Showdown at the Ministry

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The group entered the room filled with glowing orbs that Brooklyn remembered from his dream. Everybody stared in awe at the many orbs in the room. Behind them, the door began to move, until it was out of sight. Brooklyn wondered now if they would be able to find their way back out of the entrance moves like this.

"So, where'd you say Sirius was in here?" Brooklyn asked. Harry glanced about.

"I saw him in row 97. Come on," Harry said. They all nodded and followed. Harry and Brooklyn counted each row, until they reached 97. But Sirius wasn't around.

Brooklyn felt worried now, that Harry's vision might have really been false, he couldn't even detect Sirius's dog scent in here, either, and it felt too quiet except for their footsteps.

"He should be here!" Harry cried to him.

"Harry, I can't even smell him," Brooklyn said, and Harry's eyes were wide in horror.

"N-no, you might be wrong! Maybe they've taken him somewhere else!" Before Brooklyn could respond back, Neville called to them.

"Guys, this thing's got Harry's name on it!" The brothers turned to see what Neville was looking at, and Brooklyn gasped softly at the sight of the familiar orb from his nightmare. It had the same note pinned to it:

Dark Lord


Harry Potter

Harry stared as well, and then reached out with his hand.

Brooklyn grabbed his hand. "Wait, it might be a trap," he warned, not wanting his brother to touch it. Harry pulled his hand away. "It has my name, Brooklyn. I'm sure they'd let me take it."

With that Harry took the orb off the shelf, and thankfully nothing happened. The two of them stared as Trelawney's voice came from it.

"The One with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... for neither can live while the other survives..."

Brooklyn was semi speechless for a time. All those times Voldemort tried to kill Harry and himself; just to get his hands on some dumb prophecy? And the prophecy was about his little brother? Where did this even start in the first place?

"Guys!" Hermione cried, and the red gargoyle was suddenly hit with an all too familiar scent, the scent of a slime man.

He turned, seeing a man walking toward them in a metal skull mask and black robes.

Brooklyn stepped in front with Harry, the two of them pulling out their own wands. He knew who it was immediately.

"Where is Sirius, Lucius?" He demanded hotly, keeping Harry near him. Lucius drew his wand from inside his cane, taking off his mask with magic, while more Death Eaters appeared.

"One must know the difference between dreams and reality. For Potter only saw what the Dark Lord wanted him to see."

Another figure appeared near Lucius, not human.

"Oh, Brooklyn, still as gullible as ever, and your little human group is no better. Once again we've lured you to your demise!" It was Demona.

Brooklyn growled at her, but they didn't make any moves yet, not until they learned what they wanted.

"What is your game for your master this time, Demona?" Brooklyn demanded fiercely. She put her hands on her hips, smirking.

"He desires that prophecy, and wanted me to claim it for him. But I am nobody's servant, we're acquaintances, allies."

"Well, you won't get it, and if you do anything to us I'll break it!" Harry yelled at her. Demona glared at the teen human. Even though he was the enemy, she had to admire his courage.

Mad laughing made her roll her eyes, turning as a woman came, she had dark hair and heavily lidded eyes, Bellatrix was there in a tight black dress, and Brooklyn growled at her. The one who hurt Neville's parents he saw in St. Mungos.

"Ha! He knows how to play! Ittie bitty baby Potter and his precious pet!" Taunted Bellatrix. Demona had made her acquaintance after she teamed up with Voldemort. They despised each other right away because Demona was closer to him than Bellatrix ever was, but Voldemort commanded the two women to work together.

"Bellatrix Lestrange!" Snapped Neville.

"Ello, Neville Longbottom, isn't it? How's mum and dad?" The way she spoke reminded Brooklyn of Hyena from the Pack, in a bad way.

Neville raised his wand. "Better, now that they're about to be avenged!" He yelled. But Brooklyn grabbed his arm, shaking his head no urgently, while Demona grabbed Bellatrix much to the crazy woman's fury.

