A Place to Hide and the Bribe

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Brooklyn gasped as they were nearly hit by a moving bus when they reappeared onto a street, the four of them backing away onto the safety of the sidewalk.

"What is this place?" Brooklyn asked, staring around the unfamiliar town.

"Shaftesbury Avenue, I used to go to the theater here with Mum and Dad, don't know why I thought of it, it just popped into my head, but we need to get out of these clothes, they're too target centered."

For they still wore their wedding attire. Thankfully for Brooklyn all he needed was his loincloth but Hermione was thoughtful enough to pack extra shirts and pants for Harry and Ron in her undetectable extension charm purse, that seriously reminded Brooklyn of how Mary Poppins did her bag. Perhaps she really was a witch!

After a few minutes of dressing up, the foursome slid silently into a cafe, ordering a coffee and a meal, while discussing where to hide.

"But my Clan and everybody at the wedding, I didn't feel right leaving them!" Brooklyn said in an upset voice, feeling lost and vulnerable in this strange town. Harry nodded.

"Yeah, shouldn't we go back?" Harry asked, but Hermione shook her head. "No, we'd be putting everybody in danger. I knew this was going to happen eventually, which is why I had us packed." Ron smiled. "You're a genius, Hermione," he praised.

But then Brooklyn eyed two people coming in, and narrowed his eyes when he saw one of them reaching into his pocket, instantly knowing who they were, he quickly pushed them all down.

"Duck!" He yelled, as a spell zoomed over their heads, missing the Death Eater's spell. They retaliated, shooting spells back at the two Death Eaters.

"Expulso!" Roared Brooklyn, the spell smashing the front counter, causing the first Death Eater to yelp, falling to the ground in a daze, and Hermione took care of the second with Pertrificus.

The friends panted from their near death experience, going over to see who they were.

"This one's name is Rowel," Harry said about the short one. "He was on the Astronomy Tower the night Snape killed Dumbledore."

Ron glared down at the second. "This is Dolohov, I recognize him from the wanted posters. So what should we do with them?"

Brooklyn had an idea. "I'd say we wipe their memories, that way they won't give us away."

Ron nodded, as did Harry. Hermione approached, pointing her wand. "Obliviate," she murmured, and Brooklyn watched their faces draining of emotion, as their memories were wiped.

"How did they find us?" Harry asked. Brooklyn shrugged. "I don't know, but we can't stick around here, we got to find a place to lay low. And I think I know where. Sirius."

Harry grinned at that, for Sirius hadn't been at the wedding, but volunteered to stay at his home to ensure it's security, so nobody, not even Snape could get in.

They eventually arrived, Sirius greeting them as they came in after getting past one of the security.

"Harry, Brooklyn, I hope you guys are doing okay," Sirius said, sitting them all down.

"Merely recovering from being attacked by two Death Eaters, but still kicking," Brooklyn replied. "But everybody at the wedding, are they—?" He suddenly remembered, and Sirius nodded his head.

"They're all fine, Ron's parents, your Clan, etc. both are in hiding, and Lexington, Broadway, and Bronx had returned to Hogwarts to provide security, it's just good timing for Kingsley to send that Patronus warning," he informed, causing Brooklyn to sigh in relief, along with Ron.

"How did they find us?" Harry questioned. Sirius found. "Your Trace protection broke, Harry, but I have a feeling He may have found a way to track you, which is why they've been able to find you," he muttered darkly. "But you came here for more than just hiding, did you?"

Brooklyn pulled out the fake locket from Hermione's bag. "Yes, Dumbledore assigned us the job of hunting down You-Know-Who's Horcruxes. If we can destroy them all, he will be mortal again and anyone can kill him. But this was a fake one. It came with a note signed R.A.B. Any clues?"

Sirius took the note, reading it, eyes widening with shock. "That's my stupid little brother's initials, Regulus Arcturus Black was his full name." He said.

The group stared. "What? R.A.B was your brother?" Brooklyn just couldn't believe it, why didn't he see it before? He had freaking slept in his room for Pete's sake!

"Yeah, he joined the Death Eaters when he was young," Sirius said. Then Brooklyn had another thought, that locket they found amongst the junk, it couldn't be...

"And Sirius, remember that locket we couldn't open? It's not already in the dump, isn't it? That could have been the Horcrux we were looking for!"

Sirius paled at that, the idea of being in possession of a piece of Voldemort's soul this whole time, and the possibility of his brother being the one to steal it...

"Come, we can check if it's still there," he suggested. The group nodded, following Sirius into Regulus's room, where they dug through every drawer, used each kind of magic finding spell, but nothing.

The five of them sat in the kitchen a few minutes later, looking disappointed that they didn't find it.

Ron spoke up. "Where'd you suppose Regulus could've taken the locket if it wasn't here?"

