Hagrid's Return and the D.A. Discovered

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Returning to Hogwarts after the holidays involved two pieces of news: Hagrid had returned, and Harry needed some special lessons from Snape called Occlumency to try and keep Voldemort from entering his thoughts that was requested by Dumbledore. During the end of the summer Harry had told him about his weird dreams about a long dark hallway ending with a locked door.

If he had to do his lessons on a D.A. day, Brooklyn would take over teaching the kids.

The friends along with Griff had gone to see Hagrid on his first day back. Plus Griff had yet to meet the half giant. But they haven't gone more than a couple steps closer to the door when Brooklyn heard Umbridge and he and Griff quickly ushered the others to a hiding spot, peeking in through the window.

"I'm going to ask you one last time, to tell me where you've been!"

"I've told you, I've been away fer me health!" Hagrid responded in a nervous tone, while Umbridge watched him placidly. "Your health?" She repeated.

"Yeah, bit o' fresh air, yeh know, it's good fer the lungs."

"But what about all those?" She then questioned, pointing to Hagrid's wounds and black eye. He flinched, as he tried coming up with another answer.

"Jus' jus' tripped. That's all," he replied nervously. Umbridge narrowed her eyes, but didn't press it any further.

"You know, I shouldn't get used to being back. In fact, I might not bother unpacking at all." She then turned and left.

The foursome waited until Umbridge was gone before quickly going inside, where Hagrid was happy to see them and gave Brooklyn another one of his bear hugs..

"Yeah, me and my cracked ribs are happy to see you too," grunted Brooklyn as he finally released him, causing the gargoyle to gasp a bit as he sat down. Deep down he had missed seeing Hagrid walking his dog Fang and doing his gamekeeper duties. Hagrid shook Griff's hand in greeting, and the griffin gargoyle liked him right away.

Hagrid then made them all tea and pulled out a steak of dragon meat to put on his black eye as he began to tell his story.

"So what have you been doing in the mountains? Why haven't you written to us?" Harry asked. Hagrid quickly looked about before answering.

"Yeh need ter keep this top secret, alrigh'? Dumbledore had sent me to rally the giants to our side."

Hermione stared. "Giants?" Brooklyn then recalled Voldemort mentioning recruiting Giants for his army. He himself had yet to see one.

"Yeah, they've been hidin' in the mountains. Me and Olympé have been travelin' for quite a bit, tryin' ter convince them ter join us. The sad thing about them giants is that there is only eighty or seventy left. Had to give the leader Dumbledore's message."

Brooklyn raised his brow. "How did you know who the leader was?" He asked.

"Biggest and laziest of them, so he wasn't too hard ter spot. His name was Karkrus." The gargoyle was immensely impressed at Hagrid's bravery to walk right up to a giant leader. "He liked others ter bring him gifts, so me and Olympé presented him with magic. As long as it isn't used against them, Giants like it. We brought the Gurg a branch of everlasting fire."

"Wow," breathed Hermione. Hagrid nodded as he continued on.

"Things between us an Karkrus went on well fer the next day or so, doesn't speak English, but didn' matter, as long as we kept bringin' him a gift, he'd be with us an' Dumbledore. But one night a fight broke out amon' them, and we saw a head in a lake."

Brooklyn gasped a bit. "Who's head?" The beaked gargoyle asked in horror, dreading the answer. Griff looked horror struck at this, too. Hagrid's face was solemn.

"It was Karkrus's. There was now a new Gurg, even meaner than him named Golgomath. We tried doin' the same communicatin' with him, but that didn't turn out so well. Had to hide out fer a couple days. But turned out, we weren't the only people tryin' ter win them over, and that the new Gurg only hated us."

Griff frowned. "Three guesses who? Perhaps the Death Eaters?" Hagrid nodded.