"Get your hands off me, demon!" She hissed, but Demona hissed louder.

"We can't attack until Potter gives us the Prophecy!" She snarled, while Lucius nodded in agreement.

"Yes, the lady gargoyle is right, we don't need bloodshed, yet." He sneered.

"Why does Voldemort need me to get this?" Harry demanded, keeping a tight grip on the Prophecy after Brooklyn managed to calm Neville down.

"You dare speak his name, filthy half bloods!" Shrieked Bellatrix. But then Brooklyn spoke up.

"You should know, Bellatrix, I heard personally from Voldemort's diary himself that he admitted he was a half blood. Did you already know? Or was he lying for thirteen years saying he's pureblood?" He mocked asked, causing Bellatrix's eyes to flash dangerously at his taunt.

Lucius held up his hands, as Demona loosened her hold on Bellatrix. "Now let's just calm down, shall we? We just want the prophecy, and you all can go free after you hand it to us."

The red gargoyle bared his teeth. "No chance, filth! Your precious master won't get his hands on it!" Harry nodded in agreement, holding the Prophecy close to his chest.

But Lucius came closer, smirking even more. "Potter, haven't you ever wondered why Voldemort was ever obsessed with you? Why he tried to kill you when you were only an infant? What you have in your hands, holds the answer to it all. Just give it to me, and I'll show you everything."

Brooklyn looked towards Harry who was gazing from the prophecy to Lucius. And he noticed the hungry look in Demona's face.

"Harry, don't!" He hissed silently, but his little brother winked secretly at him, and the gargoyle then nodded in understanding, turning to continue to glare at their enemies.

"I've waited 13 years," Harry said. Lucius nodded. "I know."

"Guess I can wait a little longer, NOW! STUPEFY!" He suddenly shouted, and the others followed suit, shooting their spells at the Death Eaters and Demona, who quickly leapt out of the way, and the gang all ran for it, casting spells at each Death Eater in turn that tried to pick them off after splitting up.

Brooklyn ran on all fours, shooting Stupefy at a Death Eater along the way until he gave a loud grunt from Demona pouncing on him, giving her banshee screech, the two of them rolling along the ground.

The red gargoyle kicked her in the stomach, throwing her off and having Demona crash into a shelf, prophecies crashing down around her. He saw little images of people speaking but didn't stop to listen and kept running as Demona recovered herself.

Along down another hallway, he had her attack him once again, her talons digging into his skin and making Brooklyn cry out in pain, Demona holding him tight in her grip, hissing into his ear.

"If you would only rejoin me, your 'friends' would live!" Brooklyn grunted fiercely as he struggled to pull her off of him.

"Ugh-I won't give into your lies again!" He spat in a pain filled voice, eyes glowing white while hers glowed red as she tightened her grip even more, making him bleed and wince.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry's voice yelled, causing Demona to yell, losing her grip on Brooklyn.

He panted heavily from the sudden release, Harry smiling down at him.

"Thanks, little bro!"

"No problem, let's go!"

The two brothers ran together, Brooklyn ignoring the pain in his skin from Demona's talons, and they all ran into the others in the middle of the room, a Death Eater flying down towards them.

"Reducto!" Yelled Ginny, her spell causing the enemy to smash into the shelf nearby. But that caused the shelves to start falling, prophecies smashing to pieces, right towards them!

"Back to the door!" Harry shouted, and they all ran for it, until at last they found the door, opening it and jumping inside, falling down into a circular room.

Brooklyn shook his head from the fall, looking down at his wounds, but they didn't look too bad, nothing that a poultice from Pomfrey could fix up.

In the room was a large stone archway, with a continuously swinging black veil, almost hypnotic to Brooklyn who found himself staring, along with Harry and Luna.

What is this? Why is this archway here? Brooklyn thought curiously, unable to look away from the swinging veil. He could even hear whispering coming from it.

