The First Task

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The next morning had Harry and Brooklyn trying to figure out how to get through the First Task, which was only two days away. They eventually decided to tell Cedric since the other Champions already knew of the dragons now.

He saw them coming over in surprise, with his friends who wore those stupid badges except him, laughing and jeering. Brooklyn just ignored them as they had Cedric meet them privately.

"So, what's up guys?" Cedric asked in confusion. Harry went right to the point.

"It's dragons, Cedric. That's the First Task."

Cedric stared, and Brooklyn couldn't blame him for doing so.

"You guys are serious?" Harry nodded, along with adding that the other Champions already knew, too.

"Well, uh, thanks for the heads up," Cedric thanked, and Brooklyn grinned.

"Yeah, well, it's what friends do," he said. Cedric looked happy about being called a friend, until his other fans began to laugh at Harry and Brooklyn again, the badges flashing the yellow message that the gargoyle hated but learned to ignore.

Cedric looked back at them with a frown. "Look, guys, about the badges, and-and the way the last message on them towards Brooklyn was, I asked them not to wear them, but—." Brooklyn shook his head.

"No, it's fine. I've learned to go with it in Manhattan, really," he said. Cedric was quite astonished that Brooklyn had received this kind of hatred from others before. He was just so nice. He didn't deserve it at all. Cedric then knew he was going to have a serious talk with his so-called fans about respecting Brooklyn's honor and to burn the badges in the fire!

The duo waved goodbye to Cedric and went on their way, only to meet up with one other person who disrespected them the most: Draco Malfoy, who began to taunt them.

"Why so tense, Potter? My father and I had a bet, you see. I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament!"

Brooklyn made an attempt to move Harry along. "Just ignore him," he muttered sourly, trying not to let his anger override him.

But Malfoy stepped in front of them, blocking their way. "He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five! And you, Monster Freak, I bet you feel guilty about entering Potter now! If you haven't done so, well..."

He flashed his badge, the green message flashing on Harry before the yellow one shone onto Brooklyn, who felt the heat rising up in his neck and face, hands balling into fists. Harry growled, shoving Malfoy.

"We don't give a damn about what your father thinks, Malfoy!" He snarled, and Brooklyn suddenly saw his eyes glowing. "He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic!"

"Harry, let's just go, I really don't care," he hissed softly, tugging on Harry's arm, hoping to get him away before revealing his Animagus form. Malfoy glared, drawing his wand at their retreating backs.

"OH NO YOU DON'T, SONNY!" bellowed a familiar voice, and Brooklyn turned just in time to see Moody shooting a spell at Malfoy, turning him into a small white ferret.

Practically everybody there started roaring with laughter, and Brooklyn felt himself snickering. It was what the brat deserved!

Moody then proceeded to make Ferret Malfoy bounce in the air with his wand.

"Stinking cowardly scummy thing to do! Attacking someone from behind will not be tolerated!" He growled, mechanical eye spinning while the ferret squealed in pain from hitting the ground, until he then made him go into Crabbe's pants, who screamed, Goyle trying to get him out before getting bitten on the finger.

McGonagall showed up, eyes widening at the scene. "Professor Moody! What are you doing?" she yelped.

"Teaching!" Moody smirked, enjoying seeing Crabbe jumping about, trying to shake the ferret out of his pants, and the two brothers laughing. This was the best moment of Brooklyn's life! Who knows what the boy was seeing in Crabbe's undies right now!

The ferret climbed out, and Moody then made him bounce again, McGonagall now realizing.

"Is that-is that a student?"

"Technically, it is a ferret!"

Having enough, she drew her wand, turning Malfoy back to normal, who stood up, glaring, but he looked scared in his eyes.

"My father will hear about this!"

The boys began to run, Moody chasing them, his eyes crazed looking. "Is that a threat?! I can tell you stories about your father that would curl even your greasy hair, boy! It doesn't end here!" He screamed, before McGonagall stopped him.

"Professor, we never use Transfiguration as a punishment, surely Dumbledore told you that?" she snapped.

