Baby Dragon and Getting in Trouble

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Hermione returned to Hogwarts after term had started up again, and Harry informed them about not being able to find Nicholas Flamel in the restricted section. He told Brooklyn later of his adventures before the Mirror came up about using his Cloak to sneak in. Brooklyn was in complete shock at this.

"You broke into the Restricted Section?" He exclaimed, fury in his voice. They were in the Gryffindor Common Room, sitting near the fire. Harry looked down sheepishly. "It was worth a try, wasn't it? And what was I supposed to do? Walk up to Madam Pince and ask her about Nicholas Flamel? You know she wouldn't let me in there unless it was important! And she's incredibly suspicious and paranoid!"

Brooklyn gave an exasperated sigh. "Harry, never do anything that dangerous without me there to protect you. You would have been expelled!"

Before Harry could say anything else, the portrait hole opened, and Brooklyn saw Neville hopping in, literally, because his legs were cemented together. His brow raised. What happened?

Neville managed to get himself in before he slipped and fell, resulting in the other Gryffindors to start laughing. Not amused, Brooklyn immediately recognized the leg locker curse as he stepped forward, pulling out his wand.

"Finite," he said, causing Neville's legs to split apart. He helped him to his feet.

"Th-thank you," Neville stammered, casting grateful eyes onto Brooklyn.

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"Malfoy happened. He cornered me at the library. Said he was looking for somebody to practice it on."

Brooklyn growled. Every time Malfoy was involved....

"Go to McGonagall! Report him!" Hermione encouraged. Neville shook his head. "I don't want more trouble," he mumbled.

Brooklyn wondered why reporting to somebody about their troubles was a bad thing. He approached Neville, who was looking miserable.

"I don't even know why the Sorting Hat even put me here. The rest of you are braver than me!"

"You do have it in you, Neville. It just takes time for it to come. That's how it was with me when Goliath made me second in command. I just needed a confidence booster," Brooklyn assured him, remembering the day he had to lead the Clan while Goliath was in Avalon.

Harry gave Neville a Chocolate Frog. "You're worth twelve of Malfoy, Neville. It chose you for a reason. And where's Malfoy? In stinking Slytherin!"

The gargoyle smiled at Harry's words. He knew how to cheer others up.

Neville gave a small smile as he unwrapped the frog. "Thanks, Harry and Brooklyn. I think I'll go to bed. You want the card? You collect them, right?"

Harry took the card and looked at it.

"Dumbledore again. He was the first one I ever—" he paused in mid sentence. Brooklyn saw that he had a surprised look on his face. "What's up?" He asked curiously, walking over.

"I found him, Flamel!" Harry exclaimed, holding out his card excitedly. Ron, Hermione and Brooklyn all looked over to read it.

Hermione's eyes brightened after she read the card. Brooklyn stared at her. "You okay?" He asked in confusion. Brooklyn had never seen her this excited before.

"Wait here!" She rushed up to the girl's dormitory, and came down in just two minutes with a huge book.

"I never thought to look in here! I checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading!" Brooklyn rolled his eyes. If that was light reading, he was a mouse!

She ruffled through the pages until she found what she was looking for.

"I knew it!" She exclaimed. Brooklyn chuckled at the grumpy look on Ron's face. "Are we allowed to speak yet?"

"Just be patient," Brooklyn answered back.

"Nicholas Flamel was the only known maker of the Sorcerer's Stone!" Hermione whispered dramatically. Brooklyn's eyes went round with interest and disbelief.

"The what?" He, Harry, and Ron all asked at the same time. Hermione glared.

"Honestly, don't you three read?" She then continued to read, with the others glancing over her shoulder.

Apparently, from what Brooklyn learned, this supposed magic stone had the ability to transform any metal into gold, and make it's owner live forever.

Now that's something that Demona would be interested in, if she wasn't already immortal, Brooklyn had thought, narrowing his eyes in distaste. He himself never had the desire to live forever. Even if she didn't get it, the old Xanatos probably would have.

"Now how does one get past Fluffy?" Hermione had asked, snapping the red gargoyle out of his thoughts.

"That three headed brute? Why?" He asked, astonished that anybody would want to do something that crazy.

"Because Dumbledore probably hid the stone underneath it?" Hermione answered in a sort of snarky tone. Brooklyn winced, realization hitting him hard. Oh great. I hoped to never see that thing again!

