Quidditch and Heartbreaks

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It was finally Quidditch day! Brooklyn was feeling really excited about finally getting to see this new kind of sport firsthand.

A while ago, Harry showed off his new Nimbus broom to Brooklyn by zooming around the Quidditch field and catching golf balls that Brooklyn would throw him for practice.

The red gargoyle was also glad that Hermione was finally their friend. He and her have had pleasant times together when she wasn't studying. She even taught him a new spell: a spell that makes flames appear out of thin air. This became Brooklyn's new favorite spell next to the disarming Charm.

They also discussed the state of Snape's leg and how he reacted to Brooklyn asking about it.

"I say Snape was trying to get past that three headed dog, so he let in the Troll!" Ron had proclaimed while sitting at the table in the Great Hall.

"I'm not so sure, Ron," Brooklyn said. He never liked to accuse people of things they never did unless he actually saw them do it. "Maybe he was trying to protect whatever the dog was guarding."

Harry had said nothing, and hadn't touched his food. It was almost time for him and the team to head down to the pitch and was very nervous. Brooklyn noticed this.

"You really should eat, Harry," he suggested. "You need your strength for the game."

Harry shook his head.

"Listen to Brooklyn, Harry. Seekers are always the ones being clobbered by the other teams!" Seamus put in.

"Gee, thanks," Grumbled Harry while watching Seamus putting ketchup on his eggs. Brooklyn didn't understand why anybody would do that.

Eventually, Brooklyn, Ron, and Hermione along with the rest of the school to the stadium. Brooklyn's nerves were twitching with excitement. He wished his clan could watch this with him!

As they found their seats, the gargoyle glanced around at the Gryffindor fans. Some of them were holding up a flashing banner that said POTTER FOR PRESIDENT!

"I sure hope we win!" Ron said nervously.

"I've seen Harry on his broom. He'll probably outstrip them!" Brooklyn assured him.

He then heard Madam Hooch blow the whistle and Brooklyn gazed over to see the Slytherin and Gryffindor teams appear in a circle around her. Glancing at the Slytherin Captain, Brooklyn decided he looked like he had some Troll blood in him, and didn't look so pleasant.

Boy, I hope I don't run into that guy on a bad day, he thought, watching Oliver and the Slytherin Captain, Flint, shake hands. Flint looked like he was trying to crush Oliver's with his hard grip.

Madam Hooch placed her hands on her hips. "Now, I want a nice clean game from all of you!" She announced, mostly looking at the Slytherin team.

Brooklyn watched her kick off the game by kicking open the trunk, and two black balls along with one small golden one (Bludgers and Snitch), all zoomed out and flew around the pitch.

The teams then took off. Brooklyn spotted Katie Bell catch the Quaffle and throwing it to Angelina Johnson, who flew towards the end of the pitch, throwing the Quaffle, and getting it in the hoop with a perfect shot!

"Angelina Johnson scores! Ten points go to the Gryffindor team! And might I add how hot she is—"

"JORDAN!" The gargoyle heard McGonagall yell at the commentator, Lee Jordan. He chuckled. This was different from other commentators he heard in other sports like Football.

The game continued on with Brooklyn on the edge of his bench, praying for their team to win and for Harry to catch the Snitch. Things had gone pretty violent when the troll, Flint, used a Beater's bat to hit a Bludger at Wood, knocking him out and leaving the goalpost unprotected.

Brooklyn growled in outrage at that unfair move. Lee was yelling furiously with some chosen curse words here and there while jumping out of reach of McGonagall. He didn't enjoy seeing people in sports getting hurt like this, but he knew couldn't do anything about it.

Ron suddenly spoke up. "Harry's seen the Snitch! Look!" He cried out, tugging on Brooklyn's arm. He tore his eyes away from Wood's motionless form, his heart aching a little for not being able to help, but looked in Ron's direction, seeing what was going on.

Harry was flying towards the Snitch, almost a blur on his Nimbus. Brooklyn gritted his teeth in anticipation, wishing now that he would end the game.

Things suddenly went bad. Harry's broom had halted all of a sudden and was trying to throw him off.

Brooklyn felt terror for his best friend's safety, wondering why the broom was now acting weird.