"Macinair was there, bringin' gifts ter Glogomath, who seemed to favor You-Know-Who. We tried to find other giants that didn't support the new Gurg, but Glogomath's lot had raided the caves, picking some off. Olympé and I ended up leavin' after, didn't see no point in stayin', since none o the Giants didn't want anythin' ter do with us."

Brooklyn felt some disappointment that no Giants were willing to help fight Voldemort and Demona for them.

"Least you tried, mate," Griff said as Ron nodded in agreement.

"Yeah." Hagrid muttered, as he turned the steak over and put it on more of his scars. Some of them looked pretty fresh, and Brooklyn wondered why.

That's when a cold wind and thunder broke loose, and the gang turned to see large thunderclouds headed their way. Hagrid frowned.

"It's changin' ou' there. Jus' like last time. There's a storm comin', Harry and Brooklyn. We'd all best be ready when she does," Hagrid then said vaguely. Brooklyn wrapped his wings around his shoulders, nerves growing about the upcoming war and having to fight Demona again. He now prayed that Una's message to his Clan will get there soon!


The news in the Prophet the next day wasn't so cheerful: A Mass Breakout from Azkaban including Bellatrix Lestrange leaving the Dementors to be on a wide search. Fudge had alerted the Muggle Prime Minister of the news, and he blames it again on Sirius.

Hermione looked furious. "Dumbledore warned Fudge this could happen!"

Brooklyn was as angry as she was, glaring at the photo of Bellatrix Lestrange and a werewolf named Greyback. Lupin had once told him that it had been Greyback that had bitten him in the first place.

"That moron of a minister is gonna get us all licked if he doesn't start fessing up the truth," he had growled. Then they were approached by the one kid that didn't believe them, Seamus. But his eyes looked different. They looked, guilty.

"Hey, guys. J-just wanted to come and-and apologize," he said in a nervous voice. Brooklyn folded his arms. So, he finally admits it? What took him so long?

Harry didn't really speak for he was still angry at him so Brooklyn did. "And why should we believe you?" He huffed. Seamus winced from the gargoyle's mistrust of him but continued.

"N-now that this breakout happened, my mum is now saying the Prophet's version of things don't really add up and canceled our subscription. But, I really am sorry for how I've treated you guys. I believe you about You-Know-Who and that Demona person." He finished, giving them a small grin. Brooklyn felt some of his anger subside. He really sensed the boy's honesty, and he looked quite desperate for forgiveness. The red gargoyle stepped up to him, and held out his hand.

Seamus took it, relieved that he had managed to win back Brooklyn's trust once more, and then Harry also accepted Seamus's hand. Brooklyn leaned in to whisper into his ear.

"Next D.A. Meeting this weekend. Don't be late," he murmured silently, causing the boy to look excited as he nodded, walking back to his seat.


On that weekend, Harry and Brooklyn had decided to teach everybody the Patronus Charm, one that people were looking forward too. Griff was still on patrol outside, to ensure that they didn't catch any students. Little did he know how much trouble he was gonna be in. He didn't sign the paper since Griff didn't need to be in classes, but still vowed to be their Secret-Keeper. And if anybody had managed to get anything, he would warn them right away.

Griff walked along the corridor near the room of Requirement, eyes open for any Inquisitorial Squad members. He froze when he heard a noise, but didn't see anybody. Until too late, he gave a cry as he was hit with a spell that tied his arms, wings and tail, so he couldn't get free and fell against the wall. Griff's eyes widened as Malfoy along with Crabbe and Goyle appeared, smirking.

This is trouble! He thought in dread.

"Well, well, look who we've caught, the second Monster Freak," taunted Malfoy maliciously. Griff grunted as he struggled, but the ropes were too strong, hence the spell it came from. His eyes flashed white.

"Nothing you chaps can do to me will make me tell on my friends!" He hissed, the ropes digging in the more he struggled. Flint then appeared, and he hauled Griff to his feet. Malfoy moved in closer.

