A call to action

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-A few days later-

"Is everyone clear on the plan?" Megatron rumbled, his scarlet optics gazing over the Autobots and Decepticons in front of him.

"I believe so. We will provide some sort of distraction if Starscream decides to trick us." Shockwave said, looking up at Megatron. "And what about you, Prime?" He asked, turning to Optimus.

Optimus crossed his arms across his chassis, looking at Shockwave. "I will not interfere unless needed. If Megatron wishes me to stay out of the way, then I shall. Just know that I have your back if you are in trouble." He said, placing a hand on the one-eyed mech's shoulder.

"We all thank you for that." Shockwave nodded, looking to Megatron again. "Do you think Starscream will cheat?"

"Statement: There is a 99.9% chance Starscream will cheat." Soundwave chimed in, Laserbeak cawing softly in response as she perched on his shoulder.

"I know he will, and I will not hesitate to go all out on him. My time in the Pits was not spent for nothing." Megatron grumbled, nudging Optimus and smiling lightly at him. "Be careful. I won't have my optics on you for the majority of the battle."

Optimus chuckled, rolling his optics and playfully punching Megatron's shoulder. "I'll be fine, Megatron. You need to be careful as well." He replied, smiling under his mouthplate.

"Then it is settled. Decepticons and Autobots, we fight together. You know your role in this plan, we are counting on you all. Good luck." Megatron said, glancing at Optimus to give the final word.

Optimus nodded, gesturing for everyone to start leaving. "Let's go finish this once and for all!" He shouted, earning cheers of approval from both Autobots and Decepticons alike.

-The High Desert-

-See him yet?- Optimus's voice crackled over Megatron's comn link and he rose his head, his optics narrowing as he gazed out at the golden desert.

The heatwaves rising from the sandy dunes made it quite difficult to see if anything was coming his direction, but he didn't care. He would know exactly when Starscream was coming. -Not yet, stay put until I give the signal. I want to make sure he's alone when he does show up.- Megatron replied, sighing heavily. This heat was killing him, especially since his frame was a darker color.

A few minutes later, a distant roar tore through the silence. Megatron spotted a jet flying towards him, immediately recognizing the color scheme and grinning. 'So the coward shows himself...' he thought, widening his stance slightly.

Starscream flew a bit closer before transforming in mid-air and doing a flip, landing with a thud in the sand before Megatron. His wings flicked into place as he stood up, a wide smirk on his face. "So, how does it feel to not be the leader of the Decepticons anymore?" He sneered, putting his hands on his hips.

"That is none of your concern, Starscream. I summoned you for a reason." Megatron replied, a low growl rumbling in his throat.

"Yes, Yes. I know. You want to challenge the mighty Starscream to a fight!" Starscream chuckled, his optics gleaming. He looked over Megatron's shoulder, as if expecting someone to be behind him. "Where's that pitiful excuse of a Prime? Did you tell him to stay back because you don't want him to get absolutely scrapped?" He laughed, tilting his head back.

Megatron felt anger boiling up inside of him, but he kept his composure. He took a deep breath, glaring down at Starscream. "You're avoiding the task at hand. The rules of a match. You should know them, correct? Or do I have to remind you since you can't seem to remember things for more than three seconds?"

"I wasn't a gladiator like you, Megatron." Starscream spat the name, his wings pinning down against his back. "But yes, I am aware of the rules. Melee weapons only and no outside aid from anyone." He grinned again, crossing his arms across his chassis.

"Good. Then we shall start soon enough. Show me what weapons you've brought to fight with." Megatron rumbled, getting a bit annoyed with how long this was taking.

Starscream huffed, pulling out a slender blade after a few seconds. He showed it to Megatron, rolling his optics in annoyance. "What about yours, hm? Don't tell me you brought that stupid sword and shield of yours." He growled.

"What a wonderful guesser you are." Megatron chuckled dryly, not in amusement whatsoever. He unlatched the blade and shield from his back, gripping them tightly like he did back in the gladiator arenas. "Now that we have our weapons, let's get this over with." He growled, widening his stance.

"Yes, let's do that." Starscream sneered, a wicked grin on his face as he twirled the slender blade in his hand.

Meanwhile, Optimus and the others laid in wait. They wouldn't interfere unless absolutely necessary, although they were confident in Megatron's abilities.

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