The Graveyard part 2

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Harry was wide eyed at the appearance of this other female gargoyle, the one Brooklyn had spoken of and had grown to hate over the years. She definitely was magnificent, light blue skin, graceful figure, and red hair, but at the same time, so evil. And now she was working with Voldemort, his parent's murderers. And this was double trouble!

Demona watched Brooklyn glaring at her, satisfied seeing him so helpless, unable to loosen his bonds and fight her. She couldn't wait to scratch away his life, but she had to wait, for Voldemort wished to break her rival's spirit by killing and torturing that human boy in front of him and his Death Eaters.

Speaking of which, there were the sudden sounds of Apparition, and the Death Eaters arrived, in a circle around Voldemort, several of them bowing to him and kissing the hem of his robes.

Brooklyn just stared, disgusted watching these people stooping to somebody as low as this evil man, all his slaves. But he noticed gaps in the circle, of those that were missing. Voldemort gazed around at them all, while Demona stood near Brooklyn, her eyes narrowed at all the humans in front of her.

"Why, Demona?" Brooklyn asked in a quiet voice, while Voldemort spoke to his followers. She turned sharply at his voice.

"What?" She growled, her eyes glowing, but Brooklyn didn't flinch, he continued to stare hard at her.

"Why did you join him, just to get at me? And how did you even figure out Puck's spell in the first place?"

Demona's expression didn't change, as she then told her story.

"I heard of you being sent to this world by that miserable trickster, and I still wanted revenge on you for going against me all those years ago when all I wanted was for you to see my side of humans. So I broke into Wyvern, and stole him before your Clan could even get Puck to give up his spell. They all tried to stop me, but I overpowered them, and took Puck with me. Then I tortured Puck until he at last gave in.

Using the spell, I wound up in London, where I gathered information about where you could be. And what did I find? The second in command to Goliath sobering up to an old fool for worthless brats lesser magic education school, and stuck with a weak human child, pretending to be his brother!"

This deeply angered Brooklyn at Demona for insulting Dumbledore and Harry. "I'm not pretending to be Harry's brother! We really are by bond!" He growled, struggling in his chains again.

Demona simply waved her hand in dejection. "It doesn't matter to me. For Voldemort here seems to be the only human in this place to sympathize with my hatred for humans, and wants me to succeed in my quest. To end all humans along with gargoyles who support them! And he wishes to help me build the new world where gargoyles can once again rule like we should have!"

Brooklyn just shook his head, giving Demona a look of deep sorrow, and hatred. He still can't sympathize with her. She was still crazy, wanting to kill humans, including young children.

"Someday, Demona, you will learn that teaming up with a Dark Wizard who promises glory isn't all cracked up to be. If I can't tell you, figure it out the hard way, if that is what you want!" He snapped. Hissing, Demona slapped Brooklyn hard, and his face stung from the back of her hand. Harry's eyes narrowed in anger, for Demona hitting his brother.

"Silence! You dare tell me that Voldemort won't fulfill his promise? What about you? What has that old fool Dumbledore done? Making you protect this boy to help you go home? And all you've earned was a scar from a lesser werewolf! At least I'm on the side that will win!"

"I've earned friendship, and people who actually like me for who I am! Even if I haven't been able to return home yet!" Brooklyn grunted back, his face still stinging. Demona didn't listen anymore, as she focused her gaze back to Voldemort and his followers. One Death Eater knelt forward suddenly, pleading for mercy.

"Master! Forgive me! Forgive us all!" He shrieked in a tone that really made Brooklyn wonder again why they wanted to follow at all, while Demona smirked cruelly, as Voldemort just laughed, pointing his wand.


The Death Eater on the ground writhed in agony, and Brooklyn began trembling, now fearing that sooner or later, he would have that curse thrust upon himself next.

Demona gazed down at the writhing human with cold mirth. It is what they all deserved, every single human. Death was too good for them.

Voldemort raised his wand. The tortured Death Eater lay flat upon the ground, gasping.

"Get up, Avery," said Voldemort softly. "Stand up. You ask for forgiveness? I do not forgive. I do not forget. Thirteen long years... I want thirteen years' repayment before I forgive you. Wormtail here has paid some of his debt already, have you not, Wormtail?"

He looked down at Wormtail, who continued to sob.

"You returned to me, not out of loyalty, but out of fear of your old friends. You deserve this pain, Wormtail. You know that, don't you?"

"Yes, Master," moaned Wormtail, "please. Master... please..."

"Yet you helped return me to my body," said Voldemort coolly, watching Wormtail sob on the ground. "Worthless and traitorous as you are, you helped me... and Lord Voldemort rewards his helpers..."

