Wizard Wheezes and Draco's Detour

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Mrs. Weasley fussed over both Brooklyn and Harry as they sat down, King Arthur sitting next to Brooklyn.

"So, noble Brooklyn, how did your mission with Dumbledore go?" Brooklyn grinned back at him.

"Well, we at least made it here in one piece, and Dumbledore managed to rehire an old Professor named Horace Slughorn to teach again."

Arthur nodded. "Sounds like quite the quest, indeed. But your friend looks too underfed. Don't they feed him over in Privet Drive?"

The gargoyle frowned recalling the time the Dursleys had locked Harry in his room and tried to starve him, and shook his head.

"Sometimes, but they only give him scraps of their meals from what I've seen when I stayed at that house," he said in an angry tone. Arthur looked pretty outraged.

"That shouldn't be the kind of relatives he should be living with! Harry deserves a better life than that!"

Brooklyn looked down. "I wish, but he can't leave until he turns 17, which is when the protection spell breaks, and he doesn't have to live with them anymore." Arthur thumped his back.

"Cheer up, lad. Everything will soon be okay for your brother. He just has to be able to keep facing that dragon of a family until he is free." Leo nodded in agreement.

"Uh, sure," Brooklyn responded back, as he suddenly saw somebody come down, carrying a tray of soup, sandwiches and butterbeer. It was Fleur!

"Anybody hungry?" Fleur called in her flowery voice, smiling at the sight of Harry and Brooklyn before her. He grinned, rather nervously, since he tried to get friendly with her once, but it didn't quite work.

"Whoa, Fleur, it's been a while!" He exclaimed. Brooklyn was pleased to see her, it had been ages since the Triwizard tournament. She smiled at him, setting down the tray and giving the two boys a hug.

"But what are you doing here?" Harry asked. Her smile widened.

"Oh, You two don't know? I'm visiting my fiancé, Bill. We're going to be married!" Brooklyn's mouth fell open, her and Bill? For real? He remembered how the two met during the Third Task, and Bill at one point said he was going to give her lessons to improve her English.

"Er, congratulations, Fleur," Harry said, as he took a sandwich, Arthur also congratulating her, too, making her blush from being complimented by the famous Arthur Pendragon, though Mrs. Weasley didn't seem at all pleased for some reason, her lips pursed. Una had given Fleur a hug of her own, pleased about her marriage to such a fine young man.

Brooklyn supposed by now that he could see something happen between her and Bill. Fleur even asked them to be at their wedding, and he couldn't turn it down, for the gargoyle had never been to a human wedding before, after seeing them on tv many times. He just felt so lucky to be included in a lot of these human rituals. Maybe if his Clan ever made it here, they could drop in on the wedding, too!

After a lighthearted meal and catching up, hearing news of Mr. Weasley being promoted and the Twin's joke shop doing quite well, the brothers said goodnight, going upstairs to bed, for it was practically 1:00 in the morning and Brooklyn now wondered, how did King Arthur stay up that late to greet them? Sure, gargoyles are nocturnal, but he guessed that Arthur must have some kind of magic to help him stay up as long as them.

They got Fred and George's room, and Brooklyn gratefully lay in the bed, after pulling out a Puking Pastille from the pillowcase, dropped off almost immediately, curled under the covers.


The next morning he was rudely awakened by a loud noise, he shot up, eyes still flickering with tiredness, seeing figures of people in front of him.

"H-huh? W-what?" Brooklyn slurred, only to be held in a squeezing hug by Hermione.

Ron was there, quite happy. "We had no idea you two guys would be here!" He exclaimed, and eventually the gargoyle felt some of his wakefulness coming, hugging Hermione back, as they chatted for most of the morning, about the brothers meeting Slughorn, etc.

Ginny had joined them, complaining about Fleur who she calls Phlegm, and how she treats her like a three year old, and would've preferred Tonks.

Honestly, Brooklyn now didn't see any problem with her anymore if she was marrying one of the Weasleys, she at least respected him now.

"But had Percy come around?" Brooklyn asked, Ron shook his head. "No, but he has come to terms a bit with dad about You-Know-Who being back with that crazy gargess rival of yours. And I don't know if you read the papers about Madam Bones and Ollivander?"

Brooklyn's eyes widened. He had forgotten about the papers ever since the fiasco at the ministry. "No, what happened?"

Hermione lowered her head. "Madam Bones is dead, and rumored to be personally murdered by Demona herself. And Ollivander had been kidnapped by three Death Eaters who broke into Diagon Alley a month ago. He's been missing for quite some time, also, they arrested Stan Shunpike for being with the Death Eaters."

