New Wand and the 'Mdinight Duel'

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Brooklyn had been called back to Dumbledore's office for his new wand the next day while Harry and Ron went off to their first lesson.

While on his way, Brooklyn had gotten lost in the maze of hallways after catching himself staring at everything again.

When he felt like giving up trying to find the office, he was startled out of his skin by a ghost that floated through the wall. He was a portly looking ghost that wore ruffles on his shirt.

The ghost noticed that Brooklyn was scared from his entrance and apologized, introducing himself as Nearly Headless Nick.

Brooklyn had asked him why he was called that, resulting the ghost into taking off his head. The gargoyle was most disturbed. Someone had tried to behead him, but not done it properly, leaving a piece of skin holding the head there.

After that, Nick offered Brooklyn his assistance after he explained his situation, and led him the right way to Dumbledore's office. He thanked Nick, spoke the password, and stepped inside.

As he entered the office, Dumbledore was sitting at his desk as usual, but another old man was there with a big trunk full of wands.

"Brooklyn, meet Ollivander from Diagon Alley," Dumbledore introduced.

Brooklyn pulled back a little as this strange old man with silver eyes looked him all over with over-enthusiasm.

Does this guy know personal space? He thought as Ollivander studied him.

"Well, well, so this was the special customer you told me about, eh? This is certainly an interesting one indeed. I don't recall myself or any of my ancestors giving a gargoyle a wand, for your kind never had the need for them. But I'm sure the right one for you is in here, somewhere!"

He talked in a too cheerful mode while he took Brooklyn's measurement, along with him saying he was right handed. Ollivander pulled one out.

"Try this one, lad. Beechwood and dragon heartstring. Give it a wave!"

Brooklyn took it. feeling a bit foolish, he waved it at random, and a shot of magic came out like a gunshot, smashing one of Dumbledore's silver instruments into pieces.

He winced at the mess on the floor. "Sorry, Professor!" He apologized sheepishly.

Dumbledore simply smiled. "Quite alright, I feel like I have one too many, anyway!"

Ollivander handed him another. "Here, Oak and Unicorn Hair, light and swishy!"

Brooklyn once more tried his luck, but instead, the shot of magic sent him flying backward onto the floor, and the spell rocketed off the walls, nearly singing Dumbledore's Phoenix's feathers. He squawked furiously and flew up into the astronomy room.

The gargoyle staggered to his feet, his face blackened from the explosion. Ollivander was chuckling.

"Not funny, dude!" Grumbled Brooklyn in an irritated voice, throwing him back the wand in frustration.

"Ah, not to worry, we will find your wand, I'm sure!"

Wand after wand he tried, resulting with either nothing happening, or destructive magic flying off the walls. They piled up on the floor, and Brooklyn was panting with exhaustion from trying them out. But the more he tried, the happier Ollivander seemed to be.

"Just like Harry, you're also the special case, aren't you? You need to know that it is the wand that chooses the wizard (or gargoyle, in your case). Let me find another."

He dug through the trunk, and then, Ollivander suddenly spotted a reddish looking wand with a black handle. Picking it up, he gave it to Brooklyn.

"Redwood and Phoenix tail feather. Excellent wand for dueling."

Brooklyn took it nervously, expecting it to go haywire, but instead, he felt a rush of warmth up his arm. He gave a small gasp at this, feeling a strong connection with it.

He waved it, and sparks of gold came out the end, lighting up the room. Brooklyn grinned. He found his wand at last!

Ollivander and Dumbledore both clapped in celebration.

"Bravo! Bravo! The best display since Potter's wand! There's no charge, since you're his guardian. I do wish you the best of luck with your new wand!"

And with that, he shook hands with Brooklyn, packed up his trunk, and left the office.

He turned to look at Dumbledore, who was smiling still.

"Make sure you practice as much as you can with your wand, young gargoyle. It will come in handy for the near future."

Raising his brow at Dumbledore's words, Brooklyn shook his head, not wanting to think about it. So instead he said goodbye and left too, carrying his new wand in his hands.


He returned to the Gryffindor common room around noon, speaking the password and entering as usual, finding his friends doing their potions homework.

Harry looked up from his essay. "Hi! So what happened? Did you get it?" Smiling, Brooklyn held it up. He had to admit, it wasn't such a bad looking wand. It really seemed to fit his personality.

It's going to be mayhem when my Clan finds out I've been practicing sorcery with this thing!

Ron was just in disbelief and amazement. "I just can't believe you got one! It's just too weird!"

Brooklyn chuckled. "It's strange, it felt like I was meant to have this wand my whole life. I felt a big connection going through it from my body."

