In to the Night We Go

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into the night we go,

seeking the light of day,

laid under the endless mounds of work, daily stress and faults of your own.

Sleep comes to the ones who adore it and want it.

For the deep endless panic post deprived, we sit and wait for night to take a hold and grip around and drown out the thoughts that keep these seeking minds awake.

light what a daunting thing,

and yet how it's so beautiful in the shinning horizon.

Slammed by the glare of its all mighty prospective and force to see that we are small compared to the openness of what is life.

With the greatness of the first cup of coffee to start the day, and the movement of the pressing pages of life.

We go on to face every single one of the words spoken with the lips of hate, love and total disbelief.

In crested in the lines of aging skin, with the scars that are laid wide open and to deep to heal.

We aid them and help them,

with no effort they start to mend themselves.

In time we grow past the past and become numb, then waken in this new rebirth of ourselves and find that we still seek everything, love, happiness, joy, friends, and something amazing.

Then you realize I'm not broken anymore.

With that you are open to the endless possibilities to gaining what you need to keep growing and being enlightened, and take on new perspectives and the voice of something amazing.

The voice of something amazing, what powerful words those are.

To be amazing

and to feel that from someone is in all the words we seek.

To just hear the words of

"I Love you",

and know that when they are said its said with the understanding of who you are and what you stand for and how you are perceived from the one saying it.

This words are thrown around to much without the thought of what is to mean.

Please say it with the intentions of knowing me,

and understanding me,

and who I am as a person,

as your lover,

as your friend.

As the light hits your face and I wake you to join me in the light of growth

Be the one thing that makes the past seem faded and non-exciting. Be the one that makes my mind lay at ease and sleep, and dream of you. Make these words mean something again. Make me feel as much wanted as I do you.

Into the night we go, seeking the light of day.......... Me.

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