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[Gore Warning]

(Blaza PoV)

Vizor was distracted by the loss of Dawn for a very short time, but it was long enough for me to break free from the vine-like tentacles holding me to the ground. I quickly stepped into the cover of darkness as to not be seen.

Silently, I crept along the edge of the shadows, towards where Vizor stood. If I knocked him out of control, maybe I could find a way to force him out of my subconscious. Can't Dusk, like, kill ghosts or something? Like he did with that other ghost when he killed Oompa? That'd be pretty useful in here.

While I was deep in my thoughts, Vizor must have noticed my absence. The demon growled in frustration before looking around the empty void, searching for where I had disappeared to.

"You can't hide forever," Vizor called out. I quickly backed deeper into the cover of darkness, attempting to breath quietly.

After a minute or two of looking around, Vizor simply growled and resumed his focus on whatever he was doing in the physical world.

This might be my chance.


(Dusk PoV)

Blizor's eyes turned to tiny hollow circles as he glared at us, his anger breaking through any and all other emotions.

Which scared me. A lot. Let's just say, I've never been very fond of my father when he gets mad.

"So," he growled. His voice sounded like it was something from the very depths of hell. "Who's ready to die?"

I growled, and stood up, flaring my wings in front of the small group of humans (plus Luci, who was recovering) behind me.

"I'm going to give you five seconds to get the hell out of here," I said, "before I decide I'm through with your existence."

Blizor just sighed, and crossed his arms. "And I thought you already were."

His knowing smirk just added to my infuriation.

I was done with this.

"Screw it."

I felt a sudden sensation in my back as four tentacles grew, waving at the corners of my vision. Blizor just chuckled.

"So I see you've finally shown your true form at your own will," he said, "If I didn't currently despise you, I'd be proud."

I shrugged. "So be it."

As we were talking, I noticed Blizor attempting to sneak one of his tentacles behind me as to stab me. I quickly summoned my scythe to my hand and brought the sharp blade down upon his tentacle. Blizor screeched in pain as it cut through, slicing his tentacle in half.

Although that must have done something beyond just cutting his tentacle off. Because for a split second, the black parts of his eyes flashed back to their normal white.

It's helping Blaza take back control.

I just need to distract Vizor long enough for Blaza to knock him out of control.

In a few seconds, I ran over my strategy in my head before saying,

"Just what do you want to achieve from this? What made you like this?"

Something flashed in Blizor's eyes. Was that... regret?

That wasn't even supposed to be a legit question, but now I'm curious.

But of course, the old Blizor came back after barely a millisecond.

"Why I am doing this is none of your concern," Blizor growled, "Now stop distracting me and just die already!"

But as he attempted to plunge his tentacle into my chest, I sent a beam of shadow that Blizor then became trapped in. He struggled to free himself, but failed miserably. One downside to possessing someone: you lose access to your own powers.

Blizor simply laughed. "You don't have the heart to kill me. You kill me, your little friend dies as well."

"Oh, believe me. I know that." I replied.

And I did know that.

But that doesn't mean I'd kill him.


(Blaza PoV)

As Vizor was distracted by Dusk, I quietly snuck up behind him. Once I was close enough, I quickly threw my arms around his neck as to attempt to cut off his airflow.

Of course, you could imagine how that turned out.

Vizor immediately threw me off, and I hit the ground with a painful thud. The demon chuckled as he brought the shadow tentacles from earlier back to wrap around me.

"Foolish human," Vizor chuckled, "You really thought it'd be that easy?"

I struggled to free myself as the tentacles squeezed me tighter. I was having trouble breathing at this point, and I choked as I attempted to.

"Maybe it's time we just finish this, right here," Vizor said. Another tentacle rose from the ground in front of him, the end aimed for my heart.

I braced myself for the impact.

But felt... nothing?

I slowly opened one eye and looked down. The tentacle had impaled me, and ran straight through my chest.

Yet I felt no pain.

How the hell am I still alive?!

Vizor stood above me, just as confused as I was.

"What the zait..." he muttered angrily. The tentacle pulled itself from my chest, leaving a bloodied hole in the tissue. I could see parts of my rib cage as well, and I wanted to throw up.

When suddenly, the hole just disappeared. The skin grew back (and somehow, so did my hoodie) over the wound, as if nothing had happened.

"What are you doing?" Vizor questioned me forcefully.

"I swear, I'm doing nothing!" I said, looking up fearfully at the angry demon. Vizor lashed his tail in frustration.

