Year Four Begins

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"Harry!" Two voices called out. Harry's eyes opened to see Hermione and his gargoyle brother, Brooklyn looking down at him in worry. His scar throbbed painfully.

"You okay, bro?" Brooklyn asked. Harry nodded as he sat up. But that nightmare still lingered in his mind. He could see Voldemort, of course. But who were the other people in the room, especially the one with wings? And that old man who died really hit him. And of all things, they had been talking about him and Brooklyn. But for now, he kept it to himself, for there was the Quidditch World Cup to think about!

Brooklyn himself was excited about the Cup, even if one of the negatives was having to wake up at the crack of dawn by Mrs. Weasley and Hermione. When he heard Harry's yells, he had immediately gone there, to make sure his little brother was okay before going back to bed.

For Brooklyn was a gargoyle deprived of his stone sleep and sent to this weird world and time by a trickster named Puck from his clan in Manhattan. And since then, he had been thrown into strange circumstances that involved meeting a little underfed human boy who he had formed a bond with. What he didn't realize was that Harry had survived a killing curse from the Dark Wizard, Voldemort, whom he had faced twice in a row so far.

When they arrived at Hogwarts, Brooklyn had been offered by Dumbledore to be Harry's guardian in exchange for helping him get home, since he already tried to contact his clan to no success.

In Harry's second year, Brooklyn had nearly died after being possessed by Lord Voldemort from his old diary that made him open the Chamber of Secrets out of his own free will. But Brooklyn triumphed over Voldemort's control and Harry destroyed the diary with a Basilisk fang.

And just last year, Harry reunited with his godfather, Sirius Black, who was still on the run with a Hippogriff named Buckbeak. He was the one who helped train Harry to be an Animagus, who can turn into a gargoyle. Brooklyn wondered why he didn't tell Dumbledore last year about it but told the twins instead. He would never figure out. He guessed it wasn't the right time to tell the headmaster until Harry got used to his gargoyle form.

He had also been able to perform most advanced magic: the Patronus Charm which took the form of a Phoenix.

For most of the summer after they picked him up from the Dursleys, Brooklyn trained Harry into being a gargoyle from fighting moves to gliding lessons. Harry was nervous about flying without his Firebolt, but after some encouragement he got the hang of it. And now, Brooklyn worried about Voldemort discovering Harry's new abilities, praying he wouldn't try and take that power for himself.

Deep down though, he still prayed that some kind of solution for going home would come, whether from Dumbledore or if another opportunity came along. Brooklyn shuddered when he remembered how Voldemort had offered him a way home after doing those tasks of opening the Chamber. But now he wondered, what if he had accepted Voldemort's offer to help him get home? What would have happened?

You would have been dead, or worse, taunted his voice that day before they went to the World Cup. Like McGonagall said, never trust things when you can't see where it keeps its brain!

At 5:30 AM, the Weasleys, Brooklyn and Harry were all trudging along to where their Portkey to the Cup was waiting for them, at first Brooklyn and Harry having no clue where it could possibly be, not even Mr. Weasley knew.

Along the way, they met up with a man Brooklyn had never seen before who greeted Mr. Weasley by his first name.

"Arthur! We've been waiting!" The man called.

"Sorry, Amos! Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start!" Mr. Weasley responded back, casting his eyes to Ron who yawned, and Brooklyn himself still felt a little tired, especially after some fighting training he and Harry did that wore them out.

Mr. Weasley introduced Amos Diggory with his son, Cedric, who Brooklyn recognized from the match last year. Even though Hufflepuff won, Cedric didn't seem like the gloating type to the gargoyle, who he could respect for that.

"Hey. We never made each other's acquaintances last year. Name's Cedric Diggory," the boy introduced. Brooklyn nodded. "Brooklyn," he replied.

Cedric grinned. "Yeah, you're the famous Guardian of Hogwarts!" He then noticed Brooklyn's scar. "Say, what happened there?"

Brooklyn winced, wishing that not everybody could question the scar he got from Lupin. "It's rather sensitive to talk about, if you don't mind," he responded. Cedric then nodded in understanding.

"Hey! Come on, you two! We're being left behind!" Harry yelled to them. Cedric and Brooklyn both ran with Harry as they ventured out onto an open field, where a familiar old boot awaited them.

