Slug Parties and Suspecting Draco

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What disappointed Brooklyn the next day was that Katie had been moved to St. Mungos, leaving him in depression for most of it. Whispers about Katie's condition have also spread among the students. Griff comforted him as best he could.

"Mate, sorry about Katie being cursed," he apologized, the friends sitting together in the common room.

Brooklyn gave a soft growl. "I want to find out whoever cursed my friend. He/she won't get away with this!" He declared, while his eyes glowed. Griff winced from how he sounded. Brooklyn must've really had his heart out for this girl, considering the past few times he tried and lost chances for a mate.

Harry made a plan to cheer him up one day by asking him to accompany him to Slughorn's dinner party.

"So he invited you at the Three Broomsticks?" Brooklyn asked dully, Katie still flashing through his mind. Harry nodded.

"Just thought it be good for you to be at a party after... well..."

Brooklyn heaved a sigh. He guessed it couldn't hurt to join his brother as he agreed to go with him.

There weren't that many people at the party. They included two twin Slytherin girls and another boy in Malfoy's gang, Blaise Zabini. A Ravenclaw boy named Marcus Belby, and unfortunately Cormac, who still hated Harry for choosing Ron to be the Keeper, and been eyeing Hermione who was there like a prize he wanted.

Slughorn did an attempt to get along with the other students, but all that Brooklyn saw was a man trying to get special privileges from their parents in high places, finding himself still trapped in depressing thoughts of Katie lying in a bed at St. Mungos, while poking at his food, not feeling hungry.

The party wasn't quite as fun as Brooklyn thought it would be, even with a few somewhat funny conversations about Hermione's parents bring Dentists, and when Ginny had arrived, Harry was the only one who stood up for her, and it got Brooklyn thinking, perhaps Harry was starting to like Ginny more than Cho when they broke up last year because of Cedric, even if Ginny was still with Dean.

Eventually he ended up leaving for his bed, Katie Bell being in a lot of his nightmares the rest of the week where she hadn't lived from being cursed.


Saturday morning dawned the first Quidditch match. Brooklyn couldn't stand the thought of watching it without Katie being able to play, but Harry managed to convince him that this was Ron's first match, and then he reluctantly agreed to go.

Ron was looking pretty nervous about it and wouldn't touch his breakfast. Harry then offered him juice, and he lifted it to his lips.

Hermione noticed Harry's grin, and the gargoyle then knew, had Harry poured in his Lucky Potion? "Don't drink that, Ron!" She gasped. Ron narrowed his eyes at her, then drank it in one gulp.

A few seconds, and Ron suddenly had a big grin. Brooklyn couldn't help but smile just a bit, glad to see Ron happy again, even if it was the Lucky Potion's doing, as Ron then got up to prepare for the game. Already a few lucky things happened: Two of the Slytherin players were unable to show and the weather was perfect.

Brooklyn sat with Hermione and Griff (who had witnessed a few Quidditch games in the past year that Brooklyn couldn't mention), watching as Ron saved practically everything that came his way, sometimes letting out cheerful hollers to the crowd that kept on cheering for him, except for the Slytherins and Cormac. Harry eventually won the game for Gryffindor, catching the Snitch in a power dive move. It still wasn't the same without Katie, but Brooklyn tried his best to enjoy himself as he lifted Harry onto his shoulders, who raised the Snitch in his hands.

A very noisy party followed, everyone chanting Ron's name, while music roared from the radio. Brooklyn stayed in the back with Harry and Hermione, just to let Ron enjoy his moment.

Hermione had shaken her head. "You really shouldn't have done it, it's illegal," she muttered. Brooklyn leaned over to his little brother. "Did you do it?" He questioned softly. But Harry shook his own head, holding up the still unused bottle of Felix, startling the three of them.

"You faked it?" Brooklyn asked in surprise. Harry nodded, grinning. "It was the only way to get Ron to believe he can play, by thinking he was lucky."

Griff grinned. "Smart, mate," he commented, the griffin gargoyle hi fiving Harry. But then Brooklyn witnessed something that made his heart burst into pieces, Katie flashing into his vision.

For the girl, Lavender Brown, had been taking the liberty of trying to form a relationship with Ron, right in front of Hermione, too. He did his best to ignore them before the opal necklace incident, but this one moment became too much.

Lavender jumped into Ron's arms, and they shared a kiss.

Furious tears flickered in Brooklyn's eyes as he watched them, hating Lavender. She dared to do that right in front of Ron's close friends! And to make it worse, everybody else was encouraging it. He heard Hermione sob and run out of the Common room.