"I've seen this kind of magic. It doesn't just happen, you must be doing something!"

"I'm not!"

Don't tell him anything. I'm doing this from the shadows behind you, as long as I'm here you'll be relatively safe.

Akik's voice rang through my mind with those words. Obviously, it was the light-shadow guardian version of him that lived in my head, but even then his voice comforted me.

Vizor growled to himself, "I don't have time for this right now."

Is there anything you can do beyond this? I thought, directing it towards Guardian Akik.

Not much. Demons are one thing I can't interfere with well.

I thought that was the whole point of a spiritual guardian!

That's the mythical version, and you didn't let me finish. If you can help, we might be able to force him out of your mind.

How am I supposed to help? I'm kind of stuck, if you couldn't tell already.

Just focus your mind on the tentacles surrounding you. I'll come out when you make your escape.

Wait! What do you mean?

Of course, he already left. I sighed. Wonderful.

I looked to see that Vizor was once again occupied with whatever Dusk was doing before heeding Akik's instructions. I glanced at the black tentacles wrapped around me and focused on them.

At first, nothing happened.

Until they suddenly began to glow white.

The glowed brighter and brighter, until suddenly they disappeared. I fell to my hands and knees, then quickly got up, slightly confused as to what just happened. Vizor noticed, and turned around. He sighed.

"How many times must I imprison you?" He growled.

I shrugged. "Who even knows at this point."

I saw Guardian Akik appear at my side. He turned and smiled at me, and I smiled back.

He may not be the real Akik, but he's close enough at the moment.

"You have a guardian," Vizor said simply, "I should have guessed."

"Hey, it can be hard to tell sometimes," Akik stated.

"No matter," Vizor sighed, "I presume more blood than planned will be spilled this day."

"I'd say not," Akik replied. I could tell his calm tone was infuriating Vizor.

But as Vizor was distracted, a hazy orange figure appeared behind him, grabbed his arms, and pulled him back as hard as he could. Vizor, taken off guard, attempted to pull himself back up, but Akik and I rushed forwards help push him back. The figure formed what looked a bit like a shadowy portal behind him, and started to force Vizor into it.

Vizor hissed at us angrily. "Get off of me, you fronanzaitens!"

I only pushed him harder.

I looked up at the figure helping us, and saw that it had fully focused into view. Dusk stood there, helping to pull his father into the portal whilst keeping it open.

And then he's also projecting himself into my mind. How does he do this all at once?!

You will stop this at once.

Vizor's voice echoed through my head.

Don't listen to him. He's trying to manipulate you.

Akik argued back.

The fact that they were having in argument in my head whilst I was inside my own head was making me question reality. I just shook my head and chuckled.

My life's gotten pretty crazy since I met Akik. The real one, not the one in my head.

It went back and forth for a bit. Sometimes, Vizor pushed forwards and (nearly) got out of our grip, and sometimes he struggled to move.

But finally. FINALLY. We got him through the portal behind Dusk.


(Dusk PoV)

Vizor screeched in anger as I pulled him through the shadow portal an into the physical world. Before he could get back in, I sealed the portal and threw him to the ground while returning to my own body.

As I entered my own body, I let off the shadow beam holding Blaza and redirected it to Vizor's ghost before he had time to regain his bearings.  I lifted him into the air, and I realized I had never actually seen his ghost form.

Well, if I did before I got revived, I don't remember it.

Obviously, it did look like Vizor - it was his ghost, after all - but his pupils were bright red X's, and his head floated above his body. Where his neck should be was just empty space that glowed red.

"Sorry dad," I said, "Gotta do this. For everyone's safety."

That's when a saw something... change in his eyes. I didn't see the psychopathic, bloodthirsty demon I had known all my life.

Was that fear? Regret?

I guess he's been hiding his true emotions so deep down... he had forgotten they were there.

I shook my head. No. I won't feel sympathy for the one I've hated all my life, just as I was about to get rid of him.

"Dusk. Don't do this."

"I'm sorry."

And I truly meant it. For once in my life, I meant it.

As I crushed him into shadow, and his spirit blinked from existence. I could hear his pained screeching as he dissipated into nothing.

I just stared at the place that Vizor had disappeared. I couldn't believe it. He's finally gone.

But why do I feel so bad about it?


(Dayan PoV)

The clash of metal against metal rang throughout the large room as Akik (in his demon form) and I fought. At this point, I would have talked it out with him, for the fighting was getting pretty exhausting. But just a single glance would tell you he's not really in a forgiving mood.

