How do I relax?

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-Optimus Prime's berthroom-

"Megatron, are you alright? I haven't seen you close your optics in the past megacycle..." Optimus said, rolling over on his side to glance at Megatron.

Megatron was sitting with his back against the wall, his dull red optics staring at the floor. His entire body was tense and rigid, every joint mechanism locked up. "I don't know any more..." he muttered in a low voice, glancing at the signature fusion cannon that was attached to his right forearm.

"What do you mean?" Optimus tilted his head, concerned but curious at the same time. He tapped his fingers on his berth absentmindedly and sighed.

Megatron growled, ripping the fusion cannon from its bearings and throwing it as hard as he could at the wall. In that sudden burst of anger, he felt good. He felt alive.

But that was the old Megatron peeking through, and he wasn't about to go back on what he just promised.

Optimus looked at the broken remains of Megatron's fusion cannon that lay on his floor. That very cannon had taken the lives of many during its time of use. No wonder Megatron wanted to get rid of its bad memory.

"Megatron..." he began, but stopped mid-sentence when Megatron held up a hand.

Megatron breathed deeply, allowing the anger to dissipate before it truly erupted. He could feel it in his spark, clawing away relentlessly. It was screaming at him to do something, but he just remained seated on the floor in silence.

When Megatron finally spoke, his voice was softer than before. His exhaustion was beginning to grow more and more noticeable as time passed on. "I don't need that damn thing anymore.... You know why?" He muttered, glancing up at Optimus with narrowed optics. "Because I've changed. That thing made me a monster. I have slaughtered hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent people with it. It filled me with something that I had never felt before. It filled me with rage and suddenly, I was the one in power. Everyone feared me because of it. I'm so sick and tired of it all!" He finished, burying his head in his arms.

Optimus was speechless. He didn't know what to say. Megatron just poured his heart and soul out to him and he had no clue what to do. "I... I... understand. You don't need that cannon to show who you really are on the inside. You need to be true to yourself and believe that you can do it."

A light chuckle emitted from Megatron as he lifted his head. He had a half-grin on his face and he sighed. "Ah Prime.... preaching to me again I see..."

Optimus slid down off of the berth and sat down next to Megatron, still hesitant to lean up against him. "Sorry, it's just the way I am. Did it work?" He chuckled, stretching out his legs.

"For the most part. Are you tired? You look exhausted..." Megatron began to fret over Optimus like he often did in the past.

"You should say that for yourself, you look horrible. If you want, you can put your head in my lap." Optimus said with a wink, patting his lap lightly with his hand.

Megatron smirked and rubbed his optics. "What am I, a sparkling?"

"Would you rather recharge together on my berth?"

Megatron blushed wildly and he glanced away nervously. For Primus sake, Optimus was getting frisky with him! "I-I don't think we would both fit..." He stammered, forcing himself to calm down.

"Well, we could at least try." Optimus smiled under his faceplate, slowly standing up and gesturing to his berth. "It's more comfortable than the floor anyway."

Megatron took in a sharp breath and stood up as well, eying Optimus nervously as he climbed onto the berth. "Are you sure about this? Why don't I just—"

"Megatron, relax. Please. It's fine." Optimus soothed him, laying a hand on his shoulder.

Megatron sighed. He couldn't resist that look on Optimus's face. He laid down on his side, facing Optimus as he laid down next to him. He smirked when Optimus removed his faceplate and smiled at him.

"May I?" Optimus asked in a soft voice, moving in closer.

"Of course." Megatron mumbled, allowing Optimus to brush up against his frame and snuggle in.

Once Optimus was settled in, he kissed Megatron on the cheek and closed his optics. "Have a nice recharge..." he mumbled.

Megatron smiled and kissed Optimus on the helm lightly, wrapping his arm around Optimus's smaller frame. "You too..." he whispered back, his body relaxing as his optics closed.

They drifted off into a blissful recharge, snuggled close to each other's warm frame.

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