Imprisoned Anon

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It's been about a week since Meme lost his eye. He seems so distant now, and it makes me worried for him. The poor guy's been through a lot already, he doesn't deserve this. 

The crystal still spreads, however. Sometimes I notice it creeping across his face like claw ready to strike. Akik's powers are basically the only thing keeping the infection at bay, but I know that's not a long-term solution. It uses a lot of his energy, and I can tell that's taking a toll on Akik. He's always been tired lately.

Dawn's also been acting weird. She's kinda been hanging around near Meme lately, and it's kinda creepy. And "sus," as Nadwe would probably say. 

So today I wanted to talk to her about it.

I hadn't really spoken to my mother since the time with the throwing knives about week before. I guess it brought back my fears of becoming my father all over again. And yet here I am.

I wandered around Whonj-Hame for a bit before finding Dawn wandering the courtyard. I had never seen her here before - but being fair, I don't know her incredibly well.

I walked towards here quietly and waited for her to turn around. When she did, she just chuckled.

"Looks like someone's a stealthy one," she said.

"What are you trying to achieve here?" I stated.

Dawn blinked. "What?"

"I've seen you wandering around, just following Meme everywhere. What's that all about, huh?" I growled.

"Calm down, Dusk," Dawn said, "I only want what's best for you. And if that's making sure your friend is safe, so be it."

"Safe from who?" I questioned, "The only danger to him right now is any demons and the crystal infection, and Akik's got both of those covered for now."

"Akik is the problem," Dawn said, "You realize how ruthless angels can be, yes?"

I took a moment to take in what Dawn said. Is she implying that Akik was dangerous?

"Akik wants to help!" I said, "He's our friend!"

"That's what they all say," Dawn said, "They use their good reputation to their advantage, and make you bond with them before crushing you like a bug. Believe me, I know."

"Akik would never do that!" I said.

"I see you've already grown fond of him," Dawn scoffed, "Break that bond with him before something bad happens."

"Something bad?" I stated, "You know what's bad? The fact that everyone is at war because of something the demons started! No wonder we're seen as the bad guys!"

"So you DO think of yourself as a demon?" Dawn said.

"As in, the species. Do you not remember the species of your own son? I'm part demon," I explained.

Dawn smiled. "Would you follow your species if I told you to?"

"Where are you going with this?" I growled.

"I'm going to ask you a question," she replied, "One that may decide your fate from now forwards."

Of course.

"Will you help me and the demons take down the angelic forces?" She asked.

I was stunned. 

"What?" I whispered.

"Your father started the war because demons were meant to rule, for they are technically the most powerful creatures on this planet," Dawn explained, "With you by my side, we can lead them to victory and finish what Vizor started."

She's just as bad as Vizor. I thought she would be different...

I should have seen this from the start.

"No," I stated, "I will not get involved in this war!"

"No?" Dawn chuckled, "Who are you, and what have you done with my son?"

"I'm not like you and Vizor," I growled, "I won't help kill an entire species just because they are lower in power!"

Dawn scoffed. "I don't know what he saw in you. Your brother had more potential as a killer."

"Don't compare me to him!" I said, "He's dead. I'm sorry if that disappoints you, but he is!"

"Huh," she said, "I wondered where he was."

I lashed my tails angrily. "If you just want us here so you can bring us apart, we're not staying! I'm going to go get the others, and then we're leaving!"

"Oh, I don't think so," Dawn said, smirking. I growled and summoned my scythe, pointing it at Dawn. Dawn just laughed and pulled two daggers out of nowhere.

"You just told me you wouldn't kill a bunch of angels you don't even know," Dawn said, "You won't kill your own mother.

I knew she was right. I didn't want to kill her. I wanted to believe she was different from the rest of my family.

But I will do what I must.

"That's what I thought."

Suddenly, Dawn dashed around my scythe while I was distracted and put one knife around my neck, the other pointed at my head.

"Put down the scythe," she whispered, "And no blood is to be spilled."

I looked at her, still surprised at her swiftness. I just sighed, and let my scythe fade back to shadows. 

Dawn smirked. "Good, child. Now back to the dungeons you and your friends go."

Dawn snapped her fingers, and suddenly I found my self on the ground in the prison cell we arrived in. The others were there too, more perplexed than I was.

"What just happened?" TB questioned.

I sighed. "I think I just made my mom angry."

Oompa held out his hand towards me, as if trying to make a point. "See?! I said he couldn't be trusted!"

"Shut up, Oompa!" Blaza said, "It's not his fault!"

"Guys, stop bickering!" Meme said, "You're making my head hurt!"

I looked out the cell door at the empty hallway.

Something told me we were probably gonna be here a while.



Mmmmm Dawn betrayal lol bet you didn't see that coming 😏

922 words

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