"Wha's goin' on with 'Arry's broom?" Hagrid asked in a scared voice, who had joined them a few minutes ago before Wood had been injured.

"I don't know!" Brooklyn exclaimed with panic in his voice. His talons were itching to go out there and get Harry out, but that would ruin the match and spoil Harry's first time out on the game field!

Don't you care for him? Sneered his inner voice demon. Brooklyn gripped the top of his head in anger. Shut up! He screamed inwardly. There had to be a reason for this so the game and Harry's life wouldn't go to waste!

Hermione had looked over to the teacher's seats and saw Snape not taking his eyes off Harry, his mouth moving non stop. But she failed to notice Quirrell was also not taking his eyes off Harry, too. She nudged Brooklyn.

"It's Snape, Brooklyn! He's jinxing the broom!"

Brooklyn's eyes flashed white. "What?" He roared. Why would Snape do this, he was a Professor! But then the way he always seems to eyeball him in a not so nice way, and how he also puts down Harry in classes, the evidence could be right there, plus he was not blinking and moving his lips in a spell-casting kind of way from what Brooklyn could see with his sharp vision.

Ron was looking mortified. "What do we do?" He wailed, looking through the binoculars at Harry being tossed around mid air.

Hermione suddenly looked determined. "Leave it to me!" She was about to leave when Brooklyn grabbed her arm.

"No, Hermione, I don't want you to get caught. I'll deal with Snape; I already know what to do!" Brooklyn proclaimed in a determined voice. This was his chance to help his friend without ruining anything else.

Hermione nodded, but she looked scared for him. The gargoyle smiled at her confidently. "I'll be okay, don't worry." With that, he snuck through the crowded stadiums up to the teacher's seats.

Brooklyn stealthily made his way underneath the seat where Snape sat and remembered the flame spell Hermione showed him a while back. Pulling out his wand, he pointed it at Snape's robes, muttered the spell, and set Snape's robes ablaze.

Smirking at his work, he stealthily made a quick exit as Snape noticed his robes on fire; accidentally knocking Quirrell over while trying to put them out.

Brooklyn managed to find a spot to hide in and watch the rest of the game, for there was no time left to get back to his friends, and he didn't want to miss anything. Sighing in relief as the broom stopped jerking around, allowing Harry to climb back on.

He grasped the railing nervously as he watched Harry and the Slytherin Seeker nose to nose with each other; diving down towards the Snitch. as they neared the ground, the Slytherin Seeker suddenly pulled away before he crashed.

Brooklyn held his breath sharply as Harry lined out his broom, skimming near the ground. He then gripped the broom with his legs while reaching out with his hand, trying to grab the Snitch.

That's when he slipped from his broom and tumbled to the ground. He saw Harry standing up, looking like he was ready to throw up, but instead something gold fell into his hand.

Brooklyn's heart soared with pride for his human friend. They won! He grinned and raced down to the pitch to get to Harry.

But he got stuck in the crowd of spectators and was pushed to the very back. Growling a little in annoyance, he struggled to push his way through, trying to get Harry's attention, who was being held up by the other players, holding the Snitch in his hands.

To the gargoyle's surprise, while he was stuck in the back of the crowd, Hermione and Ron were right there in the middle of it all, cheering for Harry. Not even wondering where he was! He desperately waved and even tried calling out to them, but nobody noticed. Not even Hagrid who was sobbing into his handkerchief.

Small pangs of hurt hit Brooklyn's heart as those around him ran to Harry, not even noticing as they bumped him. His eyes watered a little as the crowd thinned, and left him standing there in the middle of the field.

His body trembled silently with sadness from being left behind, hands balling into fists. Why hadn't Ron and Hermione tried to find him? Why hadn't Harry? Did they forget that he was even here, even after Hermione was worried for him earlier?

Brooklyn couldn't take it anymore, his heart feeling it was shattering to pieces. He had been ignored once again, and it still hurt hard. Even after all these years, the gargoyle wondered why he still bothered to try and befriend humans, if it caused him nothing but misery and neglect.

He closed his eyes, trying to shut them out as voices echoed in his head, mostly the humans who hated him.

"Stay back, Monster!"

"Get away from him, you beast!"

Brooklyn's heart rate quickened as his anger rose, then he heard her speaking to him.