"That was what it was like with me, too," Harry added. "What's your wand's core?"

"It's a Phoenix tail feather," Brooklyn replied. Harry's eyes widened.

"No way, mine has one, too!"

The two of them both felt surprise and happiness that both their wands had the same type of core.

After getting over that, Brooklyn had another question.

"How'd your studies go so far?"

Ron gave a dramatic sigh. "Okay, I guess. But I say the worst class in history (next to History of Magic), is Potions."

"Why is that?" Brooklyn asked.

"It's because of the teacher! His name's Professor Snape. He took away points from us and gave us homework after only one class, can you believe it?"

Brooklyn mentally groaned. Here we go again, yet another human that doesn't seem to like students will probably be another one that ridicules me when we first meet. Will see if he's worse than the Malfoy brat or not.

He didn't say this out loud, though. Instead, he said:

"It is only the first week of school, Ron. You will eventually fall into a routine, just like I did when I first came to this world. You'll see."

Several interesting events had passed since Brooklyn and Harry arrived at Hogwarts, for example:

While exploring the hallways (he got pretty bored waiting for Harry to be done with classes), Brooklyn ran into the school poltergeist, Peeves. Ron had warned Brooklyn to watch out for him a day ago.

"He's the most crude prankster at Hogwarts next to Fred and George," he described to the gargoyle.

Peeves had taken the liberty of sneaking up behind Brooklyn and throwing erasers at him. Brooklyn tried to threaten Peeves to knock it off or he would get it, but all that character did was blow raspberries and call him names Brooklyn wouldn't dare repeat out loud.

Having enough, Brooklyn had drawn his wand. He practiced quite a bit with spellbooks McGonagall had given him to look through, and used a handy one he read in a charms book.

He caused one of the erasers to fly back and lodge itself up Peeves's nostril and he flew away, cursing. Brooklyn himself was proud of the spell work he did.

And another time, he heard the news of Harry getting a spot on the Gryffindor Quidditch team as the Seeker after an incident in a flying lesson and got to meet the Captain, Oliver Wood. Brooklyn didn't mind him so much, despite his non stop talk about Quidditch.

I really do need to see a match to find out why this game is so hyped about, he thought. Luckily for him, there will be a match between Gryffindor and Slytherin after Halloween, one holiday Brooklyn was looking forward to here next to Christmas.

Neville had also apparently hurt his arm when he got onto a broom in flying class and was in the hospital wing for most of the day.

They eventually were sitting at the dinner table after Harry informed Ron about him being on the Quidditch team. And Brooklyn also got the story from Harry and Ron about the forbidden third floor corridor Dumbledore had told them about during the opening feast.

Might have mentioned it to me when we first spoke, he thought begrudgingly. He wondered why it was forbidden, though.

Everything was going well for the three friends, until a certain brat came in.

"Having your last meal, Potter? When are you getting your ride back to those Muggles?"

Brooklyn stood up sharply, growling. "Why don't you shove off, Malfoy?"

Malfoy sneered at him. "You really don't scare me anymore, Monster Freak. My father knows the person in charge of the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures in the Ministry, who would evict you from this castle faster than you can pull out your wand, so you'd better watch yourself around me!"

Brooklyn growled even more and began to start forward, but Ron grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"Let me at him!" Brooklyn hissed, eyes glowing. "He didn't need to insult us like that!"

"No, Brooklyn, not in front of the teachers, they would kick you out!" Harry said, worry in his voice for Brooklyn's anger.

"Well, then, why not do this privately?" Malfoy suggested. Ever heard of a Wizard's Duel?"

"Yes, they have. I'm Harry's second. Brooklyn will keep his eyes out for anyone trying to interrupt us," Ron challenged. "Who's your second?"

Malfoy gazed back at his cronies, sizing them up. "Crabbe," he decided.

Of course, he chooses his biggest and dumbest one, Brooklyn thought bitterly, rolling his eyes.

"Midnight alright? We will meet in the trophy room. That's always unlocked."

Brooklyn put his face in close to Malfoy's. "It's on. We gargoyles rule the night, so bring your A game!"

Malfoy simply smiled, his eyes already looking like he knew something before he strode away with his thugs.

The gargoyle sat down, glaring daggers after them with Harry and Ron looking concerned for him.

Harry had a question. "What's a Wizard's duel? And what do you mean by second?"

Ron shuffled his feet. "Well, a second is there to take over if you die." Catching the frightened look on Harry's face and the furious look on Brooklyn's, he quickly added,

"But people only die in proper duels, all the harm you two will probably do to each other is cast harmless sparks at each other. And Brooklyn will keep an eye on things, especially him."