"But I think someone can loosen that beak of yours, if we couldn't catch a student, you'll do just fine, take him to Umbridge!" He ordered, pointing. Crabbe, Goyle, and Flint all pushed Griff forward, his heart thumping as he dreaded what Umbridge would do to him. If there ever came a chance, he would somehow break these ropes and go warn Brooklyn and Harry!

In the office, Umbridge waited at her desk, a wide smile on her face, as the Inquisitorial Squad led Griff inside. He glowered darkly at the toadwoman as she praised them for his capture.

They forced him into a chair, and she came up to him.

"You will be untied once you tell me what Potter and his half breed brother have been doing. Your cooperation will be noted by Fudge who will grant you the most respect."

Griff growled. "I don't know anything! I only stand with Hogwarts and my mates! Not any of you Inquisitorial frauds! I'd sooner die!" He spat back. Her eyes narrowed.

"Oh, we can't have that, you still need to tell me what those two have been up to. But since you won't answer willingly, I might have something to persuade you." Umbridge said, opening one of her drawers, and pulling out a small vial of clear liquid.

Griff's eyes widened in horror at the sight of the dreaded truth serum. Brooklyn had warned him about it, and how Dumbledore used it on Barty Crouch Jr. to make him talk about how he had gotten him and Harry to Voldemort in the first place, and he struggled even more. No way was he gonna drink it!

"Open your mouth," Umbridge demanded, but Griff wouldn't cooperate, trying to keep his mouth closed, glaring hard at the toad woman. She smiled sinisterly.

"Flint said you gargoyles wouldn't be so cooperative. So..." Griff's heart thumped, as Umbridge pulled out a needle filled with the same truth serum.

No, no! He cried, eyes rounding even more, as Umbridge moved the needle close. The griffin gargoyle grunted, struggling against his captors, but it was hopeless, and winced in pain as that needle went into his shoulder. Griff panted from pain, shaking his head, feeling the potion going through his blood system, and he began to feel weird.

Umbridge held up his chin with her hand, as he groaned slightly, the Inquisitorial squad snickering fiendishly.

"Now... be good for me, and tell me what your little friends had been up too," she purred sickeningly, and Griff wanted to vomit. But with the truth serum in his body, he couldn't stop himself revealing it all.

""B-Brooklyn and Harry have c-created a secret d-defense meeting called Dumbledore's Army. They've been meeting every w-weekend at the R-Room of Requirement."he mumbled unwillingly, repeating I'm sorry over and over again in his head, shutting his eyes and pulling away from her terrible fingers.

Umbridge patted him on the shoulder. "The Ministry thanks you most gratefully for your cooperation, gargoyle. You will come with us when we find your friends, and punish them most severely." Griff's blood boiled. Just from those words, he knew he wouldn't go with them! Growling, Griff felt his strength suddenly grow even more, as his muscles broke through the ropes at last, kicking Flint in the shin, as he ran for it through the door. Hell no Umbridge wouldn't take him with them!

"AFTER HIM!" Shrieked Umbridge in a terrible voice, as Griff kept going on all fours. He wouldn't stop until he got there. He had to make up for revealing everything! They needed to know!

Meanwhile, the Patronus lessons have been going quite well. The kids wanted to start right away after Brooklyn and Harry both demonstrated their Stag and Phoenix that did a little performance around the room, the Phoenix singing.

Hermione had managed it, her otter Patronus gamboling playfully around the room, and Luna's rabbit Patronus followed.

Ron, Seamus and Neville couldn't get much of a puff out, and so was Katie. Brooklyn approached her, she had been getting frustrated.

"You need to find that special memory, Katie. Just relax and concentrate," he told her gently, putting a hand on her shoulder. Katie then did her best, shutting her eyes. Then it came, her and Brooklyn's special night at the Yule Ball, flying together. She smiled joyfully, raising her wand.

"Expecto Patronum!"