"I told you, my dear Brooklyn. It is all a game for these miserable humans. They act like they admire you, like you, and worry for your safety. But in the end, they cast you out like a piece of trash. That is why they all need to die! Especially that boy. You should have joined me in the first place. Then you wouldn't have had to go through this."

Brooklyn growled viciously, gripping the ground hard with his talons, the betrayal burning like fire in his shattered heart.

"NO!" he screamed. He didn't care now that he was yelling.


"The boy betrayed you, he never really cared!" Demona sneered in her smooth voice that he grew to hate.

But Brooklyn didn't want to listen anymore. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" He turned and began to run. Run away from everything. He could have gone up to the common room and talk to Harry, but he was in too bad a shape right now to talk to any of them. Especially since now that Demona tried again to mess with his head.

He continued on until up ahead, he skidded to a halt, in front of the Forbidden Forest.

His breath came in short gasps, mixed between sadness and fear. The trees loomed in front of the red gargoyle, surrounded by mist and darkness. He heard stories about what animals lurked in the trees.

A dark thought came into his head. He knew what he wanted to do now. I'm going to be gone for a while, Harry, to clear my head. I just can't seem to fit in here with you all right at the moment.

Tears coming from his eyes, the broken hearted former second in command set foot into the forest.


Brooklyn wandered through the dark trees, wondering what was going to happen to him.

He had seen a few interesting creatures here and there; such as a small family of skeletal looking horses gazing at him with milky white eyes. They could almost pass for gargoyles. And he even spotted a unicorn in the mist as well.

Is Harry gonna even try come looking for me? Brooklyn thought, sighing as he sat down against a tree, wrapping his wings around his shoulders and hugging his legs, wondering if Harry was even missing him by now.

He sat there for a few minutes until he heard a strange scuttling noise. Freezing in place, Brooklyn drew his wand, eyes scanning the forest for any hostilities.

"Lumos," he muttered, lighting up the end of his wand. Something dark and huge was coming for him. And it had one too many legs...

It was a giant spider, almost Brooklyn's size, as the gargoyle's eyes rounded in surprise and fright, holding out his wand defensively while backing away.

"Stupefy! Stupefy!" Brooklyn shouted out, but the spells didn't even hurt the thing, as it only made the spider angry, rearing up, baring its fangs, knocking Brooklyn off his feet and on his back with brute force, dropping his wand.

Brooklyn backed up against the tree, terrified, as the spider got ready to bite his head off, wondering if he was even gonna survive this thing.

The spider's eyes gleamed, about to devour its prey, Brooklyn shut his eyes, not wanting to watch himself get eaten.

A new sound suddenly came, the thundering of hooves. Brooklyn heard the spider screeching furiously and opened his eyes, seeing the strangest creature he only read about in books.

It was half horse, half man, and had the bravest look on his face as he charged at the spider, who backed off from him into the shadows until it was gone.

Brooklyn was shaking all over from his near death experience from a huge arachnid, as he continued to lie there.

The horse man (eventually he remembered the name, Centaur) approached, a look of concern on his young face. His horse body was palomino, and he had blond wavy hair.

"Are you okay?" He asked. Brooklyn couldn't speak, so he simply nodded. The centaur held out his hand. Brooklyn hesitated, because he was half human.

He saved your life. At least let him help!

At last he took the centaur's hand and let him pull him to his feet, along with Brooklyn finding his wand on the ground.

"Thanks, I guess," he mumbled, finding his voice and wrapping his hands around his arms, looking away.

The centaur tilted his head. "You seemed troubled, young gargoyle."

Brooklyn's head lowered. "I just needed to get away, because my best human friend ignored me at a game today, and...and I don't even know if I can face him now after running away," he mumbled.

The centaur stamped his hoof gently on the ground. "Everybody gets hurt by those that they love. But don't lose yourself to betrayal, or it will slowly destroy you inside. If you still love your friend, you need to tell him how you feel. Running is never the answer, young one."

Brooklyn slowly nodded, though his heart still felt hurt. But eventually he saw truth in the Centaur's words. He will talk to Harry. He won't let what Demona says keep him from that!

"But for now, you must leave this forest. A new creature has entered this forest, killing the unicorns. I, Firenze, will help you return to the castle, for I know who you are. Hagrid told me all about you."

