End of the Year

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"Brooklyn... Brooklyn..."

Brooklyn gave out slow painful breaths, his body still numb feeling, comforting darkness enveloping him like a blanket. It felt nice after fighting against a evil wizard.

"Wake up, Brooklyn. You're safe," The male voice from earlier said. But Brooklyn didn't want to open his eyes, as he clenched his jaw painfully.

"N-no... can't..." he mumbled thickly.

Then suddenly the male voice spoke again, murmuring a song like incantation, sending fresh calming waves all over Brooklyn's body. He slowly began to gain some feeling in his nerves, the pain subsiding, giving the young gargoyle enough strength to be able to relax, and breathe steadily, glad to have real feeling return to his body.

And then his eyes opened again, finding himself lying on a bed in the Hospital Wing, and Dumbledore smiling down at him.

"Good afternoon, young one," he greeted in a gentle cheerful voice.

Brooklyn suddenly remembered. "Where's Harry?" He gasped in a hoarse voice. Dumbledore placed a hand on Brooklyn's shoulder.

"Calm yourself. Harry's safe, he's in the bed next to you." Brooklyn looked over to see Harry propped up on his bed, watching him with a scared, but relieved face.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked, concern in his voice. "I was scared you were gonna.... when you passed out I..."

Brooklyn winced. He had almost terrified his brother by thinking he died. But he didn't as he gave Harry the best smile he could.

"Well, I'm still here, little bro. I won't leave you anytime soon!"

Dumbledore chuckled at his attempted humor.

Brooklyn turned back to Dumbledore. "Professor, I thought you were at the Ministry of Magic!" He exclaimed. "Why are you here now?"

"Well, when I was about to leave, I realized it was too much of a coincidence to be called right away before you four got the stone. But then I had an owl fly my way, bearing an important message."

Brooklyn's heart lifted. Hermione came through! "So you got Hermione's owl?" He asked, grinning.

Dumbledore nodded. "I was lucky enough to figure out the importance of the situation and returned right away to get you both out of there. And you were both unconscious when I arrived. Also, before you ask, both her and Mr. Weasley are quite well."

The brothers both smiled at each other, looking forward to seeing their friends later.

Harry then asked Dumbledore another question that had Brooklyn remember everything.

"What happened to the Stone?"

The Professor gave them a sad smile. "Relax, dear boy. The Stone has been destroyed."

Brooklyn's eyes grew round at this revelation. "What? But, your friend, Flamel. Does that mean he'll—"

He bowed his head. "Yes. Me and Nicholas have had a little chat, and we both knew it was for the best. But yes, both him and his wife will die."

The gargoyle felt his heart clench a little. He never met Flamel and his wife, but they were both Dumbledore's friends, and he looked down in some sadness. Dumbledore noticed.

"Now, I know you both think that this is something to be mourned, but they think it is just going to bed after a very long day. And death is but the next big adventure!"

"How was it that I got the Stone, sir? One minute I was staring in the mirror and—"

He suddenly had a knowledgeable look. "Ah, you see, the person who wanted to find the Stone, find it, but not use it, will be able to get it. That was one of my more brilliant ideas. I had also volunteered Snape to help me with that little spell."

Brooklyn then remembered something else, that involved Harry.

"Professor, I saw something weird with Voldemort happen before I went unconscious. Harry grabbed Quirrell's face, and it disintegrated his whole body. What was all that, anyway?"

Dumbledore smiled. "Well, that is something that Harry possesses that involved the night his parents died. If you recall, Lily had sacrificed herself to save her son, right?"

Brooklyn nodded, waiting for an answer.

"To continue, that is why Quirrell couldn't touch Harry, because of the protective charm she placed on him. For it is is love. The most powerful magic in the world. One that Voldemort can't see right in front of him."

Brooklyn smiled softly. He knew what love felt like. It happened to him twice. Angela and Maggie. Even though they never had the same feelings back at him, he still hoped the right one was out there for him somewhere.

"Oh, Brooklyn, I've informed the Minister of your heroic actions defending Harry. He has agreed that you aren't dangerous, and has requested for you to be the first Gargoyle guardian for Hogwarts, until we are able to figure out this spell that's on you, for I've told him of your situation," Dumbledore informed.

Brooklyn's mouth was open in disbelief. Him? Guarding his own castle? He at first was too stunned to speak. I wish Goliath were here for this!