Demona then turned back to Brooklyn, giving him a triumphant gaze, but Brooklyn still didn't believe anything Voldemort was saying, knowing soon that he will be her downfall, blindly trusting him like how he did with Demona.

Voldemort raised his wand again and whirled it through the air. A streak of what looked like molten silver hung shining in the wand's wake. Momentarily shapeless, it writhed and then formed itself into a gleaming replica of a human hand, bright as moonlight, which soared downward and fixed itself upon Wormtail's bleeding wrist. Brooklyn stared a little at this advanced magic, being able to summon a replacement hand out of thin air seemed impossible until now!

Wormtail's sobbing stopped abruptly. His breathing harsh and ragged, he raised his head and stared in disbelief at the silver hand, now attached seamlessly to his arm, as though he were wearing a dazzling glove. He flexed the shining fingers, then, trembling, picked up a small twig on the ground and crushed it into powder.

That could choke somebody, whether a human or a gargoyle to death in an instant, Brooklyn realized, face going pale now after seeing how strong that metal hand was. Possibly stronger than gargoyle talons altogether!

"My Lord," he whispered. "Master... it is beautiful... thank you... thank you..."

He scrambled forward on his knees and kissed the hem of Voldemort's robes.

"May your loyalty never waver again, Wormtail," said Voldemort.

"No, my Lord... never, my Lord..."

Wormtail stood up and took his place in the circle, staring at his powerful new hand, his face still shining with tears. Voldemort now approached the man on Wormtail's right.

"Lucius, my slippery friend," he whispered, halting before him. Brooklyn gave a silent hiss of anger at seeing the one who made him suffer from that wretched diary standing there, wearing the robes he recognized that night at the Cup.

"I am told that you have not renounced the old ways, though to the world you present a respectable face. You are still ready to take the lead in a spot of Muggle-torture, I believe? Yet you never tried to find me, Lucius... Your exploits at the Quidditch World Cup were fun, I daresay... but might not your energies have been better directed toward finding and aiding your master?"

"My Lord, I was constantly on the alert," came Lucius Malfoy's voice swiftly from beneath the hood. "Had there been any sign from you, any whisper of your whereabouts, I would have been at your side immediately, nothing could have prevented me –"

Lying bastard! Brooklyn snarled, his heart burning with hate towards the man, while Demona turned up her nose to him. This was what all humans were like to her, cowardly, murderous, and liars.

"And yet you ran from my Mark, when a faithful Death Eater sent it into the sky last summer?" said Voldemort lazily, and Mr. Malfoy stopped talking abruptly. "Yes, I know all about that, Lucius... You have disappointed me... I expect more faithful service in the future."

"Of course, my Lord, of course... You are merciful, thank you..."

"But, I was most pleased when our gargoyle friend here found my diary that you had, he was most useful, despite him fighting against me," Voldemort added, much to Lucius's surprise, but he looked pleased that Voldemort praised him again.

Voldemort once more looked to Brooklyn, his cruel smile back, and the young gargoyle began to feel nervous.

"Now, my young friend, perhaps you wish to know what comes to those who go against my control?" He whispered dangerously. Brooklyn's eyes widened in fright as Voldemort pointed his wand.


Brooklyn shut his eyes, jaws clenched tightly, as the terrible curse struck his body for the first time. It was pure torture agony, like white hot knives piercing through his skin down to his bones. He did his best not to scream, but then couldn't hold it in as he did, the Death Eaters all laughing at his discomfort. Brooklyn wanted this to end, he wanted to die...

It stopped right then, and Brooklyn hung limply in his bonds, shaking and aching all over.

His eyes watered and he spoke, his voice feeling hoarse and quiet.

"G-go to Hell!" Brooklyn croaked again, with Voldemort just gazing calmly at him, sneering.

"You know you deserved it, didn't you? Imperio!"

It happened again, the fresh calming wave of no thoughts overloading Brooklyn's ability to think, feeling himself floating peacefully...

Answer yes, you deserved it, just say it.

Brooklyn shook his head, trying to fight against the control, though it felt so nice. He needed to break this and come back to his senses!

It isn't hard, just say yes...

"No!" Brooklyn cried out hoarsely, reality coming back, along with the aches of the torture curse. Voldemort narrowed his eyes.

"I see you're still a fighter even though I put you under as Tom Riddle. But soon it will only be a matter of time before your spirit dies."

Brooklyn just glared, until he then lowered his head, trying to rest himself from all that pain, as Voldemort moved on, and stopped, staring at the space – large enough for two people – that separated Malfoy and the next man.