"Voices? Can you tell what they're saying?" Harry asked, stepping closer along with Brooklyn.

Hermione was scared. "T-there aren't any voices, Harry. Let's get out of here!"

Brooklyn felt his hand going towards the black veil. Could perhaps this be a portal? A possible way to return home? The whispering rang in his ears, his fingers getting closer and closer, wanting to touch it.

"Guys, please! Don't touch it!" Begged Hermione tearfully, and that somehow broke into Brooklyn, blinking and he jerked his hand away, legs shaking.

What would have happened if did? He questioned in fear, backing away from the swinging veil.

At that moment, the Death Eaters returned, causing Harry and Brooklyn to both duck, but it was unfortunate for their friends as they were all held hostage, Bellatrix keeping a tight hold on Neville with her wand on his neck.

Demona and Lucius approached the two of them, both smiling cruelly. Harry and Brooklyn both stood side by side, wands out. They were cornered, the brothers knew it, but they wouldn't stop fighting to free them!

"Did you actually think you were naive enough to believe you stood a chance against us?" Lucius purred, and Demona's smile grew wider.

"It was hopeless from the beginning." She sneered.

"Now, I will make this simple for you, Potter. Give us the Prophecy now, or watch your friends die!" Demanded Lucius, holding out his hand. Brooklyn's brain wracked wildly to find a way around this, but from the way things looked right now, they probably had no choice.

Harry was just about to hand the orb to Lucius, when a flash of white light appeared next to them, revealing...

"Get away from my godson!" Sirius snapped, punching Lucius square in the face, making him fall over. Brooklyn gave a big surprised grin, as Demona moved out of the way of another flash of light that was Tonks. The Order had finally arrived to help! From all the commotion, Harry slipped, and the prophecy smashed into pieces.

It was chaos, a huge battle between the Death Eaters, Order of the Phoenix, the London Clan, and King Arthur, who used Excalibur on most of the Death Eaters, shouting out bravely.

Brooklyn fought off six to ten Death Eaters, but couldn't find Demona, who had vanished into the battle.

Harry and Sirius fought side by side against Lucius Malfoy and Dolohov, but were unaware of Bellatrix raising her wand at Sirius.

Brooklyn noticed, though, and seeing her readying to kill him, he gave a loud screech, charging at her and knocking Bellatrix down. She growled back at him, furious at this gargoyle for stopping her from killing her no good cousin, and ran away in another direction out of the archway room.

Harry had heard Brooklyn attacking Bellatrix, and realized what she would have nearly done, anger making him see red, and turning into his gargoyle form. Seeing her running away, he went after her despite Sirius calling for him. Bellatrix tried murdering his godfather! She wouldn't go unpunished!

Brooklyn ran to Sirius, who looked worried for his godson.

"Are you okay?" He asked Sirius, who nodded.

"Yeah, thanks for the save, but I don't want my godson to kill her, even if she's evil! You have to get him! Please!" He begged. Brooklyn nodded, told Sirius to stay, and he ran to help his brother.

"Crucio!" Harry's voice roared, and Brooklyn felt shock inside that Harry had used an unforgivable curse on somebody, even if it was Bellatrix. He was in his gargoyle form, fangs bared, wings out, and pointing his wand at her.

"Harry, don't!" Brooklyn yelled, seeing Harry's wand arm shaking,

"She almost killed Sirius! Now I will kill her!"

Brooklyn grabbed his shoulders, pulling him back. "No, this isn't the way. Let's just tie her up and get—aaaah!" He gave a scream as a spell hit him in the shoulder, knocking him down, Voldemort had arrived right at that moment, grinning maliciously.

Harry stared in fear at his fallen brother to Voldemort, scar stinging painfully.

"Go ahead and do it, Potter. You know the spell," he sneered. Harry backed away, glaring. "I won't! Not now!" He snapped, running over to Brooklyn who clutched his shoulder. He had been hit with a Stinging Jinx. Voldemort eyed Harry's gargoyle form with extreme interest, for this was now his first time seeing it.