Griff noticed Brooklyn's tearing gaze, and felt his own heart break for his friend, being forced to watch this fake love happening in front of him while Katie was hurt, and for Hermione, too.

Brooklyn couldn't stand watching them anymore, and made his way out with Harry to find Hermione sitting in an empty classroom, practicing the Avis bird charm where all sorts of little birds fluttered around her.

Brooklyn sat down next to her. "Hey," he greeted, wiping his own eyes and trying to stay cool. She looked over at the pair of them, then looked away.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked. Hermione was about to answer until Lavender and Ron both came in, holding one another's hands, Lavender giggling obnoxiously, making Brooklyn growl softly. This didn't feel like a true relationship at all to him.

She saw the three of them, clinging onto Ron's arm. "Whoops! Looks like this room is taken," she said, quickly going out of the way. Ron watched them, eyeing the birds curiously. "What's with the birds?" Hermione stood, raising her wand at him.


The birds turned and flew after Ron, who yelped in shock and covered his head as he ran in where Lavender went. Hermione finally broke down, crying as Brooklyn and Harry stayed with her, doing their best to comfort their friend.


The Ron and Hermione feud continued, the pair hardly speaking to each other at all. Brooklyn even tried sabotaging Ron and Lavender's supposed relationship from occasion to hopefully bring his friends back together with no success, always ending with him getting caught either by Ron or in his own triggered traps, resulting in gooey messes and a blackened face twice, having Hermione walking in on Lavender and Ron kissing again while seeing Brooklyn stuck in one of his own failed traps including something from Fred and George's shop, and helped him out of them.

Harry, Hermione and Brooklyn were walking down the hallway together as Brooklyn needed to escort his brother to classes, a request from Dumbledore. He wondered where the man was though, it had been months since their last lesson. Where had he been going?

Brooklyn had growled at the sight of the kissing pests next to them at one point while going into the library with Hermione and Harry together.

"Brooklyn, I've really appreciated you and Harry trying to help, but I've come to accept for Ron to kiss whomever he likes, I really couldn't care less," she huffed, while pulling out a few books.

"Listen, Hermione, since Slughorn's Christmas Party is coming and I don't have anybody at the moment, er, perhaps we could—?" Brooklyn suggested helpfully, but she shook her head.

"No, I've already asked somebody, but thanks for the offer, Brooklyn," she replied, smiling.

"Who did you ask out?" Harry asked. She shook her head.

"It's a surprise." Brooklyn rolled his eyes. Great, just like Viktor Krum, he thought, until Hermione then pointed Harry towards Romilda Vane, warning him that she might plan to spike him with love potion. Heck no Brooklyn wouldn't let her! He would make sure to take care to watch whatever Harry ate or drank.

Brooklyn decided then he couldn't ask any other girl to go to the party without thinking of Katie, but instead just went along as Harry's guardian who took Luna as a date. The office was brightly decorated with Christmas garland and other stuff like that along with Christmas music playing.

Brooklyn eyed the couples, his heart aching as he imagined Katie with him now, enjoying the party together, as he, Harry and Luna were met up with Slughorn.

"Ah, Harry, m'boy! And Brooklyn too! So delighted you two could come!" Slughorn greeted cheerfully, shaking both their hands. Brooklyn nodded in acknowledgement, knowing he had to keep this up if they needed to get whatever Dumbledore wanted from him.

"Who's your date tonight, Harry?" Slughorn asked, looking at Luna.

"This is Luna Lovegood, a Ravenclaw," he replied, Luna smiling in Slughorn's direction.

"And your father's the owner of the Quibbler? How honored to make your acquaintance The Quibbler is one of my favorites!" Exclaimed Slughorn in a jubilant tone, but Brooklyn could easily detect that he had been in the Sherry a little too much. Not that Brooklyn didn't like her father's magazines, of course!

Eventually they had their picture taken with Slughorn, then Harry and Brooklyn went off on their own way through the party, running into Neville at one point who was serving drinks. Luna and Neville sparked up a conversation with each other, and Brooklyn suddenly spotted Hermione going to hide behind a curtain. Nudging his little brother's arm, he pointed and the two of them slid around Neville and Luna to catch up to her.

"Hermione, what happened to you?" Brooklyn asked. Hermione was panting, some of her hairdo coming undone.

"I escaped, leaving Cormac under the mistletoe," She responded breathlessly. Harry looked disgusted, as was Brooklyn.