"The Lestranges should stand here," said Voldemort quietly.

"But they are entombed in Azkaban. They were faithful. They went to Azkaban rather than renounce me... When Azkaban is broken open, the Lestranges will be honored beyond their dreams. The dementors will join us... they are our natural allies..."

Brooklyn shivered as he remembered Dementors, hating the idea of them going about of their own will and stealing innocent souls.

"We will recall the banished giants... I shall have all my devoted servants returned to me, And an army of creatures whom all fear..."

He walked on. Some of the Death Eaters he passed in silence, but he paused before others and spoke to them.

"Macnair... destroying dangerous beasts for the Ministry of Magic now, Wormtail tells me? You shall have better victims than that soon, Macnair. Lord Voldemort will provide..."

Brooklyn felt anger at Macnair, the one that that would've killed Buckbeak, wincing again from his sore body, wondering how he and his brother would get out of this mess.

"Thank you, Master... thank you," murmured Macnair.

"And here" – Voldemort moved on to the two largest hooded figures.

– "we have Crabbe... you will do better this time, will you not, Crabbe? And you, Goyle."

They bowed clumsily, muttering dully.

"Yes, Master..."

"We will, Master..."

"The same goes for you, Nott," said Voldemort quietly as he walked past a stooped figure in Mr. Goyle's shadow.

"My Lord, I prostrate myself before you, I am your most faithful –"

Despite still feeling rather sore, Brooklyn ended up rolling his eyes at this guys over-dramatics. Some people.

"That will do," said Voldemort.

He had reached the largest gap of all, and he stood surveying it with his blank, red eyes, as though he could see people standing there.

"And here we have six missing Death Eaters... three dead in my service. One, too cowardly to return... he will pay. One, who I believe has left me forever... he will be killed, of course... and one, who remains my most faithful servant, and who has already reentered my service."

The Death Eaters stirred, and Brooklyn saw their eyes dart sideways at one another through their masks.

"He is at Hogwarts, that faithful servant, and it was through his efforts that our young friend arrived here tonight..."

"Yes," said Voldemort, a grin curling his lipless mouth as the eyes of the circle flashed in Harry's direction. "Harry Potter and his gargoyle 'brother' has kindly joined us for my rebirthing party. One might go so far as to call him my guest of honor."

There was a silence. Then the Death Eater to the right of Wormtail stepped forward, and Lucius Malfoy's voice spoke from under the mask.

"Master, we crave to know... we beg you to tell us... how you have achieved this... this miracle... how you managed to return to us..."

"Oh, what a story it is, Lucius," said Voldemort. "And it begins – and ends – with my young friend here."

He walked lazily over to stand next to Harry, so that the eyes of the whole circle were upon the two of them. The snake continued to circle.

"You know, of course, that they have called this boy my downfall?" Voldemort said softly, his red eyes upon Harry, whose scar began to burn so fiercely that he almost screamed in agony. "You all know that on the night I lost my powers and my body, I tried to kill him. His mother died in the attempt to save him – and unwittingly provided him with a protection I admit I had not foreseen... I could not touch the boy."

Voldemort raised one of his long white fingers and put it very close to Harry's cheek.

"His mother left upon him the traces other sacrifice... This is old magic, I should have remembered it, I was foolish to overlook it... but no matter. I can touch him now."

Now Voldemort touched Harry, tracing his finger along his cheek, and Harry was squirming again in pain.

Stop! Stop it! Brooklyn cried quietly, his voice felt extinguished, struggling weakly in his chains. It was hard for him now to move at all now, more than a small whimper came, tears falling, grief and pain hovering like a dark cloud above his head, while Harry experienced his own pain too from Voldemort's touch.

Voldemort laughed in Harry's ear, then took the finger away and continued addressing the Death Eaters.

"I miscalculated, my friends, I admit it. My curse was deflected by the woman's foolish sacrifice, and it rebounded upon myself. Aaah... pain beyond pain, my friends; nothing could have prepared me for it. I was ripped from my body, I was less than spirit, less than the meanest ghost... but still, I was alive. What I was, even I do not know... I, who have gone further than anybody along the path that leads to immortality. You know my goal – to conquer death. And now, I was tested, and it appeared that one or more of my experiments had worked... for I had not been killed, though the curse should have done it.

Nevertheless, I was as powerless as the weakest creature alive, and without the means to help myself... for I had no body, and every spell that might have helped me required the use of a wand...

I remember only forcing myself, sleeplessly, endlessly, second by second, to exist... I settled in a faraway place, in a forest, and I waited... Surely, one of my faithful Death Eaters would try and find me... one of them would come and perform the magic I could not, to restore me to a body... but I waited in vain..."