Brooklyn was surprised. "Really?" He asked. Firenze nodded.

"He has grown respect for you ever since you met, and I can tell you have a good heart. Come with me."

Firenze then led Brooklyn through the trees, until they reached the edge of the forest.

The red gargoyle nodded to Firenze in thanks. "Thank you."

Firenze bowed. "Give my regards to Hagrid. And it has been a great honor to meet you, Brooklyn."

Brooklyn waved to the centaur who galloped back into the forest, and made his slow walk back to the castle. It was pretty much 7:30 by the time he made it back to the common room, speaking the password, and climbing in.

His eyes narrowed as he saw that there had of course been a party for the game and not a search party for him. Casting his eyes around, Brooklyn spotted Harry sitting on the couch with Ron and Hermione, talking and laughing.

He approached them, his old anger coming back. His friends looked up at him in surprise.

"Brooklyn! Where have you been? You missed a great party!" Harry exclaimed, a happy look on his face, oblivious to the angry look on Brooklyn's.

"Figures you wouldn't notice me until after the game and the party," Brooklyn said in an irritated tone, folding his arms, still angry from earlier.

Ron and Hermione both looked at each other, frightened and realized looks on their faces. How can I forget to tell Harry? Hermione thought in horror, a hand over her mouth. She had been so distracted by Gryffindor's victory.

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked in the same tone as Brooklyn's. Ron looked at them back and forth.

"We're going to bed!" He quickly announced, pulling Hermione away with him. She had tears of guilt in her eyes. After all that Brooklyn did for her, she forgot to tell Harry that he saved him from being thrown to his death.

"You want me to say it? Then I will. I thought you'd look for me when I didn't come to the party, but you were too blinded by your victory to even wonder where I was, and I thought we were friends. But I guess sports and fans are more important than close friendship, huh?" He snapped, folding his arms.

Harry's face turned from angry, to looking hurt and scared.

"Brooklyn, I didn't—."

Brooklyn shook his head, glaring. "Just save it, I totally get it. You have new human friends who adore you now, so that means I'm out of the picture, eh? That's totally understandable! You don't have any freaking idea what I go through to earn respect from humans, even after telling you my whole life story!"

He paced, frustration building, while Harry had tears starting to form.

"Humans in the past always ran away from me or ignored because I was a monster. Since it seems I'm still ignored here, even with Dumbledore giving me the Hogwarts guardianship position, maybe I shouldn't bother trying to be friends with anybody at all, and I bet you don't know what it feels like!" He shouted, vision red, eyes going moist.

Harry's chest felt tight, and tried reaching out to Brooklyn, who waved his hand off at him coldly, still angry, and tired.

"No, Harry. It'll be fine, I don't feel like discussing things. So I'm going to bed." Brooklyn grumbled, stalking away, leaving Harry behind looking ready to cry, and feeling guilty about what had happened.

The gargoyle angrily strode through the dormitory, ignoring the surprised faces of the First Years, curling himself on his cot, staring blankly at the wall. Neville noted that Brooklyn was pretty steamed up, so he didn't bother to ask what was wrong, and just minded his own business.

When Harry came in to go to bed, he cast his eyes onto Brooklyn; who was still lying there in a daze of anger and sadness.

"Brook? Brooklyn?" Harry timidly called. The other students were asleep, so they weren't disturbed. The gargoyle pretended to be asleep, he didn't feel like talking to the boy right now.

"Please, Brooklyn! I-I didn't mean to. Just talk to me? Please!" He begged in a soft broken voice.

No answer.

Brooklyn pulled the sheets over his head, while hearing Harry lie on his bed, crying softly, now feeling even more guilty. Perhaps Harry did know what it felt like, he had been ignored by his relatives since he was a newborn. How could he have forgotten that?

Guess I got a little too carried away, He thought, turning over in his bed. And I probably shouldn't have been yelling. What my clan would think of me if they saw me yelling at a young child like that! Goliath, Angela, and Hudson probably would have scolded him harshly, and he winced at that image.

That's when Brooklyn made up his mind as he finally fell asleep: first thing tomorrow, he would apologize to his little brother, for little conflicts like this shouldn't keep the gargoyle from protecting Harry. It was his duty.

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