Brooklyn frowned, a wave of small sadness for Madam Bones. He now hated Demona for killing her, the one who cleared them at the Hearing. What Susan must think of her mother dead right now... and how can young Wizards get their wands right in Diagon Alley? Sure, there were other wand makers, Gregorovitch for example, but none were the best as Ollivander, who made his redwood wand in the first place. And Stan Shunpike a Death Eater? That was as ridiculous as saying that Malfoy was the nicest person in the school.

When they mentioned secret lessons with Dumbledore, Ron and Hermione were open mouthed.

"Whoa, guys! That's wicked! I wonder what he has to teach you..."

Brooklyn grinned. "I actually wouldn't mind learning a new advanced spell or two, it would really be helpful against Voldemort and her."

"Yeah, that would be sweet!" Ron agreed, just as Mrs. Weasley appeared, calling them all down for breakfast, plus their O.W.L. Results were on their way, and Hermione looked scared now. Brooklyn didn't think she needed to be, she had obviously passed. He had learned of the grades for this from the Twins, and how they were different from how other schools graded their students.

Una, Leo, and Griff were down there with Arthur, and even Sirius decided to pop in, for he was gonna join them in Diagon Alley Saturday. Freedom definitely suited him, wearing nicer clothes and looking healthier, which is what Brooklyn liked to see when he was at Grimmauld Place, chatting lightheartedly with King Arthur, who still liked Sirius to great extent.

At last, three owls arrived. Mrs. Weasley opened the window, and Harry took his. He and Brooklyn read the report card:

Ordinary Wizarding Level Results:

Pass Grades:

Outstanding (O)

Exceeds Expectations (E)

Acceptable (A)

Fail Grades:

Poor (P)

Dreadful (D)

Troll (T)

Harry James Potter has achieved:

Astronomy: A

Care of Magical Creatures: E

Charms: E

Defense Against the Dark Arts: O

Divination: P

Herbology: E

History of Magic: D

Potions: E

Transfiguration: E

Brooklyn smiled at Harry's grades, overall, not too bad in his eyes. The only failed grades being Divination and History of Magic, which he deemed useless subjects, especially Divination. The gargoyle was especially impressed with Defense Against the Dark Arts, Outstanding was the highest you could get, and it was all thanks to their secret D.A. Meetings that it paid off.

He punched Harry lightly on the arm. "Well, at least you didn't get all Trolls!" He laughed jokingly. Harry pushed him back playfully. "Knock it off! I wish I got an O for potions, though. Wanted to be an Auror. But Snape only accepts those with O grades."

Mrs. Weasley gave a little smile. "You never know, dear. Snape might change his mind about your grade." But Brooklyn didn't deem Snape the kind of person to be happy enough to change grades. He never once saw the man truly smile, once. Oh what would he pay for to see Severus Snape smile for the first time.

He spotted Hermione just staring at her report card. "So, how did you do?" Brooklyn asked her. She looked rather embarrassed. "Uh, not...bad." She mumbled. Ron snatched her paper, reading it.

"As I suspected, nine Outstandings and only one Exceeds Expectations. Not disappointed that Harry bested you in Defense, are you?" Hermione blushed. "No!" She snapped.

"Now, now, that's enough of that, we need to be at our best when we head to Diagon Alley on Saturday!"

Sirius looked up. "I wouldn't mind going along, could use the fresh air, and it's been ages since I've been at Diagon Alley, and would like to see the Twin's shop!" Brooklyn nodded. He wouldn't mind Sirius going with them. Plus he was looking forward to see the Twins doing their business and seeing what kind of stuff they're selling!

Aside from the grades and list of school supplies, Harry had been made Quidditch Captain. Brooklyn felt like his little brother deserved that status, for now he had the same upgrades as the Prefects, which meant more hanging out in that fancy bathroom! He couldn't wait to soak himself in there again.

They then all left for Diagon Alley on Saturday, Griff and Sirius tagging along, and to their surprise, Hagrid was their other security for them. Brooklyn frowned at the sight of the once colorful and lively streets, now dark and dingy, scattered shoppers here and there looking terrified.

A shifty guy with a box of Amulets approached them, giving a seedy grin. The sign said the Amulets supposedly ward away werewolves, Dementors, and Inferi. The man eyed Ginny with a mad glint, causing Brooklyn to put a protective hand on her shoulder, glaring back.