Brooklyn had to proclaim Portkey traveling a little better than Floo Powder. At least he didn't have to inhale ash! They all grabbed onto the Portkey, being sent into that all too familiar swirl of wind and color. This time, Brooklyn struggled to time his landing so that he wouldn't fall on his back again.

His feet hit the ground, staggering slightly, but to his amazement, he didn't fall! Panting a little, he looked around to see his friends all on their backs, struggling to get up, Ron having the unfortunate luck of falling onto a thorn bush. Chuckling, he also spotted Mr. Weasley, Diggory, and Cedric all smoothly coming in.

Wish I can do that! Brooklyn thought enviously, folding his arms.

The group then went their separate ways after getting their tent numbers from a Muggle man who had to be obliviated by Mr. Diggory afterward.

Mr. Weasley gestured them all inside a ridiculously small, tattered tent. After George and Harry went in, Brooklyn backed away, worried his large size would take up room. Noticing, Mr. Weasley nodded encouragingly to the gargoyle, who took a breath and stepped inside.

He prepared himself for squish city, but that wasn't the case. Brooklyn opened his eyes, and his mouth fell open at the large inside space before him, like a tent mansion! Mr. Weasley explained it was magic enhanced to fit more than two people. Heck, there was even a stove and a kitchen sink added to it!

Okay, this is definitely something I like! Brooklyn thought, grinning as he watched the others settling in, Fred and George propping their feet on the table after their father tells them no.

"I love magic!" He heard Harry exclaim suddenly. Brooklyn couldn't help it as he burst out laughing, just the way he said it, he couldn't keep it in! Harry stared at him, confused.



Later that evening after checking out the campsites for Ireland and Bulgaria, the two Quidditch teams and buying souvenirs, the party finally went up to their seats, all the way to the top of the stadium.

Geez, the Twin Towers' height is nothing compared to this! Brooklyn thought as they kept going higher. He could see witches and wizards from every part of the globe, including the Bulgarian Minister.

"Blimey!" Ron yelped. "How far up are we?"

"Dunno, Ron, but this is higher up than I've ever been!" Brooklyn called back above the roars of the crowd. This was possibly the biggest event he had ever been to! It was a lot more crowded than the Hogwarts stadiums were! His moment of excitement drained at the sight of two of his least favorite people: Draco Malfoy and his father, the one who passed that cursed diary into his hands in the first place!

Lucius sneered up at them. "Well put it this way: if it rains, you'll be the first to know!"

Then the brat spoke. "Father and I are in the Minister's box! By personal invitation from Cornelius Fudge himself!" Lucius glared.

"Don't boast, Draco. There's no need with these people, especially him," he scolded, eyeing Brooklyn with contempt. Brooklyn gazed back with an equal expression. Oh, how he wanted to pummel the slime right now for all the torture he had gone through!

"So, how's your mind, Brooklyn? Is it still sane? Do you still have control over it?" Lucius questioned mockingly, with Draco smirking at him. Brooklyn growled, hands balling until Harry took hold of his arm gently, shaking his head.

"It is just fine , Lucius," he hissed, struggling not to go for him. But he can't display any kind of violence in front of the Minister, who was right there.

"How quaint. I'm glad to hear it," Lucius then said in mock joy. As they left, Lucius suddenly snagged onto Harry's sleeve collar with his snake staff.

"Do enjoy yourselves, won't you? While you can," he said in a seemingly pleasant voice before letting Harry go and moving along, looking back once more with a gaze that made Brooklyn feel a little concerned. Could it be possible that Lucius thinks something bad was gonna happen after the game? He shook his head. No, he came here to enjoy himself at this once in a lifetime World Cup match, not worry about small warnings from Lucius!

They all took their seats just as the Irish team appeared, creating a spectacular Firework image of a Leprechaun that did an Irish jig in celebration. This made Brooklyn grin from ear to ear, lost in the merriment of the music and the spectacular display that Lucius's vague warnings were pushed to the back of his mind. This was something he was sure his clan would enjoy, especially with the team's entrance!

The Leprechaun display was then flown through and turned into red fireworks by the Bulgarian team, led by their Seeker: the famous Viktor Krum, who did a fancy stunt move on his own Firebolt broom, the crowd chanting his name.

