We'll never change...

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-The Ark-

"Um.. excuse me, Soundwave?" Optimus trotted after the silent communications officer, soon walking beside him. "Have you seen Megatron? I went to go put Starscream in the brig and now I can't find him."

Soundwave paused for a moment and looked up at Optimus, his visor gleaming. "Statement: Megatron wants time alone." He replied, continuing to walk afterwards.

"Why? Is he alright?" Optimus asked, walking after the mech again.

"Statement: Megatron feels guilty for what he did."

Optimus sighed, shaking his head slightly. He stopped following Soundwave and thanked him, turning on his heel and walking back the other way. He would give Megatron some space before confronting him, he deserved some peace.

He decided to go check on Prowl and Ironhide, who were busy with Starscream in the brig.


Megatron sighed heavily, holding his head in his hands and hunching over. How could he have let himself go just like that? At the snap of his fingers, he would be ready to kill no matter the situation. And that's what bothered him the most.

If he happened to lose it inside the Autobot base, who knows what would happen! Would he be able to be stopped? Or would he just go on a killing spree until nothing was left?

His thoughts were interrupted when Soundwave stepped into the empty room he was in, glancing around before cautiously approaching the former warlord.

"Statement: Optimus Prime worries about Megatron." Soundwave said in a hushed tone, standing a good distance away from Megatron.

"He always worries about everything..." Megatron chuckled, rubbing his optics and looking up at Soundwave. "You may sit down if you wish."

Soundwave hesitated before nodding, slowly sitting down in a chair. "Statement: Minicons wish to see Megatron." He said, leaning back in his chair. His minicons were still quite fond of Megatron although they weren't Decepticons anymore.

"Let them out, then."

Soundwave nodded, his chest compartment opening to let his minicons out. Rumble and Frenzy hopped out first, followed by Ravage, Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, and Ratbat.

"Hey there, Megatron! It's been a while since we last saw you!" Rumble chuckled, stretching his joints and grinning.

Megatron chuckled softly, glancing down when he felt Ravage rubbing against his leg. He pet the cassette between the ears, smiling slightly at the loud purring. "Yes, Yes it has been."

Laserbeak flew over to Megatron and perched on his shoulder, cawing softly. Buzzsaw and Ratbat stayed with Soundwave, glancing at Megatron from time to time.

"Why the long face? Somethin' wrong?" Frenzy asked, flinching when he was mentally scolded by Soundwave. "Hey, I was just askin'!" He whined, rubbing his head.

"It's alright, Soundwave." Megatron sighed, sitting back and allowing Ravage to hop up into his lap. He reached up and gently pet Laserbeak, his fingers gently stroking her head. "I've just got a lot of things on my mind, that's all."

"Ah, so your mind's a bit crowded." Rumble said, leaning against his brother's shoulder as he gazed up at the former warlord. "Did ya catch Starscream yet?"

Megatron nodded in response, shivering slightly when he remembered slaughtering all those Decepticons with his blade. Ravage seemed to notice this and rubbed against his chassis, purring louder.

"Awesome! Did ya show him who's boss?" Rumble continued, a curious look on his face.

"Yes..." Megatron mumbled, staring blankly at the floor.

Everyone's attention was grabbed when someone else stepped into the room. Optimus.

Frenzy and Rumble were still skittish around Optimus, so they quickly hid behind Soundwave's legs. Buzzsaw remained on Soundwave's shoulder, cawing nervously while being reassured by the mech. Ratbat hopped down into Soundwave's lap to hide, wrapping his tiny wings around himself.

"Am I... interrupting something..?" Optimus asked softly, a concerned look on his face. He went to leave when Megatron stopped him by gesturing for him to come and sit down.

"No, you aren't interrupting anything. Soundwave and I were just talking, that's all. Come sit." Megatron replied, starting to pet Ravage again when the cassette got anxious by Optimus's presence.

Optimus nodded, walking over to the two mechs and sitting down in a chair. He looked down at Frenzy and Rumble, who looked to be cowering behind Soundwave's legs.

After a quick telepathic conversation with Soundwave, the two brothers were coaxed out of hiding. They still stayed close to the communications officer, wary of Optimus.

"Are you Alright? I was worried about you." Optimus said, placing a gentle hand on Megatron's arm.

Laserbeak cawed at Optimus, but was calmed immediately by Megatron petting her head again.

"I'm fine. Soundwave told me you were worried, as always." Megatron chuckled, rolling his optics. He shifted his position when Ravage left his lap and hopped into Optimus's lap instead.

Optimus chuckled, looking down at Ravage and hesitantly petting him. "Just the way I am, Megatron. I'll never change." He sighed, smiling slightly as he gazed at Megatron.

Frenzy made a fake gagging sound, pretending he was going to purge his tanks and snickering. "Ew! Lovey dovey stuff!"

Megatron raised an optic ridge at the minicon before looking at Optimus, a smirk on his face.

Optimus grinned, knowing exactly what Megatron wanted to do. He clicked off his mouthplate, setting it down on a nearby table and leaning over to reach Megatron.

"Aw no! They're gonna— ahh!" Rumble shrieked, covering his optics and making the same gagging noise as Frenzy while snickering.

Megatron chuckled as he kissed Optimus, stroking the Prime's cheek with his hand before gently pulling away. "You'll never change. And neither will I." He said, a grin still on his face.

"And I am perfectly fine with that. As long as we have each other, everything will be alright." Optimus replied, clicking his mouthplate back on.

"Quit it with the mushy stuff, you two! Yer makin' me sick!" Frenzy giggled, flinching when Soundwave reprimanded him mentally.

"Just one more kiss." Megatron chuckled, leaning over and pressing a kiss to Optimus's helm.

"I love you, Megatron." Optimus said, scooting closer to him so he could lay his head on his shoulder.

"I love you too, Optimus."

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