Moody looked down. "Might've mentioned it," he muttered.

"And you will do well to remember it," she finished, shooing everybody away from the scene, Moody giving her a dirty look. Harry and Brooklyn both smiled at one another, hoping to remember this moment: Draco Malfoy, the Amazing Bouncing Ferret!

"You, Potter and Brooklyn, come with me!" Moody suddenly exclaimed, directing them towards him.

"Are we in trouble?" Brooklyn asked in worry. Moody shook his head.

"No, youngn'. Just need to discuss with Potter for a bit, and he might like you with him for this."

In Moody's office, the three of them discussed the First Task, and the brothers admitted that they had no plan.

"What are Potter's strengths, Gargoyle?" Moody asked Brooklyn, blinking in surprise before answering.

"Uh, he's good at Quidditch, flying in general, and-and he can..."

Brooklyn paused, not sure whether to tell somebody like Moody about Harry's Animagus ability. But then he realized: if he could tell Dumbledore, he could tell Moody, call it thanking him for saving them from Malfoy. He glanced at Harry, who knew what he was gonna say, but nodded, giving him permission.

"He's also an Animagus. He can turn into a gargoyle, Professor," Brooklyn finished, and Moody looked impressed.

"Well, I'll believe it when I see it," he growled, and Harry obliged, transforming, and standing to his full height, wings spread out to their full length. Brooklyn grinned. He had to admit he had grown to enjoy Harry's gargoyle form over the past few months of training.

"Most impressive. Have you been training?" Moody asked, with Brooklyn nodding.

"Yes, he can glide quite well, and I've shown him a few fighting moves."

"It's remarkable, you look alike in design, except for the skin color and hair," Moody observed in interest. They both looked at each other.

"Guess we do!" They both said at the same time with Moody chuckling at their humor.

"Must be your connection to one another. But Brooklyn, Harry could use this. If you already told Dumbledore, he probably is going to allow Harry to use it for the First Task, at least."

"As long as the press and everybody else doesn't bash my little brother about his ability, then I'm willing to have him use it to defend himself against the Horntail," he then agreed.

Saying goodbye, Harry and Brooklyn both left, eventually spending the next few days learning fighting moves that could be used against a dragon.


The First Task soon came too quickly for Brooklyn's liking, finding the brothers in the waiting tent together, awaiting Crouch to give the Champions their instructions and dragons.

Hermione greeted them at the tent entrance, whispering good luck to Harry and even giving him a hug. Brooklyn smiled at this small moment between the friends until it was ruined by a flash from a camera.

Ugh, and the cow returns, Brooklyn thought in disgust, glaring at the sight of Rita Skeeter in her acid green robes, her camera guy standing next to her.

"Oh, young love! How stirring! This will go on the front page if he makes it alive!"

Brooklyn growled at her. "You put this on the front page, and you'll get what's coming to you!" She just smiled, unfazed.

"Let me tell you something, Beast, our readers need something, and they'll just eat this love story up!" She said in a snooty voice, flicking his chin with her quill, making his eyes flash, until Krum came to the rescue.

"You haff no business here. This tent is for Champions and friends!" he said angrily. She was still smiling as she left.

"No matter, I got what I wanted."

"And stay out!" Brooklyn shouted after her, before turning to Krum with a grateful smile.

"Thanks," he said gratefully. Krum smiled back.

"It was a pleasure, Brookleen. And I'm sorry with how I've been treating you and Harry," he apologized. Brooklyn said it wasn't a problem as they shook hands on better terms. If only now that Fleur girl could eventually see the light.

Crouch at last began the explanation of the rules when Hermione was leaving.

He gave each Champion a life-like model of each dragon: Fleur got the Welsh Green, a medium small green dragon that had a musical roar, Krum got the Chinese Fireball, Cedric the Swedish Shortsnout that had resemblance to an elephant seal to Brooklyn. At last, Harry was given the Hungarian Horntail.

Crouch explained how the nest of each dragon will have the real eggs but hiding a golden one in the middle containing a clue for the next task. Cedric went first at the sound of the cannon, while the rest waited. Brooklyn wished Harry luck as he went out to sit with Ron and Hermione.