It should've been forever! Brooklyn thought with anger, whilst Demona surveyed the scene, and spotting Brooklyn who's light in his eyes were extinguishing, a small frown on his face, looking quite weak.

So close...just a bit longer Demona... she told herself, eyes shining with mad glee at the idea of slicing her talons across his chest. The gargess held up Brooklyn's head, and he didn't even react, other than look at her blandly.

"It isn't much longer dear... soon, I shall end your miserable life," Demona purred. Not much response came, not that she expected it anyway.

Brooklyn felt rather empty, not even noticing his pain anymore, missing the warmth of his family again around him.

Voldemort continued to ramble on about how he returned, Peter Pettigrew finding him, using his snake Nagini to preserve his strength, ending with requiring Harry's blood that contained the protection spell she put on him from her sacrifice, and using his most faithful servant to lure out Harry and Brooklyn with the Cup.

"Now, here he is, the boy you believed to be my downfall..."

Voldemort moved slowly forward and turned to face Harry. He raised his wand, shouting out the Torture curse again.

Brooklyn shut his eyes, breathing shakily, every painful moment of this biting into his heart.

The curse stopped once again, and Brooklyn let loose air he didn't know he was holding.

"You see, I think, how foolish it was to suppose that this boy could ever have been stronger than me," said Voldemort. "But I want there to be no mistake in anybody's mind. Harry Potter escaped me by a lucky chance. And I am now going to prove my power by killing him, here and now, in front of you all, when there is no Dumbledore to help him, and no mother to die for him. I will give him his chance. He will be allowed to fight, and you will be left in no doubt which of us is the stronger. Just a little longer, Nagini," he whispered, and the snake glided away through the grass to where the Death Eaters stood watching.

"Now untie him, Wormtail, and give him back his wand." Voldemort ordered, and Wormtail approached, cutting Harry's bonds, going over to Cedric's body, picking up Harry's wand, and giving it to him. Harry stood there shakily, and Brooklyn now wondered if Harry was even in good condition to even fight Voldemort. He knew he wasn't, because of his leg, and of the Cruciatus Curse that was still aching in his skin.

Please, let Harry win and get us out of here! He prayed silently, shutting his eyes.

"We bow to each other. Harry," said Voldemort, bending a little, but keeping his snakelike face upturned to Harry. "Come, the niceties must be observed... Dumbledore would like you to show manners... Bow to death, Harry..."

But Harry wouldn't bow, until Voldemort used his wand to make him do it. It was like the Imperius Curse, but not completely mind controlling the victim.

Brooklyn couldn't watch, as the Cruciatus Curse hit his little brother again, his screams ringing in his ears, he could feel his senses fading away. He thought he eventually heard Harry shout "I WON'T!" But it just vaguely passed in his brain. He was unable to hold his head up anymore, as darkness began to take him...

Harry gazed behind the headstone he was hiding behind after barely missing a curse when their duel started to Brooklyn, who was in pretty bad shape, the light in his eyes that he grew to love in his brother disappearing. It didn't help with Demona standing there, eying Brooklyn with hunger and passion in her eyes. Voldemort was trying to break Brooklyn's spirit again, he just knew it. Fiery anger rushed through his veins. He wouldn't let Voldemort hurt his brother again! Once was enough for him!

He was going to die uptight like his father, and maybe defend himself, to get him and Brooklyn out of here somehow!

Harry thought of using his Animagus ability, but no. Not in front of him! He couldn't risk exposing his new abilities to the Death Eaters yet. And now, he wondered, if Voldemort took his blood, did that mean he took his Animagus magic, too? That sounded impossible and scary to him, imagining Voldemort as a gargoyle! For now only wands are gonna be used to fight him.

Harry stood up, stepping from behind the headstone, gripping his wand tightly, facing his rival. This was his last chance to save his big brother again from Voldemort's wrath like in the Chamber of Secrets!

Voldemort was ready. As Harry shouted, "Expelliarmus!" Voldemort cried, "Avada Kedavra!"

The sounds of spells flying through the air, and hearing Harry shout his favorite one...seemed to snap Brooklyn from his semi-consciousness, opening his tired eyes, he saw, with shock, two spells, a green one, and the familiar red one, colliding in mid air. Voldemort and his little brother, dueling each other, Harry having a determined and angry look on his face. It was the face of love and protection, for the gargoyle's life.

Something else then happened, besides the red and green lights colliding, a deep gold light came from between them, and Phoenix music began. Just hearing the Phoenix, it began to lift Brooklyn's spirits, and he gazed up with his dulled eyes in amazement, wondering what kind of spell could summon Phoenix music, or this golden light.

