Year Two Begins

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It was a warm July evening at the Leaky Cauldron, where a particular Gargoyle named Brooklyn, formerly of the Manhattan Clan, now lived.

He had been transported by the trickster, Puck, to this strange time and world, removed of his Stone Sleep completely and trapped in his true flesh and blood gargoyle form.

Along the way, Brooklyn encountered an abused orphan boy named Harry Potter, the boy who survived a killing curse from the evil Lord Voldemort.

Brooklyn and Harry formed a strong bond with each other until the biggest surprise came along, an invitation to a school for magic humans, which Brooklyn himself never thought something like that could be real, and even he began to learn magic, receiving a redwood wand and practicing sorcery.

In the past year, he and Harry uncovered a thief in Hogwarts that plotted to steal the Sorcerer's Stone, a magical item similar to the Eye of Odin and the Phoenix Gate, with the power to turn things to gold and give the owner immortality.

They had almost been killed by Voldemort that had possessed the body of a man named Quirrell, but were lucky to get out alive.

And now, Brooklyn had become the guardian of Hogwarts by the Minister of Magic, who had granted him a pardon from being put away because of his appearance. He was grateful for that.

Right at this moment, Brooklyn had just finished reading his favorite book he got for Christmas last year, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. He gave a small sigh as he closed the book for the third time, gazing over at his owl whom he named Wyvern, fast asleep in his cage.

He got up, bored of sitting in his bed, and looked out the window at the London street, wondering how his brother was doing at this moment. Brooklyn wished Harry could continue to live at the Leaky Cauldron with him, but Dumbledore had insisted of having him return to those gosh awful relatives of his again.

He was thankful that he didn't have to go back there, though.

Brooklyn's life at the Leaky Cauldron had gotten nicer, since he became Guardian of Hogwarts, the customers there were getting used to his appearance. And they had apparently told people in Diagon Alley about him, too. For he had gotten ambitious one day and wanted to see what that place looked like.

It was as amazing as Harry described: many stores with many interesting items and clothing.

Several of the humans there had seen him wandering the street, not looking scared of him at all. Brooklyn was grateful for this, it gave him time to enjoy the stores and even sit outside at an ice cream shop, enjoying a hot fudge sundae on a nice sunny day. He personally got to know the ice cream store owner, who even wanted Brooklyn's autograph one time in exchange for free ice cream.

That didn't mean everything was free, though. Dumbledore told Brooklyn that he would need money to spend in the Wizarding World. He groaned at the idea of keeping track of cash, but accepted a bag of galleons from the Professor.

One of the nice things he had gotten for himself was a nice brown saddlebag to carry his things in.

He picked out two of his favorite stores in Diagon Alley such as Flourish and Blotts the bookstore, where the gargoyle found many interesting titles and sat in his favorite chair there, browsing a magical potions book. But he also spotted a weird one called Magical Me, by Gilderoy Lockhart. Brooklyn rolled his eyes at the moving cover, showing a supposed famous wizard showing off his 'skills'.

Some people, seriously! he thought, shaking his head as he moved along.

The other store he enjoyed was the Quidditch Supply shop, which now housed the new racing broom, Nimbus 2001. Brooklyn kept coming back to look at this new broom. He never really needed a broom, but that didn't stop his curiosity about their designs.

Brooklyn really enjoyed his adventures in Diagon Alley, expanding his horizons on humans. But, he couldn't help but feel a bit worried. He had been trying to contact Harry with his owl, but had been receiving no replies. To top it all, his little device he got from Dumbledore was going crazy, blinking non stop.

That does it! Brooklyn decided, punching his hand on the windowsill, eyes narrowed as his device blinked once again. He was going to get his brother away from there. No acceptions!

How are you going to do that, dummy? Taunted his voice. They'll see you and want you brought in!

Brooklyn gripped his head, growling softly. Of course he knew that. That's why he was going to need some help. Some Weasley help.

He pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill. It was now or never. Taking a breath, Brooklyn wrote his message.

Hey, guys! (Fred, George, and Ron)

Just wanted to know if any of you have received letters from Harry, because I certainly haven't. My device has been going nuts and I'm worried he's in trouble. If it isn't too much trouble for you guys. If there's a possible way to meet up and figure out what to do to get Harry over to your house, that would make me feel better.

Hope to see you soon!


Brooklyn then folded the letter and put it in the envelope and wrote the address, the Burrow. He gave it to Wyvern, who hooted importantly and flew out the window.

Brooklyn folded his wings around his shoulders, watching his owl fly into the night, praying his message would be answered.

Two days later, Brooklyn was awoken from his nap by a beak tapping on the window. He sat up immediately after spotting Wyvern and opening the window. His owl flew in and sat on his arm, holding out an envelope in his beak. Brooklyn took it and Wyvern nipped his finger affectionately and went to rest in his cage.

Brooklyn opened the envelope and read it's message:

Hi, Brook!

We got your message, and we've also haven't been getting anything from Harry lately, so we're going to take action. I agree with your idea of breaking Harry out of his relative's house. And I'm sure Mum won't mind two extra guests at our house.

Brooklyn smiled. Of course he'd be willing to stay at Ron's house for the rest of the summer!

We will meet you tomorrow at 4:00 AM, for we got our own method of transportation that we borrowed from dad.

Can't wait for our rescue mission!


He chuckled as he sighed in relief, grateful that his friends were willing to help. I'm coming, little bro. Just hang in there! the gargoyle thought in determination. He gave a small yawn, all of a sudden feeling tired. After realizing how late it was, he turned in, anxious for tomorrow to come.

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