Cedric barely got out of his task with only a slightly burnt face after transforming a rock into a dog that the dragon chased after but changed its mind. He still got his egg in the end, thankfully.

Fleur was next, that Brooklyn was most interested in. She cast some sort of sleeping charm on the Welsh, which swayed drunkenly back and forth, before finally falling to the ground in a deep sleep. While holding her egg triumphantly, the dragon shot out fire, catching her robes, making her yelp out before putting it out with her wand.

Krum was next in line, dodging the Fireball's shots as quickly as he could before at last shooting a spell in its eye, making her writhe in agony, accidentally squishing half the real eggs, which they took off points for.

Finally, it was his brother's turn. Brooklyn felt his nerves freezing as he watched him step out. Will he be able to change form in front of everybody?

"Does Harry have a plan?" muttered Hermione softly. Brooklyn nodded, praying that Harry's training will pay off.

The Horntail growled, covering her eggs protectively as Harry tried to sneak around her, but she noticed, swiping her tail, hitting Harry, and making him fly into the air, landing on his side. Brooklyn winced, wanting to go in and help, but then it would be cheating.

"HARRY! YOU NEED TO TRANSFORM!" He yelled out desperately, as fire shot towards Harry, ducking behind a rock.

Harry looked up to where Brooklyn was sitting, and then determination filled him. His eyes suddenly glowed, and a low deep growl emitted from his throat as he began to change. The wings sprouted from his back, and the dragon halted, tilting her head at what was going on, until she was face to face with an angry human turned gargoyle.

Brooklyn cheered at his success but heard Malfoy calling out in the back: "Potter's turned into a monster freak!" He turned sharply, growling.

"Shut up, Ferret!" He roared and continued to watch.

The whole crowd was screaming at the action below, some from fear, others from excitement, mostly the Gryffindors were looking excited as Harry took off into the air from the rock, soaring around the dragon, scratching her face with his talons, making her angry and distracting her from the eggs, which is what Harry wanted.

Ron himself was just mesmerized at the display, especially seeing Harry transform again. He was really brave enough to show everybody this when it was the right time, and now he was feeling guilty for being jealous. He definitely didn't want to be down there with the dragon now!

"Over here, Ugly!" roared Harry, flying back from the dragon's head, who screeched furiously, moving forward, until Harry dodged her fangs, kicking her hard on the back of the head with his foot, sending the Horntail falling down to the ground, knocking her out.

Harry landed near the eggs with thunderous applause, grabbing the golden egg and holding it up in victory, eyes shining white. Dumbledore watched, smiling proudly at Harry's bravery, and fighting skills. McGonagall was sobbing into a handkerchief, while Rita Skeeter scratched down on a piece of parchment. Snape was indifferent, but Dumbledore could swear he saw a flicker of pride in the man's eyes.

Harry and Brooklyn celebrated later in the Gryffindor common room with everybody else, Fred and George lifting him onto their shoulders.

But when they tried opening the egg, it emitted a loud ear-piercing shriek instead of a clue. Harry closed the egg, and Brooklyn rubbed his ears painfully that were still ringing.

"What the bloody hell was that?" It was Ron, standing there with a noisemaker and looking guilty.

Harry glared at him. "Hey," he greeted sourly. Brooklyn had no desire to talk to Ron, as he too glared.

"Harry, I-I now am thinking that whoever put your name in the goblet is trying to do you in!"

"So, caught on, have you?" Brooklyn spat. Sure, he didn't want to talk to him, but if he did, it was in anger. Ron looked over to Brooklyn, face flushing.

"I just want to say sorry, especially for blaming you again, Brooklyn. After watching Harry today, it made me realize I needed to be more supportive, not jealous."

Harry's frown then changed to a grin. Ron was finally turning around! Without another word, he hugged him, and Ron too smiled, glad to have their friendship back. Brooklyn joined them as they shared a group hug. Hermione watched them, tears in her eyes at seeing their friendship back to normal.

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