Sirius shrugged. "I wouldn't even know, can't talk to Regulus, the stupid git got himself killed by Voldemort a few years ago. But I think somebody else close to my brother might know, KREACHER!" He yelled, and the House self apparated before them, frowning, but bowed deeply. Brooklyn still felt a great dislike towards Kreacher for tricking them about Sirius.

"Master Sirius calls on Kreacher, what does he require?" He asked in a simpering tone. Sirius glared at the house elf.

"Stop that bowing and tell us, with no lying! Do you know anything of a locket with the letter S on it? Was it here somewhere?"

Kreacher whimpered, but answered. "He came in the night yesterday, he took many priceless treasures from my mistress, including the locket, I couldn't stop him... failed Master Regulus... told me to keep locket safe..."

Brooklyn growled. "Well? Who was it?" He demanded. Kreacher looked at Brooklyn with a hateful stare. "Gargoyle freak tells Kreacher what to do... but Kreacher doesn't take orders from freaks..."

"Don't call my brother a freak!" Snapped Harry, as Sirius looked murderous. "Just tell us!"

"Mundungus Fletcher, he took the locket..."

All of them were furious, especially Brooklyn. That no good Dung had the gall to break into Sirius's home and take his stuff, huh?

Before Sirius sent Kreacher to find Mundungus, he had the house elf tell them of how Regulus got the locket, having Kreacher drink the potion, take the Horcrux, and Regulus had been pulled into the water by the Inferi. Brooklyn just couldn't believe how much Sirius's brother had gone through to stop Voldemort.

Kreacher cried softly. "Kreacher couldn't save Master from undead, and now Kreacher loses locket..."

Sirius knelt down next to Kreacher. "You can make up for it by finding Mundungus for us. Kreacher. And then it will be up to Harry and the others to destroy it. Think of it as the avenging of my brother, your friend. Now go," he said.

Kreacher was startled by this act of sympathy from the one who hated him, but his eyes shone happily for the first time. "Kreacher will not fail Regulus twice, he will bring Mundungus back for you," he said tearfully, before Apparating away.

The next few months right into September soared by with no word from Kreacher. Brooklyn, Harry, and their friends rested and laid out plans on where they would go next on their journey once Kreacher returned. Hermione had once told them of how she modified her parent's memories, and sent them into hiding. Brooklyn felt sorry that she had to do this to her parents, but knew it was for their own good, only until the war was over.

Lupin visited them with news, and not such great news: Harry was now Undesirable #1 with a galleon price on his head, and Brooklyn is also being hunted by the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures to be either brought to Voldemort or executed if found with Harry. But Brooklyn wasn't afraid of this, though. No amount of fear will stop him from accomplishing his mission to destroy Voldemort.

Fortunately, though, his Clan, Elisa, and Xanatos were still safe for the moment.

But some good news sparked the group: Tonks was going to have a baby, and they all congratulated him.

"Who's Minister now, Lupin?" Brooklyn asked while they ate lunch together. Lupin drank his butterbeer before answering.

"His name is Pius Thickness, but he is under the Imperius Curse and playing as You-Know-Who's Puppet. And more good news: the Ministry is on the search for supposedly so-called Muggleborns, accusing them of stealing magic, and Tabooing You-Know-Who's name." Lupin informed gravely.

They were all outraged. "How can you bloody steal magic?" Said Sirius in fury. "This is wrong!"

Hermione shook her head. "They wouldn't let this happen, they wouldn't!"

"But it is," Lupin said.

Ron gazed at Hermione with worry. "What if pure bloods and half bloods swear a Muggle born as part of their family? I'll tell everybody Hermione's my cousin—."

Hermione took Ron's hand, squeezing it. "Thank you, Ron, but I couldn't—."

"You won't have a choice, I'll teach you my family tree so you can answer the questions right," said Ron fiercely. And Brooklyn smiled, happy to see such devotion between them especially after last year with the 'love triangle'.

"Well, Ron, it probably wouldn't really be needed since the four of us are on the run with my brother, but Lupin, what is You-Know-Who's plans for Hogwarts?" He asked.

"Attendance is now compulsory for every young witch and wizard," he replied.

"That was announced yesterday. It's a change, because it was never obligatory before. Of course, nearly every witch and wizard in Britain has been educated at Hogwarts, but their parents had the right to teach them at home or send them abroad if they preferred. This way, Voldemort will have the whole Wizarding population under his eye from a young age. And it's also another way of weeding out Muggle-borns, because students must be given Blood Status – meaning that they have proven to the Ministry that they are of Wizard descent – before they are allowed to attend."

The gargoyle felt disbelief flowing through his veins, this was just-just-disgusting! Dumbledore insured that it wouldn't matter what blood status you were to get in! He felt pity for those young spirits looking forward to going to Hogwarts, only for their hopes and dreams to be dashed. Lupin nodded in agreement from Brooklyn's expression, as well as Sirius's reddened face.

"No... this isn't the Hogwarts I knew, the old Ministry wouldn't let this happen..." Sirius said in a saddened tone, face color going back to normal.