Brooklyn nodded importantly. "If he tries to hurt any of you, I will whisk him off to the Headmaster's office faster than he can pull out his wand!"

Later that evening at 11:00, Harry, Ron, and Brooklyn all snuck out of the Common Room to meet Malfoy. But before they even exited, they were cornered by Hermione.

"You! Go back to bed!" Ron hissed. Hermione just folded her arms.

"I almost told your brother, Percy. He'd put a stop to this!"

Brooklyn was really getting annoyed with her interfering. She had overheard them talking about it at dinner and threatened to snitch on the Prefect.

"Well, this is none of your business, Granger. I have a certain brat to settle a score with. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have a duel to get to," he said, pushing his friends towards the portrait hole.

But she wouldn't give up and followed them out. But it was a mistake on her part when the portrait hole closed, leaving her locked out. And the fat lady had apparently gone on her nighttime wandering, for the photo was empty.

"Well, this is just great!" Said Hermione in a shrill voice that Brooklyn thought was for sure going to carry down the hall.

"It was your own fault," Ron snapped. Brooklyn was only half listening as his ears were picking up a strange sniffling noise. Casting his night vision around, he spotted a surprising sight before him.

"Guys, come here, I found something," he said, interrupting their arguing. And they too were shocked by what he found.

Neville was lying on the floor, sleeping, until he heard Brooklyn and the others and woke up.

"Neville, what happened to you?" Brooklyn asked the forgetful boy gently, helping him to his feet.

"I've been out here for hours, because I forgot the password to get in!" He wailed.

"How's your arm?" Harry asked. Neville held it up, and Brooklyn saw that it was in an arm sling.

"It's fine. Madam Pomfrey mended it in about a heartbeat."

Ron shook his head. "Well, anyway, too bad for you about your predicament. Password's Pig Snout, but the Fat Lady's gone off somewhere, and we also have somewhere to be. See you later."

Neville's eyes rounded in fear. "No! Don't leave me! The Bloody Baron ghost has been past here twice already!"

Brooklyn narrowed his eyes disapprovingly at Ron. "We've already got Hermione tagging along so she wouldn't tell on us, so it only makes sense for Neville to come, too."

Neville's face lit up at Brooklyn's words, and surprised the gargoyle with a hug. "Thank you!" He cried tearfully. Feeling rather embarrassed, Brooklyn pushed him off gently. "Er, no problem," he muttered, clearing his throat awkwardly.

"Well, let's go," Harry said, and the group went on their way.

They eventually came to the trophy room, but Malfoy and Crabbe weren't there yet.

"Where's Malfoy?" Brooklyn asked, suspiciously looking around for the brat.

"Dunno, maybe he's chickened out," Ron shrugged. But Brooklyn wasn't so sure.

"I wouldn't put it past Malfoy. He's probably tricked us into coming here!" He growled.

Hermione gave them a triumphant look.

"I told you!" She said. "He's setting you up to get you two expelled and Brooklyn evicted or worse!"

"If you haven't insisted on coming—" Ron snarled.

But then Brooklyn heard a noise at the end of the hallway. "Guys, shut up!" He snapped. "I hear somebody!"

Hermione turned her head furiously to yell at Brooklyn for telling her to shut up, but Ron placed a hand over her mouth to silence her.

They heard somebody speak, and it wasn't Malfoy.

Brooklyn froze at the familiar voice. "Sniff around my sweet, they're around here somewhere!"

That no good son of a— Brooklyn thought in fury. Of course Malfoy would tip off the caretaker, Filch. Brooklyn heard stories about him being the worst punishment bearer to students here.

The odd group immediately hid behind a trophy case, with Brooklyn shielding them behind his wings. He could take all the punishment for them if he could. I won't let them be expelled!

"They're around here somewhere, probably hiding," Filch said in a nasty tone.

Brooklyn backed them all away while trying his best to keep them hidden, until Neville gave a shriek, grabbed Ron and the two stumbled into a suit of armor, which crashed to the floor.

The gargoyle winced at the noise. Do they want to wake the whole freaking castle? He thought in fury and fear.

"RUN!" Brooklyn bellowed, grabbing Harry's arm and the rest of them followed in his wake, without any idea of where he was running to.

He ripped through a tapestry with his talons into a hidden passageway and they came out near the charms classroom.

They all panted heavily from their run.

"I think we lost him," Harry said in a shaking voice.

"I told you!" Hermione gasped. "I told you!"

"Yeah, don't rub it in. At least I got us away from there," Brooklyn huffed, resting a hand on the wall and leaning on it.

"We've got to get back to Gryffindor tower," Ron spoke up.