Ron then stood up. "If we want to find out, we'd better proceed to Hermione's second home."

Hermione looked pretty affronted at what he said about the library, but chose to ignore it. "Well, we've got exams to study for, anyway." She said, slamming the book shut. The foursome then made their way to the library together.

Brooklyn did his best to help his friends, but nothing much came up, already feeling bored out of his mind.

This is why I never wanted to learn to read! He thought huffily after tossing another book aside, hitting another dead end.

Then he heard familiar heavy footsteps and to Brooklyn's surprise, Hagrid was there!

"Hagrid?" He jumped at the gargoyle's voice.

"What are you doing here?" Harry questioned, also surprised.

"Oh, it's yeh four. Studyin'?" He asked in a nervous voice.

Brooklyn shrugged. "You can say that." A fat lot of help I am, though. "But what have you been doing?" He asked suspiciously.

"Uh, jus' lookin'. Yeh all still not looking fer Flamel, are yeh?" Hagrid suddenly countered, eyes wide with surprise.

Ron grinned. "Oh, we've found that out ages ago! And we know what that dog is guarding, the Sorc-"

"SHHH!" Hagrid hissed. Don' go shoutin' abou' it! I'll answer yer questions tonigh, jus' don' blurt it out fer everybody to hear!" Hagrid then left quite quickly.

Brooklyn thought that was strange. Why was he even in the library? "I wonder what he was even looking for?" He wondered.

"I'm going to see what section he's in," Ron announced, making his way to the aisle Hagrid was in. Brooklyn frowned a little. He thought that Ron can be sometimes a little too nosy.

Ron came back out, his face filled with astonishment. "He was looking up dragons!" He exclaimed.

Brooklyn's mouth was open. Is he really serious? Dragons?

"But I thought dragons were illegal to own!" Hermione said in a worried voice.

"Not according to Hagrid," Harry muttered, who had pulled out some dragon books.

Brooklyn had no choice but to find out what Hagrid had up his sleeve later that evening as he went with his human friends to Hagrid's hut. They all knocked on the door and Hagrid answered.

"Come in," he whispered. Hagrid's boar hound, Fang, barked and tried to greet then all at once. Brooklyn walked inside, suddenly hit with extreme heat from the indoors. He panted from the heat.

"Please, can you open a window?" He grumbled, wiping sweat off his forehead. Hagrid shook his head.

"Sorry, Brook. Have to keep the right temperature." He apologized. Narrowing his eyes, Brooklyn found a seat near the window, hoping that some cold air was leaking through.

"Did you want to ask me somethin'?" Hagrid asked them.

"We've been wondering about Fluffy, and how to get past him," Harry countered. And what else guards that Stone."

Hagrid frowned.

"No, I can'. I don' even know myself! And I don' even know how yeh found out about Fluffy!"

Brooklyn suddenly felt rather awkward. He didn't feel like telling Hagrid that Fluffy almost ripped him to pieces that night. Hermione came to the rescue.

"Come on, Hagrid! We just want to know who Dumbledore would trust to protect the Stone, other than you, of course!"

Brooklyn smiled at Hermione. She really did know what to do at times like this! Hagrid looked like he was going to melt from her words.

"Guess there's no harm in tellin yeh. Some o the other teachers put in their own little protection securities to help. McGonagall did one, Flitwick, oh, an Snape helped Dumbledore with a little trick!"

"Snape?" Ron cried out in disbelief.

No surprise, really. Why would Snape want this stupid stone, anyway? Brooklyn thought, rolling his eyes at Ron's reaction.

"Yeh not still on abou' him, aren't yeh? He's protectin' the Stone, not to steal it!"

Brooklyn came to Hagrid's defense, deciding now was the time to tell the others about his encounter.

"I don't suspect Snape, either. He helped me the month before Christmas. I was in trouble from Flint while I was, you know, and Snape stopped them from doing who knows what to me. Why would he help me at all?"

Ron's brow furrowed. "Perhaps he was trying to keep you off his scent so you wouldn't suspect him! And why weren't you able to tell us before?"

Brooklyn glared back, slamming his fist on the table. He didn't feel ashamed one bit. "That's because I knew you would react that way! Why do you always suspect people when they haven't done anything wrong yet?!" He growled, eyes suddenly glowing. Hagrid gazed back and forth at them.

"Now, now, easy yeh two. Don't go blowin' yer tops off at each other," he said in a stern tone.

