All hail Starscream!

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(It should say "We all scream AT Starscream" but it fits the chapter title XD)

-The Nemesis, Starscream's throne room-

"Starscream!" Skywarp shouted, running up to where Starscream was lounging on his throne and panting heavily.

"It's LORD Starscream, you idiot! What do you want?" Starscream snarled, sitting up straight and banging his fist on the arm of the throne.

"Sorry... 'Lord' Starscream...." Skywarp grumbled, flinching when Starscream hissed at him. "Soundwave is gone, along with Shockwave, Swindle, and Thundercracker!"

"WHAT?!" Starscream growled, leaping up and storming over to Skywarp. "What do you mean they're gone?! Why did you let Thundercracker leave?!"

Skywarp gulped and chuckled nervously. "I overheard someone talking about meeting up with Megatron. I think that's where they went. You know, Thundercracker never really liked—" he suddenly stopped talking when his throat constricted, Starscream holding him tightly around the neck.

"Thundercracker was loyal to the trine! He wouldn't just leave!" Starscream spat, tossing Skywarp to the ground.

"He admired Optimus Prime for his beliefs! He was more loyal to Megatron than he ever was to you!" Skywarp growled, his wings pinned down in anger.

"Forget him! He is nothing but a traitor, just like the others... Soundwave and Shockwave leaving was a heavy loss in itself and we can still manage without that pest Swindle... Send out a patrol to look for them and destroy them immediately!" Starscream ordered, pointing at Skywarp.

"Yes, Lord Starscream..." Skywarp muttered, darting out of the throne room and running down the hall.

Starscream growled, returning to his throne and sitting down in it. The feeling of pride and power never got old when he sat down in that throne. He tapped his fingers on the arm of the throne and sighed. "Why are they so loyal to Megatron anyway? It's not like he gave them anything in return! Plus, that stupid Optimus Prime has his head in the clouds!" He pouted, staring at the wall. "I'll get them back, even if it means killing them myself!"

-The High Desert, a few miles from the Ark-

"Okay, we're almost there. It should be just over this— whoa!" Optimus stopped mid-sentence and ducked as a jet flew dangerously close to his helm, circling back up in the sky.

"Hold your positions!" Megatron ordered, standing close to Optimus protectively. He narrowed his optics and looked to the sky, spotting a familiar black and purple jet soaring through the sky. "Skywarp...." he growled.

"Skywarp? Frag, Starscream must've sent him after me!" Thundercracker exclaimed, watching as Skywarp was joined by two other jets. "And he brought Thrust and Ramjet! We're scrapped!"

"Illogical. They do not possess the firepower to overwhelm us." Shockwave said, powering up the cannon that replaced his left arm.

"We're sittin' ducks in this desert! There's no cover!" Swindle shouted, ducking as Skywarp made another warning pass.

"Quit your whining and shoot at them!" Megatron growled, glancing at Optimus and nodding. He transformed into his other mode, which was a very powerful pistol, and landed in Optimus's hand.

As Shockwave and the others provided harassment fire, Optimus carefully aimed at one of the jets. He pulled the trigger, watching as the blast clipped Ramjet's wing and caused it to start smoking.

Thrust took a nosedive down and flew right towards them, firing multiple rounds at them before swooping back up into the air.

As soon as he returned to the high skies, the trio was quickly overrun by laser fire from the others.

"Retreat! Starscream will not be pleased with this..." Skywarp grumbled, flying away with Thrust and Ramjet into the horizon.

Optimus let go of Megatron as he transformed back into his normal mode, glancing at him. "We need to get back to the Ark before they send reinforcements."

"Save your energy. Starscream won't send a full blown force out until he's sure he can beat us. Let's go." Megatron replied, waving to the others to follow him and Optimus.

They slowly made their way back to the Ark, keeping an optic on the skies.

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