell the others I have put you in charge of leadership during this attack."

"But what of the-"

"I will not be overcome by it as easily as that little excuse will. So long as I can slip out of control before it takes hold, I will be fine."

"As you wish, general."

"I trust you won't let me down, Dayan."

Dayan summoned his shadow weapon - a long, thin sword with a diagonal point at the tip I've learned is called a Katana.

"Believe me, I won't."



I'm really, really starting to get worried about these dreams Blaza's been having.

Not even the part where I'm dying every time. I'm worried about Blaza. I can tell this is Vizor, trying to break him and control him easier, and I fear it's working. Blaza's been a lot less cheerful lately, and more scared. Afraid. Very, very jumpy.

I miss the pre-corruption Blaza. The one that wasn't traumatized to his final nerve.

I've stuck to my promise with him. I stay near him, and he stays near me. But even without the promise...

I don't think I'd want to leave him.

Every night, Blaza wakes up at random, either calling my name or screaming. The nightmares have been getting worse, I can tell. Sometimes he refuses to even try and sleep, yet falls asleep not too long later. I'm getting the feeling that Vizor's also the cause of that.

Blaza and I watched from the roof as Nedorous rose above Angel lands tonight. It's not a rare occurrence, although it only happens every other year or so. For unknown, but seemingly gravitational reasons, it travels off its main orbit and is visible from our side of the border. The red moon swathed the blueish landscape with a blood red light that gave me the chills.

I did have to be more on guard now, because of this. They call it Nedorous, Demon's Moon, because it seems to bring more power to any dark magic-related species when it rises. So, I'll have to make sure Demonkik doesn't try to take the advantage to overcome control.

And then it also effects Vizor. The reason I warned Blaza about Nedorous an hour or so before. With Vizor stronger than before, there's no telling what he'll do. Nothing's happened yet, but I knew he was just waiting for the right moment.

"I don't like this moon," Blaza said, cuddling closer to me.

I stroked the top of his head. "It's not one of my favorites, either. Come on, let's get back inside."

Blaza climbed on my back, and I glided to the ground. Unfortunately, I miscalculated my landing, and sent us tumbling as we hit the grassy earth. I fell nearly flat on my face, and Blaza caught himself before landing on top of me.

Blaza stood on his hands and knees above me. I stared back at him, and his soft blue eyes met mine. We just stared at each other for a minute, looking into each other's eyes. After a little bit I just cleared my throat and muttered,


"No, you're good," Blaza replied. He stood up, and held his hand out to help me. I took it, and stood up as well.

I didn't want to let go of his hand, but did anyways.

"I sense... a great presence over the horizon."

Angelkik's voice echoed in my head. I turned the direction he was referring to, and realized I felt it as well.

"Akik? You good?" Blaza said.

"Something's coming," I said, "Something big."

"Is there a safe way to check it out?" Blaza asked.

I simply motioned for him for climb on my back, and I flew into the wind with Blaza clinging on.

I hovered about a hundred feet in the air, higher than even the massive featherform and Silverwood trees, stretching just over half of that. At first, I saw nothing.

"Here. Allow me."

Demonkik, with his stronger influence tonight, enhanced my vision for a short minute.

But it was enough to see the battalion traveling under the cover of the undergrowth. Straight for the complex.

"Oh, zait..." I muttered.

"What is it?" Blaza questioned, squinting through the dark.

"It's the demons," I said,

"And they're coming to attack."


"The battle.

"It has begun."



I'm not writing them preparing for it and such. Let's just say, in between this chapter and the next, Akik and Blaza sounded the alarm or whatever, and the fighting force of the ORE Division met the demon battalion at the edge of the forest and then the fighting starts. I'm too lazy to think of something to write out there.

Guess who it was at the beginning for a cookie.

832 words

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