Lupin turned to Harry. "So, I'd understand that Dumbledore acquired you and Brooklyn a mission?" He asked. The brothers glanced at one another warily, not wishing to say any of it to anybody else, with the exception of Sirius. But they guessed it couldn't hurt...

Brooklyn nodded. "Yeah, he did. Ron and Hermione are coming, but we can't give any big details, sorry," he apologized.

"I understand when you can't confirm this, you two, but, maybe I could be of help? You know what I am and what I can do. I can offer protection. You don't need to tell me what you're up too," he offered.

The gargoyle was quite surprised, that Lupin was willing to go on the run with them.

"But, what about Tonks? And your child?" He asked. Lupin frowned. "They're staying with her parents, they will be safe there. So, will you accept my offer? Will four become five?" Brooklyn felt uncomfortable, it was so tempting.

Sirius stood sharply, answering for them. "Just say this one more time, Remus. You're willing to ditch your family and run away with my godson and his brother? Why? It isn't because of your werewolf blood, isn't it?!"

Lupin flinched from his friend's words. "I - I made a grave mistake in marrying Tonks," he admitted. All Sirius did was frown. "Remus, your freaking stupid! Tonks was the best thing that had happened to you, and all you want to do is run? This isn't how fatherhood works, or how you treat your wife!"

"But she's better off without me!" Roared Lupin back, standing up fiercely, showing the shadow of the wolf on his features. Rolling his eyes, Brooklyn dragged Lupin off to the side to talk privately.

"Now listen to me, Remus Lupin. I should know from experience that you never never abandon family! Even though I feel I need to be with my own flesh and blood Clan, Harry's also my family, and I wouldn't let him continue Dumbledore's mission alone, since I was there with them. I'm ordering you right now, go home to your family, and protect them! Your offspring needs you!" The gargoyle snapped, poking his talon at Lupin's chest, but not so hard.

Lupin now had tears in his eyes. "Brook, I-I didn't know, I didn't know what I was thinking..." he stuttered. Brooklyn felt his face soften, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"It's alright, people make mistakes, it's what makes people like you great, because we learn from our mistakes. You're more human than wolf, Remus. Just go protect them, you'll be doing your part to help us by doing that." He said in a soft voice.

Lupin then nodded. "Okay, I'll go home to them, I just get worried every full moon, that I'll go out of control."

Brooklyn smiled. "Nobody knows what will happen, but just don't disappoint the love of your life by leaving her behind. She won't regret marrying you, I'm sure of it. Come on."

The two came back out, Lupin said his goodbyes and good lucks to Brooklyn and the others as he left.

On the third week of September when the gang grew worried about Kreacher, praying he was alright, clattering noises came from the kitchen.

"Ack! Get off o me yeh pests! Let me go!"

They all ran into the kitchen, coming across a humorous sight: Mundungus struggling to defend himself while Kreacher hit him with a frying pan, and even Dobby was there, clinging onto his leg.

"Okay, Kreacher, enough with the frying pan," ordered Sirius, though there was a grin on his face. Kreacher lifted it up. "One more, Master?" He begged, but Harry shook his head.

"No, you've done enough. Good job, Kreacher."

Dobby let Mundungus go, going over to hug Brooklyn. "Master Brooklyn and Harry! Such a joy it is! Dobby saw Kreacher in Diagon Alley which Dobby thought was curious, and then Dobby heard Kreacher mention Harry Potter's name!"

Brooklyn chuckled after Dobby hugged him. "Heh, it's good to see you again too, Dobby. And please, just call me Brooklyn."

Dobby nodded in understanding, smiling. The group then circled Dung, who cowered.

"L-look, I panicked, alright? Could I help it if Mad-Eye fell of his broom? And what was the big idea, settin' a pair of two bleedin' house elves after me?" Sirius wouldn't take it from him, grabbing his collar, while Brooklyn's eyes glowed fiercely for intimidation.

"I want none of your bull, you piece of filth!" Hissed Brooklyn dangerously, wings opened. Sirius nodded.

"Now tell us Dung, did you break in and take anything? Where's the locket?" He demanded, shaking Dung harshly by his collar.

"Why? Is it valuable?"

Hermione gasped. "You still got it then?"

"No, he's still thinking he should've asked more for it!" Ron snapped.

"I didn't get any chance... bleedin' given it away, didn't I? No choice."

"What do you mean?" Demanded Brooklyn.

"I was selling in Diagon Alley and she come up to me and asks if I've got a license for trading in magical artifacts. Bleedin' snoop. She was gonna fine me, but she took a fancy to the locket an' told me she'd take it and let me off that time, and to fink meself lucky!"

"Who was this woman?" Harry asked.

"I dunno, some ministry hag," Mundungus muttered, before his face wrinkled in disgust as he remembered something else.

"Little woman, bow on top of her head, looked like a toad, she did."

The brothers turned to look at one another with ghostly looks of horror and shock. Dolores Umbridge had the Horcrux. This was going to be a lot more difficult than they thought.

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