"I-I—." He stuttered. Dumbledore gave him a warm smile. "There's no need to thank me, young one. Just rest for now so you can join us at the feast tonight. The House Cup is going to be handed out."

Brooklyn had managed to get his cool back as he found his voice again. "Professor, I really need to say this. When I was first sent to this place by Puck, I didn't think I would find any allies to help me cope here. But after I met Harry, I felt that it was the best thing that had ever happened to me. For nobody gave me the benefit of a doubt whenever I saved them, always calling me a monster or a devil. Harry never did that. He offered to help. And I wouldn't be here if it weren't for my brother. I now feel more hopeful of finding my Clan now more than ever. And I just want to thank you for accepting me for what I am."

Dumbledore gave him a respectful bow, which he returned. As he got up to leave, he spotted the candy.

"I suggest you two get to work on these treats from your admirers. For everybody knows about what has happened now, and it would be a shame to let them go to waste."

He picked up a box of familiar jelly bean candy that Brooklyn himself never fancied, after one time swallowing a pepper flavored one during the holidays, he had to drink five glasses of water afterward.

"Ah, Bertie Botts Every Flavor beans! I was most unfortunate in my youth to come across a vomit flavored one. Now it seems that I lost my liking for them."

You and me both, Brooklyn thought, remembering his little incident.

"But I could be safe with a nice toffee one?" He asked, popping a brown colored bean into his mouth, before suddenly choking.

"Alas! Ear wax!"

Both Harry and Brooklyn laughed as Madam Pomfrey came in with medicine, and Dumbledore left them to her care.

The two brothers looked at one another.

"I can't help but have a nagging feeling that he's not done with us yet, and would want revenge on one of us," Brooklyn said in a low tone, while the nurse Madam Pomfrey had more healing spells put on him. Harry agreed.

"But we'll push through this and face him again together Brook if that ever happens, you and me," Harry said with a small grin. Brooklyn smiled back, resting his head on his pillow.

After the next couple of hours being pestered by the kind but strict nurse Pomfrey, they were finally allowed to go.


Brooklyn studied his muscles, and flapped his wings while they walked out, and eventually knew that they might be sore for a day or two, but at least he can walk again, thanks to Pomfrey's healing spells of wonders.

As they entered the hallway, the brothers spotted two familiar faces. Ron and Hermione! They both smiled at the sight of them.

Hermione had given them both the biggest hug, crying loudly. And Ron demanded an explanation from the both of them. Harry and Brooklyn explained as best as they could remember. When they got to what was under Quirrell's turban, Hermione screamed.

Brooklyn told them of how he had scratched Quirrell's face, and Ron was all smiles. "You actually fought him? You-Know-Who? Not even the bravest wizard except Dumbledore can do what you did!"

"Uh, yeah. I couldn't let him kill Harry," Brooklyn said, as they entered the Great Hall, sitting at the Gryffindor Table. It was packed with students, and Brooklyn noticed the colors showing off tonight were green and silver flags with a giant serpent, and he growled a little when he remembered Malfoy, who was sitting at the Slytherin table, smirking.

"Ron told us you actually tried to fight You-Know-Who single handedly to save Harry! Is that true?" Fred suddenly asked, startling Brooklyn, who turned to them.

"Yes, I-I did," He muttered awkwardly from the admiring stares the twins gave him.

"Wow! That's wicked!" They both said.

"I didn't defeat him, though," Brooklyn admitted in an embarrassed voice. But Fred and George didn't buy it.

"Who cares! You fought You-Know-Who! Don't be so bashful! Does anybody ever acknowledge your victories against villains you fought in Manhattan?" Fred asked, stunned at his less enthusiastic tone.

He shook his head. "No. Not really."

The twins gasped over dramatically. "How dare they? What are they thinking? You're awesome!"

Brooklyn ended up turning redder than he normally was from their praise, with Harry grinning at him.

Eventually, Dumbledore announced the house points, leaving Gryffindor in 4th place, looking like stinking Slytherin was gonna win again. Brooklyn was glaring at Malfoy and Flint, who looked like they were enjoying this victory too much.

That's when Dumbledore had a few surprising announcements, as he gave out last minute award points to Harry, Ron, and Hermione, tying them with Slytherin. But he also ended up rewarding one more, Neville Longbottom, who looked like he had never earned points for Gryffindor, ever!