Demona watched, somewhat startled at the Phoenix music coming out of nowhere. Despite herself, she had to admit the music was rather...nice.

Harry and Voldemort were caught in the middle, and slowly rising from the floor. Brooklyn took a breath, allowing the Phoenix music to wash over his sore body. It felt wonderful, it gave him hope, that they could make it.

"Do nothing! Unless I command you!" Roared Voldemort, his Death Eaters sometimes making a movement to get in.

Beads of white light now burst from Voldemort's wand, along with echoing screams, the screams of his victims, and Brooklyn thought he heard his own scream mixed in with the others, chilling him slightly. Then came the ghost of Wormtail's hand.

Then another light emerged, taking form. It was a head, then arms. It was the torso of Cedric Diggory, back from the dead.

Brooklyn's eyes rounded in disbelief, feeling his heart shatter and eyes watering at seeing this spirit of his old friend back from the dead. How he wished now he protected this child better, he wouldn't have died, but Cedric suddenly gazed at Brooklyn, and his eyes told the gargoyle that Cedric didn't blame him for his death.

But this strange spiritual magic wasn't done yet, as a third figure emerged, an old man. He surveyed the fight with amazement in his eyes, and spoke unreadable words to Harry while leaning on his walking stick, whose arms were shaking from the strain of holding the connection.

Come on, little brother! You can beat him! Begged Brooklyn once more, giving silent encouragement to Harry, the tears still falling, as another figure arrived, a young man with the same eyes as Harry, with the same untidy hair, blossomed from the wand, and Brooklyn knew he was looking at the ghostly face of his little brother's father, James Potter.

"Your mother is coming. Just hold on..." he murmured in a strong kind voice.

Then she came, Lily Potter blossomed from the end of Voldemort's wand, fell to the ground, and straightened like her husband.

Brooklyn's breath came in shaky gasps of amazement. He was actually seeing his little brother's real parents for the first time! He could vaguely recall seeing them in the Mirror of Erised in their first encounter with Voldemort, but this time he could see their faces in full detail, even if they were just shadows of them, as they wrapped their arms around one another. Voldemort's face was livid with fear as his victims prowled around him, and only Harry and Brooklyn could hear the Potters speak.

"When the connection is broken, we will linger for only moments... but we will give you time... you must get to the Portkey, it will return you to Hogwarts... do you understand, Harry?"

Harry had nodded, struggling to hold his wand. Lily then looked to Brooklyn, her face full of gratitude.

"Brooklyn, we want to thank you for caring for our son. You came to him when he needed you the most, and became the big brother he wanted. We are grateful to you," Lily murmured softly in a voice that washed over Brooklyn as he took in Harry's parents, looking them over, for he didn't know if he would see them again.

"You're welcome," said Brooklyn in a soft voice, that strong feeling to honor Harry's parents to keep doing his duty starting to surge through him. No matter what, even during times like this, he wouldn't give up on Harry and keep Voldemort from hurting him, for they are Bond Brothers, and will always be.

She had given him a smile, hugging her husband tightly.

"Harry, take my body back, please?" Cedric then asked. "Take my body back to my parents."

"I will," Harry said, his face screwing up from holding the wand.

"Do it now," whispered James's voice, "be ready to run... do it now..."

"NOW!" Harry screamed, yanking his wand, breaking the connection. He made a break for it, but not before shouting "Bombarda!" And breaking the bonds that held Brooklyn. He fell shakily to the dirt, incapable of pulling himself up. Harry grabbed his arm, putting it over his shoulder. The brothers moved as fast as they could, Brooklyn hissing in pain from his wounds, trying his best, but it was hard.

"Don't-don't give up!" Huffed Harry, seeing Brooklyn staggering, almost not wanting to walk anymore. "Please! We're almost there!"

Brooklyn didn't know how much longer he could last, his wounds bleeding and stinging. His leg was wobbling so much from the spider's pincers still, too.

"Stun them!" Screeched Voldemort. Harry shot a spell over his shoulder, stopping at least one of them, but they kept running, Brooklyn staggering mostly, and not looking back.

Demona had growled, seeing the brat taking her victim away, but held back. She will let him live, for now. Another day, she will have her revenge.

They collapsed near Cedric's body. Brooklyn grabbed his wand, holding it close, as Harry used the Summoning Charm on the TriWizard cup. He grabbed it.

Voldemort's screams of fury echoed, as Brooklyn felt themselves flying in a swirl of wind and color. They were going back...

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