"Would the little lady want an Amulet, to protect her pretty neck?" Mr. Weasley scowled after him after Brooklyn scared the guy away.

"If I was still on duty..." he snapped, Sirius holding onto his arm.

"He isn't worth it, Arthur. Let's just move along." Hagrid nodded in agreement.

The four friends entered Madam Malkins after getting their gold, and Brooklyn narrowed his eyes at the sight of the familiar ferrety boy, who was with his mother, Narcissa, Malkin sizing up his robes.

"Watch where you're putting those pins, woman!" He snapped, before noticing them.

"If you're wondering what that smell is mother, a Mudblood and Monster Freak walked in." Sneered Draco. Narcissa spotted the three of them, eyes narrowed. Brooklyn hissed at the insult, drawing his wand along with Harry and Ron. Madam Malkin looked quite flustered about this, her eyes wide at the hostility, and begging for support.

Narcissa strode over in a manner that reminded Brooklyn too much of Demona.

"Put those away. If you are attacking my son again, I shall ensure it will be the last thing you'll ever do."

Brooklyn bared his teeth. "It will happen when your precious boy stops insulting us every time we meet," he spat back at her. Harry joined in.

"And you gonna bring in your Death Eater pals to do us in?"

Malkin gasped with a hand over her heart.

"Now, really! No need for threats! Wands away, please!" Narcissa gave an unpleasant smile that only furthered her comparison to Demona, almost Twins.

"I see that Dumbledore's given you a false sense of security, Harry Potter. But him and your pathetic creature brother of yours won't always be there to protect you."

Brooklyn growled even more, but Hermione tried holding him back, shaking her head, while Harry smirked, looking about the shop.

"Wow... would you look at that, he's not here now! So why not have a go? They might be able to find you a double cell in Azkaban with your loser of a husband!"

Ha, in your face! Brooklyn thought savagely, folding his arms and smirking, while Draco tripped over his robes, glaring hard.

"Don't you talk to my mother that way, Potter!" Narcissa restrained him with her hands on his shoulder. "It is alright, Draco. I expect Potter would be reunited with his parents before I am reunited with Lucius."

The brothers raised their wands higher, Hermione pleading them to stop. Malkin tried adjusting Draco's robes again.

"I think these should be a little higher, dear, let me adjust..."

"Ouch!" Draco bellowed, slapping her hand away. "Watch where you're putting your pins! Mother, I don't think I want these anymore." He threw off the robes, throwing them down at Malkin's feet.

"You're right, Draco." Narcissa responded, gazing at Hermione and Brooklyn with contempt. "Now that I know what scum shops here, we'll do better at Twilfitt and Tattings's."

The pair left after that, Draco bumping hard into Ron before slamming the door. Brooklyn just glared after their retreating forms. He didn't know how much more he could stand from that brat human for two more years. If only he'd just lighten up.

Malkin then proceeded with his friend's robes, muttering angrily all the while, almost giving Hermione Wizard dress robes instead of witch's.

As they left, Sirius noticed their irritated looks, and remembered seeing how the Malfoys left the shop. Brooklyn explained to him and Hagrid what had happened.

"Them Malfoys wouldn' dare cause trouble in Diagon Alley, yeh two. Don' worry abou' them." Sirius nodded in agreement. "They're just slimy gits," he added in, making Brooklyn chuckle.

After some last minute shopping, the group did one final stop at last in Fred and George's joke shop, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Unlike the other stores that were depressing and dark, this one lit up the alleyway, and lifted the gargoyle's spirits after the scuffle in Madam Malkin's. Sirius was especially impressed, it was filled with joke items that he said would make James cry.

They all read a sign in one of the windows that made the brothers laugh out loud:







Mrs. Weasley was wide eyed. "They'll be murdered in their beds!" She whispered. But Sirius just grinned.

"It's brilliant, Molly! Stop fussing over everything!"

The inside was just as impressive as the outside: shelves stocked to the brim with unthinkable goods and jokes, sometimes their Fireworks zoomed about the place. Brooklyn spotted Fred and George in their fine magenta uniforms, calling out sales. He chuckled at seeing Sirius with his arms full of stuff while Griff looked over other jokes he couldn't name, along with little puffball creatures Ginny was admiring called Puffskiens that came in different shades of pink and purple.

Hermione was admiring a stack of Patented Daydream from what Brooklyn read allowed the user to enter the perfect daydream during class.

"Guys, this is awesome," Brooklyn remarked, looking at the Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder. This stuff could come in handy. Fred threw him a bunch of it, grinning.