Which, Demonkik was never a forgiving guy anyways. It's just more so now.

After a little bit more fighting, we both had to hover a few feet away from each other to catch our breath. I still clutched my katana as we glared at each other.

"I swear to God, I'm gonna kill you, you son of a yhenj backstabber," Demonkik growled.

"Could say the same to you," I replied, twirling the thin sword I held in my hand. "But then again, it's more Akik I'm angry at. He's just hiding behind you somewhere, afraid to fight me himself."

"Believe me, he would," Demonkik said, "I'll just have an easier time killing you."

"Is that how he feels about me now?" I said, "Could have guessed. He doesn't even wanna stay with his own species!"

"Leave Blaza and the others out of this," Demonkik growled. Although I knew it was Akik talking there. Demonkik doesn't give a crap about basically anyone.

"And why should I?" I taunted.

Demonkik snarled, and lunged back at me. I was unprepared for the sudden attack, and he knocked me against the wall. The impact knocked the breath out of me, and my katana disappeared as I let go of it. Demonkik smirked, and dropped me. I attempted to fly back up, but was still winded, and landed hard on my leg as I hit the ground. I cried out in pain as I heard a large snap on the impact.

As I was still attempting to get up, Demonkik landed a few feet away from me. He twirled one of his daggers in his claws.

"Oh, how the tables have turned, Dayan," Demonkik said, "Thought I'd never have this pleasure."

Before I could reply, Demonkik was down over top of me, the darker shadow dagger to my throat.

"Any last words?"

I coughed as the knife pressed down into my windpipe.

He shrugged. "Oh well. Guess it's time to die, then. Goodbye, old friend."

I felt the knife dig into the soft skin on my neck. Blood seeped from the wound and down onto my chest.

But when I braced for death to come over me, it didn't come.

I looked back up at Demonkik. His expression was still aggressive, but he was... shaking. His breathing was heavy, too.

He sighed.

"I can't do this," He muttered.

Akik suddenly took control, and his face went back to normal. He looked a bit shocked, confused.

I slowly moved my hand near where his stomach was.

And I summoned my katana, impaling it through his stomach.

Akik gasped slightly, and he looked down at the bloodied wound.

Before rolling limply to the side.

I immediately backed up, my katana disappearing back to shadow. Akik wasn't dead yet, but he was having trouble breathing. I looked at my former friend, in pain on the ground. Then looked at my own hands.

What have I done...


(Blaza PoV)

As soon as I dropped from Dusk's shadow beam, I immediately looked to where I had last seen Akik before blacking out. When he wasn't there, I looked around until I saw him.

I looked just in time to see Dayan's sword impale his stomach, and watched as he fell to the ground next to him.



I scrambled to my feet and rushed to where Akik lay on the ground. Dayan didn't seem to care. He just sat there, staring at his half-dead friend on the ground.

I crouched down next to Akik, feeling his pulse. He was still alive... but barely. He breathed heavily, and his eyes were squeezed closed.

"Akik! Akik, I'm here!" I said, panic edging my tone. Akik blinked his eyes open slowly, and I could see the pain he felt in his gaze.

"B-Blaza? Is that you?" He stuttered, his voice barely audible.

"Yes, it's me! I'm here for you," I replied. Tears edged my vision.

"Blaza, you know I probably won't make it out of this," Akik muttered.

"No! No, don't talk like that, you will! You'll live!" I argued.

But deep down, I was losing hope. The light in his eyes were dimming, and I could tell he struggled to keep them open. Blood was also dripping from his mouth. His heavy breathing was shaky.

"Please," I pleaded, "I love you. Don't leave me."

"I don't want to," he said, "But I may not have a choice."



No, he'll live.

No, he won't die.

He won't die so long as I can help it.

"Come here," he whispered. I curled up in front of him, not caring that my hoodie got bloody in the puddle Akik laid in. His gaze flickered, darkening ever so slightly. Akik pulled me close, and lightly kissed my forehead.

"Don't leave me, Akik."

"It's okay, love."


(Akik PoV, inside Akik's head)

I could feel myself fading as my life slowly ebbed.

Demonkik and Angelkik stood worriedly in front of me. Their forms also flickered, but less.

"What do we do?" Angelkik said, looking at Demonkik. Demonkik ceased to reply, and just continued to stare at me. Fear consumed his gaze.