"You alright, Brook?" The gargoyle grunted slightly but nodded.

"I'll live, I think."

Voldemort raised his wand at the pair of them. "Well, not for much longer. And how interesting that you're an Animagus, too, Potter!" Harry's eyes flashed as the brothers held onto one another, readying themselves, until a fireplace lit up green, revealing Dumbledore who had a furious look on his face. Voldemort turned sharply in fury at the sight of his old rival.

"It was foolish of you to come here tonight, Tom. The Aurors are on their way." He said as they circled each other.

"By that time I shall be gone. And you dead!" Voldemort snarled back, raising his wand, and they began dueling. while Brooklyn got him and Harry to a safer spot away from the spells.

Voldemort then made a huge fire snake appear, but Dumbledore counter attacked it with water from the fountain, consuming him in a water cocoon, then dropping him to the floor.

Brooklyn stared in amazement as the duel continued between Dumbledore and Voldemort, as at last Voldemort gave a roaring yell, shattering the glass windows around them. Harry and Brooklyn shielded themselves with their wings as the glass shards fell, before making them fly towards them.

Dumbledore stood in front of the brothers, turning the glass into dust, Brooklyn shutting his eyes tightly and covering Harry's so the dust wouldn't blind them.

Voldemort frowned after the dust cleared, still seeing them alive. He then knew one other alternative: enter Potter's mind. And that is what he did, disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

Brooklyn watched the spot where Voldemort disappeared, not believing he was really gone, keeping his protective arms around Harry. That is until Harry gasped, slipping from his hands, collapsing to the ground, eyes rolling to the back of his head.

No! No! Brooklyn screamed silently, knowing this was Voldemort's doing, trying to possess Harry just like what had happened to him.

Harry gave a growl that wasn't his own, for he had by now turned back into a human, eyes changing to a cruel red that scared the gargoyle.

Dumbledore knelt down next to them in worry.

"You've lost old man and devil, I will destroy all you both love!" The eyes turned normal after that, Harry trying to fight.

"Don't-don't believe him! You need to get out of here!" He croaked. Brooklyn wildly shook his head, he wouldn't abandon him to Voldemort.

"No! You wouldn't leave me in the Chamber, I won't leave you either! You aren't like Voldemort! Just keep looking at me! Fight him!" He begged, holding Harry's hand tightly.

Harry writhed on the floor, gasping as his eye color flickered back and forth, until he at last managed to speak again in his own voice back to Voldemort:

"Y-you're the weak one, and you'll never know love or friendship. And I feel sorry for you," he gasped, while Brooklyn felt tears coming down from this.

Voldemort at last left him, towering over the two, Brooklyn glaring hard up at the devil man and hugging Harry comfortingly.

"You're a fool, Harry Potter. And you will lose everything. And as for you," he sneered, gazing down mirthlessly at Brooklyn, "Do you really think you can keep him from me forever?"

"I won't let you take him!" Brooklyn snapped back. Voldemort just chuckled softly.

"We shall see!"

just then the fires suddenly flamed and people appeared including Fudge, whose eyes popped at the sight of the disappearing Voldemort along with Bellatrix, Peter Pettigrew, and Demona, taking them with him.

"W-wha?! Was that really Voldemort? And-and did I just see him with Peter Pettigrew, Bellatrix, and that-that other creature?" He yelped, jumping a foot in the air. Dumbledore nodded.

"Yes, Minister, and if I can speak to you privately about pardoning Sirius Black. He had been innocent, he never killed the Potters. And that 'creature' was another gargoyle who had been pulled into darkness by Voldemort, for whom I hope sees the error of her actions."

Fudge's face fell, seeing Brooklyn holding Harry in his arms who had passed out, and took off his lime green bowler with a heavy sigh.

"Guess I know what I have to print for tomorrow's paper," He mumbled, as Dumbledore took Fudge aside to have a long talk.

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