The smoke took shape as a lioness, strong and fierce but beautiful. The lioness ran around Katie, who had the biggest smile on her face, and she hugged Brooklyn.

"Thank you!" She murmured, and Brooklyn hugged her back.

"It was a wonderful Patronus, Katie."

At that moment, the door to the Room of Requirement opened, and Brooklyn stared as Griff rushed in, a look of fear and guilt on his features. Brooklyn quickly ran over to steady his friend.

"What's wrong?" He demanded.

"She-she forced it out of me, Brooklyn. I couldn't help it! The truth potion! She's coming! You need to run!" Yelled Griff. Harry stared in horror before turning to everybody else.

"Do as he says! RUN!" Harry roared to everybody who were all staring at Griff in disbelief that Umbridge had made him tell everything, though he didn't want to. They all made a break for it, managing to get out of there until it was just the three of them left.

"I'm sorry, mate, I really am. I didn't want to tell her!" Repeated Griff in desperation as he helped get the last of the students out. Brooklyn shook his head, forgiveness already in them.

"But you escaped her and came to warn us. And that means to me and Harry more than you know," he responded genuinely. And Griff had a relieved look on his face.

Then they all tried to get out, but Malfoy tripped Harry with the trip jinx, and a net fell onto Brooklyn. Fortunately though Griff had managed to get out of there, bringing Katie with him who wanted to help Brooklyn. He didn't want to leave them but they had no choice.

The Inquisitorial Squad led the two to Dumbledore's office, where people from the Ministry including Kingsley were there waiting, while Dumbledore sat at his desk with his hands folded.

The net still on Brooklyn, a man named Dawlish took hold of the red gargoyle, who growled, trying to snap at him through the net.

"As you can see, here's proof of what had been going on behind our backs, your most prized person and gargoyle forming a secret club to rise up against the Ministry, calling themselves Dumbledore's Army." Umbridge announced with a mad gleam in her eyes.

Brooklyn looked up at Dumbledore who was reading through the parchment through his half moon spectacles, a small frown on his face, before smiling again.

"So? Anything to say for yourself, Dumbledore?" Fudge barked before Dumbledore spoke.

"I suppose it is time I came clean. As you can see Cornelius, the parchment says Dumbledore's Army, not Potter's Army or Brooklyn's Army. I entrusted them to start this organization, and I and I alone am responsible for every activity they've been doing," he said calmly, winking at the two brothers. Brooklyn just couldn't believe what he was hearing. It wasn't Dumbledore's idea at all!

"No, sir!" Cried Harry in terror, while Brooklyn shook his head. Why was the headmaster taking their wrath?

"I'm sorry, Harry, but it is time to tell the truth. But the way you two have been teaching them, I am most impressed and proud."

Fudge now had a look of mad triumph. "Aha! So you admit it! Dawlish, Shacklebolt, you will escort Dumbledore to Azkaban, to await trial for conspiracy..." the headmaster got up from his seat, eyes having fire in them.

"I knew we'd have this little snag. For you think I'm going to what was the phrase, 'come quietly?'" Dawlish and Umbridge both closed in. "For I can tell you this, I have no intention of going to Azkaban."

"Enough of this! Take him!" Brooklyn heard Umbridge shriek, as Dumbledore gave the brothers a calm smile, before Fawkes suddenly flew in. Dumbledore grabbed hold of his feathers, and Brooklyn was open mouthed as the two of them disappeared in a flash of flames, causing most of them except for him and Harry to fall onto their backs from the force. The net had flown off of Brooklyn in the process. Dumbledore was gone.

Kingsley staggered to his feet, staring. "You may not like him, Minister. But you can't deny, Dumbledore's got style." Fudge glared at the dark skinned wizard.

"You two may return to the Common Room. But don't think we've let you off clean," he growled at Harry and Brooklyn, who had a protective arm around his shoulder, giving the Minister a dirty look. He knew with Dumbledore now on the run, Umbridge would probably take his place.

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