The gargoyle felt his anger subside. "Sorry," he muttered, turning away. Ron didn't answer back, but looked rather guilty of his own anger.

Hagrid then turned to tend to the fire. Brooklyn spotted a round black thing sitting there in the pot. No way, it can't be! He thought in dread, realizing now what it was.

"Hagrid, what is that?" Harry questioned.

"That? Well—er—." Hagrid muttered.

Ron's eyes went round. "I know what that is! But Hagrid, how did you even get one?"

"I won it! From a stranger I met at a pub. Seemed quite glad to be rid o it, actually..."

He picked up the egg with his gloved hands, placing it on the table. Brooklyn tensed at the sight of it. The last time he saw an egg like that, was in the rookery at Wyvern. It would appear that dragon eggs and gargoyle eggs were almost about the same size!

They all sat around the egg, watching as it wriggled and cracked. Brooklyn gripped the edge of the table with his talons, eyes widening in anticipation as the shell suddenly split, and cracked open, sending pieces flying everywhere.

What came out of the egg, a small black baby dragon. It wriggled out of it's protective egg shell and let out a small squeak, spreading it's big wingspan.

Brooklyn let out a breath that he didn't realize he was holding. This was the first dragon he had ever laid eyes on! And it was incredible! It staggered around on the table, continuing it's shrill chirping.

Ron simply stared. "That's a Norwegian Ridgeback! Charlie works with these in Romania! It's supposed to be very fierce!"

Hagrid was smiling down at the newborn, which suddenly noticed him.

"Aw, bless 'im! 'E knows his mummy!" He cooed, tickling the baby.

Apparently, he's lost his marbles, Brooklyn thought for himself, looking at Hagrid weirdly.

"Hello, Norbert!"

"Norbert, really?" Brooklyn questioned, wondering even more if Hagrid still had his sanity.

"He's got to have a name, doesn't he?"

But Brooklyn was more concerned about Hagrid's wellbeing, considering what kind of house he was living in.

"You do realize you live in a wooden house?"

Hagrid was too distracted by the newborn to notice Brooklyn's concern.

Groaning, Brooklyn decided to look out the window, knowing Hagrid will be in trouble with this dragon sooner or later. But suddenly, he spotted somebody looking in. And he knew who it was. And he was running back to the castle. Malfoy!

"What's wrong?" Harry asked his friend. He turned to them all, eyes narrowed.

"It would seem that a certain ferrety boy had spotted the dragon," he growled, glaring at Hagrid, who looked pale.

"Oh dear."

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Brooklyn all managed to get back to the castle without anybody noticing them.

"Hagrid always wanted a dragon. He told me while we were in Diagon Alley," Harry told Brooklyn, who was mad at Malfoy for sneaking on them, and even more mad at Hagrid that got himself in trouble in the first place.

"I'm gonna get my hands on the brat if he tells on somebody," he growled in a serious voice.

But then Ron stopped dead, his face looking terrified. "I-I'm afraid he already did, Brooklyn!"

The gargoyle turned to find himself face to face with McGonagall, and Malfoy. McGonagall looked really displeased.

I have a bad feeling about this, Brooklyn thought with dread, knowing they were in trouble now!

They found themselves standing in McGonagall's classroom, looking down in shame as she scolded them. But with Brooklyn, he was glaring at Malfoy.

You are so dead! He screamed inwardly while Malfoy just smirked.

"As punishment for your actions, 50 points will be taken," she announced, jerking Brooklyn's gaze away from Malfoy, and his eyes widened in horror at that.

"Professor, you can't!" He cried. They would lose all those points from the match!

She gazed at Brooklyn with a severe expression. Brooklyn knew then that they deserved it, for they had witnessed Hagrid with the dragon, and hot guilt boiled up in his stomach.

"And as punishment, all four of you will receive detention, with the exception of Brooklyn, since he's not a student, but it doesn't mean he gets off Scott free. I will watch him until your punishment is over."

Malfoy's face fell at her words. "Professor, perhaps I heard you wrong. I thought you said the four of us."

"You heard me correctly, Mr. Malfoy. While your intentions were honorable, you too were out of bed after hours. You will join your classmates in detention."

Brooklyn couldn't help but feel satisfaction inside him mixed with the guilt. It wasn't so bad if Malfoy had detention, too.

They all went to bed, dreading the next day.

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