"That's who've you invited? Seriously?" Brooklyn gaped. He just couldn't believe this!

"I'd thought he'd annoy Ron the most," she muttered. Harry rolled his eyes at Brooklyn, who agreed with him.

"You'd better pray this works, Granger. I just don't know why you couldn't have gone with me instead, not that prat who calls himself a Gryffindor!" Snapped Brooklyn warningly, right as a waiter came in with a tray of brown ball appetizers.

"Dragon Tart?" He asked. There was a funny smell coming from them, making Brooklyn feel a tad nauseous. He and Harry shook their heads, along with Hermione. "No."

The boy grinned. "Just as well, they give one person a horribly bad breath." At those words Hermione grabbed two of them, stuffing them into her mouth.

"Might keep Cormac at bay. Ugh, here he comes!" She gasped, quickly slipping out of there, as Cormac unfortunately joined them, taking the plate of Dragon Tarts, and giving the brothers the most obnoxious grin.

"Have you seen Granger?" He asked innocently. Brooklyn folded his arms, glaring. "Haven't seen her," he growled. Cormac frowned.

"Well, tell Granger I'm looking for her if you see her, won't you?" He asked in a demanding tone, while downing one of the Dragon Tarts. The red gargoyle smirked a bit, this kid's gonna get what's coming to him! He thought.

Cormac made a face, now noticing what he was eating. "What's this stuff I'm eating?" He asked.

"Dragon balls," Harry responded, the two brothers grinning triumphantly at one another.

Snape showed, right as Cormac barfed, all over his shoes. He narrowed his eyes. "You just bought yourself a month's detention, McLaggen. Not so quick, you two," he said to the brothers who tried to get out of there.

He stood in front of them, making Brooklyn feel like they were in trouble, but didn't cower.

"What do you want from us this time?" He demanded the Defense Professor. He had witnessed Snape's classes, and so far he preferred Lupin by a long shot. Snape seemed to enjoy his teaching roll far too much.

"Just to send you two regards from Dumbledore about your lessons which will continue to be off until after the holidays, and wishes you two a merry Christmas." He said to them. Brooklyn frowned. That was all?

"Where was he traveling?" Harry demanded. But Snape didn't reply, striding off in his usual manner.

Filch suddenly appeared, dragging in Malfoy by the scruff of his robes. "Get your hands off me, you filthy Squib!" He spat. Filch grinned maliciously at Slughorn. "I've caught this brat lurking in the upstairs corridor. He claims to be invited." Malfoy pulled himself away. "Alright! I was gatecrashing! You happy?"

Brooklyn frowned again, as Snape volunteered to escort Malfoy out, whose eyes were terrified and maybe angry. He and Harry followed them, listening into the keyhole at a locked classroom.

"...can't afford anymore mistakes, Draco. Unless you want to be expelled—!"

"I didn't have anything to do with it!"

"You'd better be telling the truth, for it was stupid, clumsy and foolish!"

"Maybe I did hex that Bell girl, maybe I didn't! Just stop butting in on what I'm doing for Him! It's none of your business!"

Brooklyn had a new rush of hate when Katie had been mentioned. This had been something she didn't deserve!

There was a rustle inside, before Snape spoke in a frantic voice.

"Listen, Draco. I swore to protect you. I made the Unbreakable Vow!"

The brothers gave each other a worried look. The gargoyle didn't like the sound of this 'Unbreakable Vow'. He had to know more about it.

"I don't need your protection! I was chosen for this, out of all the others, me! And I already have that gargoyle woman helping!"

"You have no idea how dangerous she is, Draco. She can easily lead you into a false sense of success and security."

You're telling me, Brooklyn growled silently to himself, remembering that time with her.

"What does all this matter, anyway? Defense Against the Dark Arts, it's all one big joke, like we need any protection against the Dark Arts!"

"You fool! Just stop this charading and wandering. And if you're relying on people like Crabbe and Goyle too..."

"I've got other people besides them and better protection more than you could offer me!"

"If you can only confide in me, I can help! You know what would happen if I don't keep the vow—!"

More scuffling, then walking towards the door.

"Just stop it! I'm fine! You just want a share of the glory! I have had enough of this!"

Harry and Brooklyn quickly ducked out of the way, as Malfoy threw open the door, storming away down the hall, the brothers running away quickly back to the Dormitory to inform their friends what they just heard, to prove once and for all that Malfoy could be a Death Eater, plotting with Demona and Voldemort right under Dumbledore's nose!

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