"That's all for you for that comment, Brook! You, Harry and Sirius (because he's a Marauder and one of the inventors of the map) get everything free, as long as you say where you get it from." George said, winking. Brooklyn felt rather astonished at this. He never received any kind of kindness in stores this way. At first he had no words.

"I-I would love to show this place to my Clan whenever they get here," he stuttered, knowing that Lex and Broadway would love it. The Twins nodded simultaneously.

"It would honor the both of us to have them," Fred said in a genuine tone. "Everything will be on us for your Clan, they won't have to pay a thing, cause you guys are awesome, if we haven't said it before!"

Brooklyn smiled, shaking Fred's hand while Harry shook George's, then the Twins noticed Hermione and Ginny near a stand full of bottles that appeared to have pink liquid.

"Hello, ladies! Love Potions, eh? They really do work!" Brooklyn eyed the potion skeptically, he didn't feel the need to use it, he would much rather find true love without the use of stuff like this. "But from the look of things, you're doing just fine on your own, Sis!" Ginny frowned at her brothers.

"Aren't you dating Dean Thomas?" George asked teasingly, winking again. Ginny put her bottle back, face going red. Brooklyn had no idea Ginny managed to find anybody. "None of your business," she huffed, stalking away. Then he felt somebody looking at him, and smiled at the sight of Katie who held a box of Puking Pastilles, smiling shyly back at the red gargoyle.

"Uh, hey," he greeted, happy to see her again. "Will see you at Hogwarts?" Katie nodded. "Look forward to it," she said in her soft voice, as Brooklyn waved to her while catching up to Harry and the others. The Twins gave them a tour, giving Harry free Decoy Detonators in the process, when after, Brooklyn spotted Ron near the window.

Ron was looking out the window, and Brooklyn could also see Draco and Narcissa, turning down the alleyway to Knockturn Alley. He frowned.

"Guys, is it me or are Draco and his mummy are two people who don't like to be followed?" Ron murmured silently. Brooklyn glanced back to see the others too busy to notice them.

"I say we follow them," Harry said back, and Brooklyn nodded in agreement, the four of them sneaking out of the store under their handy cloak, going into Knockturn Alley.

This was Brooklyn's first time here, and he didn't fancy all these shops selling Dark Stuff in the least. His eyes lit up as somebody else joined Draco and Narcissa, Demona. The gargess had nodded to the two of them, filing into Borgin and Burkes.

Harry, Brooklyn, Ron and Hermione quietly snuck to the window, dropping in Extendable Ears to listen in.

"-Know how to fix it?" Malfoy's voice asked, Brooklyn tensing softly.

"Possibly. But why not bring it in? I would need to see it in order to fix it."

"It's got to stay put, or it will arouse suspicion! I just need you to tell me how to mend it, or my friend here will make good work out of you," Draco growled, and Brooklyn heard Demona hiss dangerously, grabbing Borgin's collar, and he whimpered.

"Uh, okay! Okay! I'll do my best without seeing it! Just have your friend let me go!" Whimpered Borgin pitifully. Demona dropped him, wiping her hand on her robes.

Draco smiled menacingly. "Tell anyone about this, and my friend will drop in to visit and make sure you have our full attention along with Greyback, an old friend of the family. There could be a new werewolf or the alternative..." Borgin held up his hands, sweating.

"N-no need for—!"

I'll decide that," said Malfoy. "Well, I'd better be off. And don't forget to keep that one safe, I'll need it."

"Perhaps you'd like to take it now?"

"No, of course I wouldn't, you stupid, little man, how would I look carrying that down the street? Just don't sell it."

"Of course not... sir."

Borgin made a bow as deep as the one Harry had once seen him give Lucius Malfoy.

"Not a word to anyone, Borgin, and that includes my mother, understand?"

"Naturally, naturally," murmured Borgin, bowing again.

The friends quickly hid as their enemies passed, Brooklyn trembled silently at seeing Demona move so close to them, but thankfully didn't see them there, until they were out of sight.

They glanced at one another, wondering what Draco had been doing with the likes of Demona in Knockturn Alley, as they ventured back under their Invisibility Cloak, rejoining their friends who left the Joke Shop.

"Hey, where have you guys been, Brook? Been looking for you," Griff questioned, seeing Brooklyn's worried face. But the red gargoyle shook his head, saying he'll explain later, as they all left back to the Burrow to prepare for the September 1st trip to Hogwarts next week.

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