Animagus Training and Exams

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A month had passed since the Quidditch finals as Sirius began to train Harry into becoming an Animagus. Brooklyn did his part of planning the best times to bring him out, while still being able to return to classes or bed, for Sirius had told them how difficult it was to become an Animagus, probably even more difficult than what Harry first anticipated.

Now they were doing the first lesson: imagining what animal or other creature Harry would turn into, since because his father had been able to transform into a stag after taking a complicated potion, all Harry had to do was vision his animal form, and then the Animagus magic in his blood would do the rest in the next few months, unless whatever he was feeling would bring out his animal form faster with his emiotions.

Brooklyn himself was excited. The idea of his brother turning into an animal sounded cool. He hoped it was one that could fly, so they can fly together!

"Okay, Harry, close your eyes. What kind of animal do you see yourself as?" Sirius asked, as they stood in front of the Whomping Willow.

Harry shut his eyes, seeing a vision almost immediately. A strange creature appeared before him. It had wings, golden/red skin, taloned hands, long silver hair, and almost looked like Brooklyn. He felt nerves rising. This sent shivers down his spine. It couldn't be, could it?

He gasped, opening his eyes, to see Sirius and Brooklyn watching him.

"What did you see?" Brooklyn asked in anticipation. Harry looked back and forth between them, confused.

"I-I don't know. This creature was strange, but familiar. It-it almost looked like you, Brooklyn!"

Brooklyn and Sirius both had no words for a moment. Was it possible for an Animagus to transform into a gargoyle?

"Now this is... interesting. I haven't heard of any wizard being able to transform into a gargoyle before. But whatever the cause of this is, we will help you be able to cope with this gargoyle form, with Brooklyn's help, of course," Sirius then said, along with Brooklyn nodding. He could teach Harry the ropes of being a gargoyle, with the exception of turning into stone, of course!

Harry's nervous face then turned into excitement. To be able to be a gargoyle alongside his brother, sounded like a dream come true for him! He sometimes had dreams of gliding alongside Brooklyn at night, but couldn't see his own body.

Before the exams week, Harry spent most of the month of May struggling to transform, which proved difficult. Once or twice, he thought his skin turned a bit red (or gold), and his black hair turning silver, but then it always went back to normal. He wanted to transform so badly he got a little impatient in the next couple days.

"You have to be patient, Harry, there can be pretty nasty side effects if you're—."

"I know, Sirius! But I just want to be a gargoyle like my brother!"

Brooklyn then took Harry to the side. "It was like this with me when learning the Patronus, Harry. I could barely get a puff out. You will get it, just have faith." Harry looked a little disappointed, but at his brother's words, he gave a little smile.


It was now June, the month of exams, finding the four friends sitting in the common room, when Brooklyn noticed her schedule again, and the times puzzled him:


9:00, Arthimicy

9:00, Transfiguration


1:00, Charms

1:00, Ancient Runes

Ron looked at this, too, almost as puzzled as Brooklyn. "Er—are you sure they copied down your times right?"

"What?" Hermione had snapped, examining her schedule. "Of course I have!" Brooklyn now wondered what she had been doing without telling them. How on earth was she going to sit for two exams at once?

He was interrupted from his thoughts by a rattling at the window: it was Hedwig with a letter from Hagrid about Buckbeak's appeal, along with bringing an executioner, as though they already decided on killing the Hippogriff today! Both Brooklyn and Ron got into a rant about it.

During the exams he couldn't watch Harry do, Brooklyn had been practicing the Patronus once again with Sirius, still not finding that strong enough happy memory except thinking about Harry, still getting that somewhat strong silver light. He felt like he had no hope of going up against a squad of Dementors with this feeble Patronus, even with Sirius's reassurances that he will get it. This just didn't feel like his most popular spell.

After his lesson, he dropped by the Care of Magical Creatures exam, where Hagrid had the most disgusting looking worm creatures he had seen called Flobberworms. He had lost his confidence in creatures ever since his first lesson, making the gargoyle feel sorry for the Half-Giant.

Brooklyn joined his friends for the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam, where after some Red Caps and Hinkypunks, they at last faced the Boggart. Hermione had her turn and went into the wardrobe.

She suddenly burst out, screaming, startling Brooklyn and Lupin both at seeing her crying.

"Hermione! What's the matter?" Lupin asked in shock.

"P-Professor McGonagall! Sh-she said I failed everything!"

It took quite a while to calm Hermione down, with Brooklyn trying to tell her it was nothing but a stupid Boggart messing with her, until a t last she smiled weakly, somewhat reassured.

When they left, the group was met by Cornelius Fudge, who had arrived.

"Oh, hello, Brooklyn! How nice to see you again! And Harry, my boy! Finished your exams, I expect?"

Harry nodded, and Brooklyn smiled slightly at the Minister, though deep down he wanted to tell him off and Lucius that Buckbeak wasn't dangerous at all!

Soon, two other people came, one was a feeble old wizard, the other more dominant looking, wearing black robes, a cold looking face, and even carrying an axe on him! The executioner eyed Brooklyn with a steely gaze that reminded him of Lucius Malfoy, already hating this man. The one who was going to kill Buckbeak.

