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[Five Months Later]

(Akik PoV)

The cold, late-autumn breeze cut through my thin jacket as I followed the small path through the forest. Charley trailed close behind me, for the extraterrestrial feline had hardly left my side since we arrived to Earth. The bare trees loomed and swayed above me, and brown leaves crunched beneath my feet, rustling up as my tail brushed above them. The sun above was hidden behind fluffy gray clouds that reminded me of storm clouds.

Soon I reached my destination: a large, meadow-like clearing with a swaying willow near the center. The same one Blaza and I always go to.

Sure enough, Blaza was waiting there, leaning against the willow in the middle of the clearing. His face brightened as he saw me walking towards him.

He stood up and ran across the clearing, throwing his arms around me when he got close. This was nothing new, and I really didn't mind it.

"Alright, yeah, I'm here!" I laughed. Blaza hugged me tighter, looking up at me. His blue eyes were soft with compassion.

"Alright, stop, please, I can't breathe!" I said. Blaza backed off, and his hand slipped into mine. I curled my tail around his legs, lightly as to not trip him.

"Why did you wanna meet here, again?" Blaza asked curiously.

"Just to hang out, y'know?" I shrugged.

"Alright," Blaza shrugged, "I'm fine with that."

A cold breeze rustled the clearing, and Blaza shivered. He stepped closer to me, and I wrapped my feathered wing and my arm around him. I walked him over to sit under the willow tree in the middle of the clearing. He buried himself into my wing, and soon his breathing slowed as he drifted to sleep.

I pulled his hood over his head as to keep him warm, and hugged him close to me. My tail curled around both of us, and I felt safer with him here with me.

Charley let out a small yawn, and curled up in Blaza's lap, purring as he also fell asleep. I guess everyone's tired now.

I looked up, and saw that the sun had revealed itself from where it hid behind a screen of clouds. It shone more white through the gray sky, and did little to warm the air. The clouds moved, and the sun resumed its winter hiding.

I felt Blaza's hand, and lightly curled my own around it. Blaza squeezed lightly back, and I saw him smile slightly.

Despite the cold, I also drifted to sleep, Layyng my head on the tree behind me.


Short fluffy chapter.

I did want to do a cliffhanger to leave room for a FOURTH book, but I still have all my other stories to write, plus the third book. So yeah, that's unfortunately not happening.

But yeah. I hope you enjoyed the main two books of this series :D

484 words

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