If anybody had been standing outside the castle, they would have thought an explosion had taken place. Everybody in Gryffindor cheered their victory. Even Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw were celebrating the downfall of Slytherin.

Brooklyn had the biggest grin as he celebrated with his friends, for aside the house cup award, Dumbledore announced his new position as guardian of Hogwarts, causing the cheers to be even bigger, people coming over and congratulating him, patting him on the back and such.

If I can only rub this in Demona's face! The gargoyle thought, grinning as he shook Percy's hand, who was congratulating him over and over, and had received a bone crushing hug from Hagrid.

Of all the nights, Brooklyn would never forget this one. He had new human allies. Happiness soared through him like a wave. Nothing could get better than this!


Before they knew it, their trunks were packed, and Brooklyn discovered Scabbers hiding underneath Ron's sheets. The rat had given him another strange look, eyes looking scared of him again, and he once more caught the whiff of human smell from Scabbers.

What's your secret, Rat? Why do you smell like a human? Brooklyn wondered silently, eyeing the gray rat suspiciously as he gave him to Ron. He ended up saving this mystery for another day.

Brooklyn was still upset about Dumbledore still wanting Harry to still live with the Dursley's but he wasn't the Headmaster, and Dumbledore did allow him to get Harry away from them if ever any trouble occurred so that was a bonus.

They all met up at the station near Hogsmeade, getting ready to head home.

Hagrid had called Harry and Brooklyn over.

"Thoug' yeh were leavin' withou' sayin' goodbye, did yeh?" He asked humorously.

Brooklyn smiled. "Wouldn't dream of it. You helped me when the humans at the Leaky Cauldron were giving me the cold shoulder!"

Hagrid chuckled. "I actually have a couple things fer yeh, Brook."

"No, Hagrid, you really didn't need to impose—." Brooklyn mumbled, looking down.

"Yeh deserve some kind of gift fer protectin' Harry. It's a thank you from everybody at Hogwarts who supports your new position."

Hagrid pulled out two things. One was a handsome barn owl asleep in it's cage. Brooklyn was amazed. His very own owl!

"So yeh can keep in touch with 'Arry, since yeh can't live at the Dursleys with him, and that yer staying at the Leaky Cauldron. And here's the next thing."

He handed Brooklyn a small wrist device, which had a light on it. He tilted his head. "What's this?" He questioned, studying this strange thing.

Hagrid chuckled. "Dumbledore's own invention. It can help you know when 'Arry is in trouble. He made it so that whenever anything happens, it lights up rapidly. Thoug' it might be useful!"

Brooklyn smiled, very grateful as he placed the device around his wrist. "Thank you, Hagrid. I will take care of them, you have my word!"

He then gave Harry a book with photos of his parents and friends. Brooklyn spotted one of him standing next to Harry, Ron and Hermione. A happy bubble inflated in his stomach. His first moving photograph of this time zone. And he also felt tears in his eyes when he noticed a photo of a three month old Harry Potter with Lily and James.

After giving a goodbye hug to Hagrid, Hagrid had one more thing to say.

"Oh, and Harry, if that dolt of a cousin of yers, Dudley gives yeh any grief, yeh can always threaten him with pretend magic."

Harry was shocked. "But Hagrid, we're not allowed to do magic away from Hogwarts, you know that!"

Hagrid winked. "I know, but yer cousin don', does he?"

The train whistle blew, and Harry and Brooklyn both got on and joined Hermione and Ron in a compartment together.

"Feels strange to be going home, doesn't it?" Hermione questioned. Harry took Brooklyn's hand. The Dursleys had never been his home, only Hogwarts and Brooklyn have.

The train pulled out of the station, and Brooklyn watched the castle fade away into the distance, already missing it. It had been the very first castle where most of the humans didn't see him as a devil, but a friend. But he knew he will be going back next year. He counted on it.

Brooklyn turned to Harry. "It sucks you have to go back to those relatives of yours," he said in a despondent tone. But Harry shrugged.

"It's all good. But hey, at least I can have fun with Dudley," he said, with an evil playful smirk. Brooklyn punched him gently on the shoulder.

"And if you're ever getting in a tight spot with them, I'm gonna get you out," he promised his little brother. Harry grinned back at him, as the two shared a hug.

This was just the beginning of Brooklyn's new life of being the Guardian of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

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