Fudge then announced the start of the Quidditch World Cup, where Brooklyn and the rest of his friends yelled themselves hoarse at each team, but he personally was rooting for Ireland, because of their connection to Scotland.

The game ended with Krum getting the Snitch, but with Ireland winning, which Brooklyn couldn't stop teasing Ron about later in the tent, with Fred and George throwing an Ireland flag on him while singing about Ron's obsession with Krum off key, which Harry joined in, and then they all started laughing, enjoying themselves until Mr. Weasley burst in, looking panicked.

"Dad! What's going on?" Ron cried out in shock. Brooklyn stood up sharply, his moment of laughter immediately gone.

"We've got to get out of here, now!" yelled Mr. Weasley. And before Brooklyn could ask why, he heard screaming, and explosions, which made his heart thump with worry. Whoever it was out there, was terrorizing the people, causing severe damage and possibly spreading fear. If it was Voldemort...

He was tasked to be with Harry as they all ran out to get to the Portkey and Brooklyn was met with a gruesome sight, people running and screaming from a group of wizards in dark robes and hoods, wearing skull masks and carrying flaming staffs that they set the tents up with, and even making people float in midair, laughing at them.

Who are these people? The gargoyle thought in fear, as he pulled Harry with him through the crowd, but it was a challenge to try to get through. The people kept pushing and shoving. And in one second, Brooklyn realized he wasn't holding his brother's hand anymore! Gasping in terror, he looked about, but couldn't find him!

No! No, no, no! He's my responsibility! I have to find him! Brooklyn thought in panic, trying to locate his brother in the crowd. If he was caught by those hooded wizards.... he shook his head. No, he mustn't constantly do that negative thinking! His device was starting to beep again, too, and he growled. I know, I know he's in trouble, just shut up! I'm looking!

"HARRY!" He roared, still not finding him, as the flames grew closer and closer, swallowing every tent in sight.

He suddenly spotted three wizards with masks about to kill a young woman with her five-year-old child, who was crying in her mother's arms. She looked scared, but defiant.

"Get away from my daughter!" she screamed. The leader raised his wand, but the red gargoyle took quick to action, eyes flashing. Even though he lost his brother in the crowd, he wouldn't let these madmen harm this woman and child!

He raised his wings and soared into the air despite the heat from the flames, landed in front of the victims on all fours, growling defiantly at them, then drawing his wand. The wizards looked somewhat scared, but one of them seemed strangely excited.

"Sir, it's him! The gargoyle our master wants!" The one on the left cried out, voice not recognizable by the mask. Just hearing that made Brooklyn tense more, now realizing who these crazy people work for: Voldemort.

"I don't know who you are or what he wants with me but leave these two alone!" Brooklyn snarled, pointing his wand. The leader smiled sinisterly under his mask.

"You have no idea who you're dealing with, Beast," he mocked in a somewhat familiar voice. Brooklyn had a hard time comprehending who could it be but didn't have time to chat.

"Expelliarmus!" He yelled, making the one on the left lose his wand. Brooklyn turned around. "Run!" He roared fiercely, the woman staring at him with scared eyes, clutching her daughter to her chest as she ran for it.

A stinging sensation then hit Brooklyn in his side, sending him falling to the floor in a daze, his vision swimming as he for some reason began to feel woozy, unable to think straight, reminding him of those sedative darts that Goliath was hit by once. It must be some kind of sedative spell they struck him with.

"A big mistake not to disarm the leader, Creature!" growled the man, kicking Brooklyn to the side, who was seeing six of these wizards now instead of three.

"S-stand still so I can fight you!" Brooklyn slurred, the sedative from the spell getting stronger, and the whole world spinning around, having a hard time getting up, let alone defend himself.

"Do we take him, Sir?" One of the goons asked. The leader shook his head.

"No, his 'faithful servant' has a bigger plan to take both him and Potter. Just leave him, he'll eventually figure it out."

Brooklyn couldn't understand what they were talking about, thanks to the sedative and dizziness that made everything weird. The last thing he saw was the three wizards disappearing in shadow as he slipped away, the spell causing him to go black.


He woke up a while later, his head throbbing. Ugh, I really gotta stop fainting like this. It's seriously getting old, Brooklyn thought, shaking his head as he stood up, getting his surroundings again. It was night, and the campsite was burnt completely, smoke in the air making him cough. Harry suddenly entered his mind, worry flooding him at how long he had been unconscious and separated, his device still beeping as he started his search again, sniffing for his brother's scent as well.