"This is my fault," Demonkik muttered, "I should have just killed Dayan when I had the chance."

"Don't blame yourself, Demonkik," Angelkik assured, "It's okay to chicken out when it comes to murder, you were only listening the the part of you that knows more than just... well, demon stuff, I guess."

"Wow, that helped a lot," Demonkik said sarcastically. "But Akik's still dying, if you hadn't noticed! And if he dies, so do we!"

"You make a fair point, we need to help him," Angelkik shook his head to focus back on the situation. He looked at me, the looked at Demonkik, then sighed.

"Actually... I think either way, we won't make it through."

"You're really saying..."

"Yeah. That."

Demonkik rubbed his forehead, probably racking his brain for any other options.

"I think you're right. This is a pretty dire situation."

"We do it?"


The two spirits looked at me and walked forwards.

"What are... you guys doing?" I asked weakly.

"The only thing that'll save you right now," Angelkik said. "I'm... I'm gonna miss you."

"No... guys, you don't have to sacrifice yourselves," I said, "It's okay."

"We're not about to let you die," Angelkik said.


"Shut up, crindni, this is the last time I'm gonna be nice to you," Demonkik said. I chuckled.

Angelkik gave me a hug. "See ya on the other side, Akik."

He put his hand on my shoulder, closed his eyes, and disappeared.

I turned back to Demonkik, the red parts of his eyes glowing brightly as he sighed,

"Gonna miss you, crindni," Demonkik said. Mischief still glittered in his eyes.

I chuckled. "Yeah. You too."

Demonkik nodded, before he placed his hand on my shoulder and disappeared from sight.


(Akik PoV)

I felt a weird sensation as my skin grew back over the bloodied wound in my stomach. My strength returned as the injury disappeared.

I blinked my eyes back open, and still saw Blaza laying in front of me.

"Don't... leave..." he muttered. Tears fell from his eyes.

"Blaza, don't cry. I'm okay."

Blaza looked into my eyes, realization hitting as our gazes met.


"Let's not question it at this point," I chuckled. Blaza nodded, and helped me stand. As soon as I was up, Blaza threw his arms around me into a tight hug.

It made me feel safer.

I hugged him back, lightly kissing the top of his head and wrapping my wings around him.

I didn't want to pull away. But of course, nothing lasts forever. After a moment we backed up. I turned, and saw Dayan still on the ground. He was just staring at us, still a bit confused as to how I'm alive.

I chuckled, and held out my hand to help him up. Dayan hesitantly took it, and I hoisted him up. He had to stand on one leg and use his wings for balance, but could stand relatively on his own.

Dayan sighed. "Look. I know I just attempted to kill you and all, but I'm not sure what got over me, and I feel really bad about it, and I-"

Dayan was cut off when I threw him into a hug. Speechless, he just hesitantly hugged back.

"Good to have you back, Dayan."

"Y-you too, I guess."

I just chuckled and patted his back.

Dusk and the others were soon to come over to us, with Luci now walking on her own. Part of her being immortal was that she healed exceptionally quickly. I looked back at Dayan.

"Want me to heal your leg?"

"Please do. It hurts like hell."

In a matter of seconds, his broken leg was healed and strong. In doing so, I remembered Moon's corpse on the other side of the room. I quickly rushed over to revive her as well.

When she woke up, she did immediately freak out about Dayan (he was her killer, after all), but I explained everything to her. Moon seemed to understand, but I could tell it'd be a bit before she completely trusted Dayan again. I just prayed that it wouldn't end up like with Oompa and Dusk.

After some reunion and waiting, I saw Nyau walking into the doorway. He had a few injuries, but otherwise was unhurt.

I could tell he immediately noticed the large hole in my spacesuit where Dayan had stabbed me.

"What the hell happened to you?!" Nyau exclaimed.

I shrugged. "Long story."

Nyau turned, and saw Dayan standing there. He glared at him coldly. "And what's he doing here?"

"He's good," I said in Dayan's defense, "Don't worry about him."

Nyau looked at him suspiciously, but nodded.

"The battle is over," Nyau said, turning back to me. "It's safe to come back outside."

"Good," I said, "Not sure how much longer I'd want to stay down here anyways."

"Follow me," Nyau said. He turned and walked off. We all followed him as he traveled up the stairs.

And as we left the room, it was as if a giant weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

It was finally over.



I am so sorry for the wait on this. Really.

And I feel really frikin bad for Vizor now and I don't like that-


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