Eventually, Hermione went to her final exam, Muggle Studies, while Brooklyn accompanied Harry and Ron to Divination, which he decided was his least favorite class he had ever witnessed: almost everything she does was phony, and if she tries once again to nag him about being a Seer, he was gonna jump into the Black Lake!

He waited impatiently after Ron left when his time with the woman was over, who seemed to be taking forever on Harry's turn.

But then Harry burst out, his eyes wide in slight fear and confusion.

"What's wrong? What did she do with you?" Brooklyn demanded.

"I-I'll tell you later with the others, she just said weird stuff to me up there!" Harry gasped, as he grabbed Brooklyn's arm and pulled the gargoyle into a run with him to the Gryffindor Tower, where Hermione and Ron were sitting, reading a letter with terrible looks on their faces.

Before Harry could say what happened with Trelawney, however, Ron handed him the letter, and Brooklyn immediately knew: Buckbeak lost the final appeal.

Hands shaking, he took the letter and read for himself, seeing that Hagrid's handwriting was so shaky he could hardly read it.

Lost appeal. Going to execute at sunset. Please don't come down, I don't want you to see it. And Brooklyn, thank yeh fer being a good friend to Buckbeak when this all started. He really liked yeh.


Brooklyn felt angry hot tears coming down, as he dropped the letter to the floor. The unjustness of it made his blood boil. Why must life be so darned unfair? Why?

He almost didn't hear Harry say they've got to be there. Why? Seeing a Hippogriff's head getting chopped didn't sound fun to him after everything they tried to do. But reluctantly the gargoyle followed his friends to Hagrid's hut, wearing the invisibility cloak. Despite feeling angry about Buckbeak's execution, Brooklyn wondered how the cloak was still able to cover them all.

Hagrid let them in, offering tea, though his face bore signs of crying. Brooklyn spotted his feathered friend sitting outside, the wind rustling his wings.

"I-I took him outside," Hagrid said, accidentally spilling milk all over the table. "Tethered to the pumpkin patch. Thought he'd see the trees, an' smell the fresh air before-before—."

His hand trembled so much he dropped the milk jug. Brooklyn offered to clean while Hermione went to pull out a new one.

"Isn't there anything anyone can do, Hagrid?" Brooklyn asked, while cleaning. "What about Dumbledore? He's trying to help me get home, why can't he help you?"

Hagrid watched him tearfully. "He tried. He's got no power ter overthrow the committee. Lucius threatened them, I'd expect. And yer case is different, Brook. Yeh don' have yer life hangin' by a thread, a whole group of people decidin' yer dangerous from one small act. Heck, yeh even got off from openin' the Chamber and throwin' me in Azkaban-sorry!" He quickly apologized.

For Brooklyn had gripped his sponge in anger when Hagrid mentioned that little moment, shutting his eyes, his body tensing all over. This always happened now whenever anybody mentions it, despite somewhat getting over it, he will never forget it. That will be on his list next to Demona.

"But anyway, Dumbledore says he'll be there fer me, when it happens. Great man, Dumbledore..."

Hermione had started sniffling, as she set the jug down and went about to make tea. But when she was about to pour the milk, she shrieked out loud.

"Ron! I—I don't believe it! It's Scabbers!"

Just hearing that, Brooklyn and Harry both looked at each other, knowing secret angry looks on their faces. It wasn't Scabbers. It was Peter, and here's their chance to eventually prove it once their back at the castle. Sirius would hopefully and finally be cleared once and for all!

Scabbers looked even worse the last time Brooklyn saw the dirty rat, nearly bald, eyes popping as he squeaked frantically, especially at the sight of Brooklyn, who's heart was burning at the traitorous Animagus. He so wanted to kill right now, but it wasn't the right time, not yet.

Hagrid suddenly stood up, his eyes fixed on the window, his face going the color of parchment. The committee had arrived.

"Yeh gotta go," said Hagrid. Every inch of him was trembling. "They mustn't find yeh here... Go now..."

Ron stuffed Scabbers into his pocket and Hermione picked up the cloak.

Hagrid guided them out to the back, where they won't be seen. Brooklyn spotted Buckbeak pawing the ground nervously, and, to Hagrid's protest, went over.

He stroked the Hippogriff one last time to calm him, feeling the tears once more. "I-it will be okay, Buckbeak. You've really been a good hippogriff..." Brooklyn couldn't keep going, a small smiffle escaping him, as Buckbeak crooned sadly, nuzzling his shoulder. The gargoyle didn't want to leave, even with Hagrid pulling him gently away.

"Go on, get goin'." He whispered to the four of them, but they did move, Brooklyn wanting to get back to Buckbeak more than ever.

"Hagrid, we can't—."

"We'll tell them what really happened!"

"They can't kill him!"

"Jus' go! It's bad enough' without you lot in trouble an' all!" Hagrid cried. They then went under the invisibility cloak, sneaking away, Brooklyn's heart wrenching as he heard Buckbeak calling for him.

They reached the top of the hill, and Ron suddenly stopped.

"Ron? What are you doing?" Brooklyn exclaimed, wanting to get away more than ever now, but Ron was struggling.

"It's Scabbers! He won't stay put!" He grunted, trying to keep the rat in his pocket, who was squealing his head off.

They watched the group below talking in low voices. Then, there was a swish, and the sickening thud of an axe. Brooklyn's vision swam before him. The deed had been done: Buckbeak was dead.

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