After a time of searching, he bumped into something. Turning around, Brooklyn smiled in relief at the sight of Harry, who was looking confused and scared.

"What happened to you?" Brooklyn questioned. "I've been looking everywhere!"

"I don't know. All I remember is being shoved around, then getting knocked out. When I woke, the camp was abandoned and I tried to find you!" Harry said in a scared voice. Brooklyn hugged him tightly, not wanting to lose his brother again!

Unbeknownst to them, a mysterious man wandered nearby, drawing his wand, pointing it to the sky.

"MORSEMORDE!" He shouted, a green light hitting against the sky, taking the shape of a skull with a snake coming out of its jaws.

The two brothers walked together, trying to find their friends, until Brooklyn spotted a strange man in the shadows, along with that strange green mark in the sky, and he was looking at them.

"Harry!" He hissed softly, nudging his arm. Harry looked in Brooklyn's direction, seeing the stranger who was now walking towards them. Brooklyn pulled Harry with him away from this person who was clearly not walking toward them in a friendly way, hiding themselves behind a not so burnt tent.

"Harry! Brooklyn! Where are you?" Ron's voice called, and Hermione's.

The man then knew his victims would soon have friends, so he turned and ran into the shadows.

Brooklyn sighed in relief at the sight of their friends who appeared, looking worried.

"We've been looking for you guys for ages!" Ron exclaimed.

"We're fine, but what the heck is that?" Brooklyn asked, pointing to that strange mark. Harry gave a yelp, clutching his scar in pain as soon as he looked at it.

Brooklyn then noticed others appearing, pointing their wands. "STUPEFY!" They all shouted. The gargoyle ducked everybody down, covering them with his wings, wincing as the stunning spells nearly hit them, until Mr. Weasley screamed at them to stop.

"Stop! That's my son!" He pushed past two elderly wizards, his face looking worried.

"Is everybody alright?" he asked. The group nodded, Brooklyn shaking slightly from being nearly hit by the stunning spell. He didn't feel like getting knocked out again, which seemed to happen to him quite a bit. One of the wizards with a moustache came up to them, pointing his wand. "Which of you conjured it?" he demanded.

Mr. Weasley was shocked. "Crouch! You can't possibly—."

He interrupted. "Don't play! You four have been discovered at the scene of the crime!"

Brooklyn growled, not taking lightly to this injustice.

"Just what are you talking about?" He demanded, going to his full height in front of Crouch, who still pointed his wand.

"Come on, Crouch! This is Harry Potter! Do you really think he conjured You-Know-Who's sign?" Mr. Weasley cried out in fury.

"But what about this gargoyle? He carries a wand!" Crouch growled, forgetting about Harry, and focusing on Brooklyn.

Brooklyn shook his head. "There's no way I could do this spell, guy! I've never even heard of it, and I'm still learning magic. P.S., I was knocked out as well!" he defended. Crouch still looked suspicious, until he saw the pure honesty in the creature's face, and he relaxed, lowering his wand.

"M-my apologies, Potter and Brooklyn. We had to deal with a lot tonight, with his supporters roaming about," he mumbled, looking a bit sheepish.

"But I have a question, what was that thing in the sky?" Brooklyn suddenly asked, glancing up at it, creeped out by the snake coming from the skull's mouth. Why was it always snakes? Why?

"It's called the Dark Mark, Voldemort's signal for his followers, the Death Eaters," Hermione explained in a serious tone, making both Brooklyn and Harry look at each other in worry. Harry then remembered something else.

"Wait. Me and Brooklyn saw a man before in the clearing back there, he ran away before we got a good look at him," Harry explained. Crouch's face looked crazed again as he demanded everybody else to follow him there.

The group returned to the Burrow after that the next day, Mrs. Weasley sobbing over them all, with them saying they were fine. But Brooklyn still had a nagging feeling of worry: What did Voldemort want with him and his brother now? And why didn't those Death Eaters bring him in, but decided to wait instead?

Brooklyn pushed this to the back of his mind for now. He was going back to Hogwarts soon, and he couldn't wait to return to his own cot in the Gryffindor common room and see their friends again.

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