Harry agreed, but as they were about to leave, the doorknob to the classroom rattled, and to their unfortunate luck, Peeves came zooming in.

Oh great, not him! Brooklyn groaned inwardly as the poltergeist hovered above, giving out a squeal of delight at the sight of them.

"Shut up Peeves—please—you'll get us kicked out!"

Peeves simply cackled.

Seriously, Peeves and Puck really do have similar personalities, Brooklyn thought, his annoyance meter building.

"Wandering around at midnight, Icke Firsties and Nasty Gargoyle! Tut, tut, Naughty, naughty, you'll get caughty!"

"Peeves, I'm warning you—!" Brooklyn growled, his hands balling into fists.

"Should tell Filch, I should," Peeves said in a saintly tone, eyes glittering wickedly. "It's for your own good, you know."

Ron had enough. "Get out of the way!" He snapped, taking a swipe at Peeves. Brooklyn facepalmed himself in the forehead. Why?


They all ran for their very lives, with Brooklyn swearing revenge on Peeves later for snitching on them. They slammed into a door at the end of the corridor, and it was locked.

"It's over!" Brooklyn heard Ron groan. "This is the end!"

Filch's footsteps came nearer, and before anybody else tried anything, Hermione stepped up.

"Move over!" She snapped in a irritable tone.

They all stepped out of her way as she drew her wand and pointed at the lock.


Okay, Brooklyn hated to admit it, but this girl did know what she was doing in a time of crisis, even if she is a bossy know it all.

The group squeezed through, with Harry and Ron having to pull Brooklyn in the rest of the way, and shut the door, listening.

"Which way did they go, Peeves? Come on, tell me!" Filch's voice was asking.

"Say please."

He's definitely Puck as a ghost, Brooklyn thought again.

"Don't mess with me, Peeves. Now, which way did they go?"

"Shan't say nothing if you don't say 'please'!" Peeves replied in his annoying sing song voice.

"Okay, please."

"NOTHING! Ha haaa! Told you I shan't say nothing if you don't say please! Ha ha! Haaa!" Brooklyn then heard Peeves swooshing away and Filch yelling curses after the deranged poltergeist. Brooklyn rolled his eyes at this after they were gone.

"He must have thought this door was locked," He heard Harry say, before feeling his wing being tugged on by Neville.

"Get off!" He growled, but then he saw that Neville looked terrified. Turning around, Brooklyn saw why he was scared.

It wasn't a room like they thought, it was a corridor, the forbidden one, and they all could see the reason of it being Forbidden.

The biggest dog Brooklyn had ever seen lived there, filling up the whole place from the floor to the ceiling. And to top it off, it had three heads!

The kids all screamed as the dog's monstrous eyes spotted them, and began barking loudly. Brooklyn pushed them all to the door and out of it one at a time. He'd take a punishment conversation with Dumbledore over immediate death!

But when he tried to go through, his large form got stuck in the doorway again! Panic rushed through his body as the dog ran for him.

Oh crud! He screamed inwardly as the teeth nearly bit off his tail. Why wasn't this doorway even built for his size? To keep the dog in, of course! His thoughts said back.

Harry and Ron both pulled with all their might, until he finally popped out, falling on top of them in a heap and Hermione slammed the door shut.

They all ran for it again, not stopping until they reached the portrait of the Fat Lady, who had returned.

"Where have you all been?" She exclaimed in surprise.

"Never mind that, Pig Snout! Pig Snout!" Brooklyn gasped, a stitch in his side from running.

The friends finally made it into the safety of the common room. Brooklyn gave a great sigh of exhaustion and collapsed onto the couch.

"What the bloody hell were they thinking, keeping a thing like that locked up in a school?" Ron cried.

"Whatever it was, I never want to go back!" Wailed Neville, who made his way back to bed.

"Didn't you all see what it was standing on?" Hermione asked, glaring at them.

"Uh, no, I was too busy trying to save all your skins, in case you haven't noticed!" Brooklyn snapped, still trying to steady down his breathing after facing a giant three headed dog.

"It was standing on a trapdoor, which means it wasn't there by accident! It's obviously guarding something. Now, if you all don't mind, I'm going to bed, before either of you come up with another crazy idea to get us killed, or worse, expelled!"

She started her way, before turning to Brooklyn.

"And you, please keep these two in line!" She snarled, then continued on her way to the girl's dormitory and slammed the door shut.

Brooklyn just couldn't believe it. He had been told off by a 11 year old first year human girl. Ron just glared after her.

"She really needs to sort out her priorities," he grumbled. Harry and Brooklyn both nodded and the trio eventually went to bed, exhausted.

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