Chapter 34

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The clan arrived back at the castle to an anxiously waiting Elisa, who gasped softly at the sight of Brooklyn looking so broken and hurt, bruises covering his beautiful red skin, and his right wing looking terribly crooked, and wearing a terrible looking shackle around his stomach.
She ran over to them, hugging Goliath. "Oh, Goliath! I was so worried. But you found him?" Elisa asked.

Goliath nodded. "Yes, but Thailog got away with the remote that controls that shackle. Apparently, it delivers pain through those spikes." Elisa felt disgusted, putting a careful hand on the unconscious Brooklyn's arm.

"He needs urgent care, bring him to the medic bay," she instructed. Hudson nodded, as the group went into a waiting Xanatos and Fox, whose eyes both rounded at the sight of Brooklyn.

Xanatos himself felt especially guilty about it, for it had been he that had created Thailog. If he hadn't done so, Brooklyn wouldn't have ended up this way. His stomach churned at the sight of those deadly spikes scratching the red gargoyle. He was fully aware of those kinds of shackles that poked the skin.

"So it seemed that my clone of you Goliath has gone this violent?" He asked, and Goliath nodded.

"From what Puck had also told us, the building had an enchantment that kept Brooklyn from turning to stone, too," Goliath muttered darkly. Xanatos stroked his chin with interest.

"It looks like that shackle of his won't come off because he got away, so once he's stable, I'll phone up some expert lock pickers to help Brooklyn," Xanatos offered, as they went into the medic room where his own doctor waited, and Hudson set Brooklyn down gently on the medical bed, which was better than a gurney, for certain.

The Labyrinth Clan had been informed of Brooklyn's rescue, but Matt told them that Brooklyn probably wouldn't be ready to see any of them yet until he recovered well enough to, which Talon understood with understanding, him and Maggie asking Matt to wish the Second a good recovery.


Brooklyn felt himself coming to, his body so weak and sore, breathing rather hoarsely and ragged, and no clue where he is, only small memories about his clan actually rescuing him. But, did it really happen? Or had that real rescue also been a cruel dream?

His vision slowly somewhat came into focus, but then he heard a beep.

No... no...! He thought, Brooklyn feeling panic reaching his peak, recognizing an examination room, and still feeling the shackle on his stomach. Thailog had allowed the doctor to examine him again! He had to get out!

Brooklyn began to struggle under the sheets, shaking, as he felt hands holding him down, and he started whimpering at them to not hurt him anymore.


Elisa saw Brooklyn waking, but his eyes were rather unfocused as he started whimpering and calling out, thrashing on his bed while Sato tried calming him, but it didn't do any good, as Lex and Broadway struggled to hold him.

"What's wrong with Brooklyn?" demanded Goliath in worry, watching poor Brooklyn continuing to scream and kick.

"He's suffering post trauma, so he is still thinking he's back there," Dr. Sato explained. "I can't treat him if he's struggling like this, Brooklyn could hurt himself."

Lexington looked over to Brooklyn, whose face was pale, and eyes rounded out animal-like, darting about in cold fear.

"Please steady yourself, Brook, your body can't handle this," Broadway pleaded, holding his shoulder as gently as he could. Brooklyn shuddered from painful convulses, gasping and choking, eyes watering in pain.

Everything was so foggy and painful. Brooklyn felt too terrible to make sense of anything except hands holding him down and thinking it was the guards. He could hear voices, too.

"...he needs an IV, for this one hasn't been drinking much water. I'll have to put in a needle. It is risky because of what Thailog did to inject him, but I have to do it." Then Brooklyn saw that needle coming, and felt his panic threatening to blind him.

"No...! No more! Don't... hurt...!" He moaned, struggling again, trying to avoid it. Angela, seeing this, approached him. He could see her fuzzy face in his dizziness.

"It'll be alright, Brooklyn. You need this IV. It will help you. I promise it won't hurt you, it's the only way," Angela encouraged gently, taking Brooklyn's hand. Brooklyn breathed fast and heavily, feeling her gentle touch, staring up at her. Was she an angel? Brooklyn couldn't recognize her face. But he shook his head.

"I-I can't do it. I-I'm s-scared..." he whispered hoarsely. She gazed at him with pity but understanding, until eventually an idea came. A song.

She began to hum a small lullaby, stroking Brooklyn's hand carefully. Brooklyn trembled, eyeing that IV needle with nervousness.

"Close your eyes

have no fear

the monster's gone

he's on the run and your family's here...

your family's here... and will keep you safe..."

She sang with such gentleness and care, gazing right into Brooklyn's frightened eyes, who slowly began to relax, feeling his breathing slowing down, muscles unclenching, sighing softly as his eyelids began to shut and became still on his pillows just enough for the doctor to inject it gently into Brooklyn's right elbow. For his left arm was still rather messed up.

Brooklyn could instantly feel the sedative bringing him into comforting slumber, his world going black, hand still in Angela's, who kept humming gently. Goliath nodded in approval while Broadway hugged his mate.

"Wow, that really seemed to help," Lex complimented in amazement as Sarai came up to get to work on getting the shackle unlocked. "It's going to take a while to do this. Everyone but her can step out," Sarai instructed. Goliath didn't want to leave his Second, but knew he was in good hands, so the three of them left Sarai to do her work.

The shackle had a pretty complicated lock. Sarai then decided to use a hairpin. She couldn't help but be interested in Brooklyn since she never saw a gargoyle much. But pity went out to him.

Sarai gritted her teeth while using the hairpin on the lock. Eventually though, she was successful when a clicking sound was heard. She then backed away and Sato began the operation of removing the spiked shackle from his stomach. Angela felt herself growing a bit sick from watching, but kept up her task of keeping Brook calm, who every now and then mumbled painfully under the anesthesia and operation.

"It's almost off, just hang in there," Angela whispered softly, hoping they would finish before sunrise. She didn't want it on him when turning to stone. Brook gave a small whimper when at last, the big spike was pulled out, blood welling from where it used to be.

Dr. Sato then put the shackle out of harm's way, instantly beginning to treat his gargoyle patient with stomach surgery, sewing up the holes, then bandaging it too. He also fixed up his left arm and wing the best he could, so the stone sleep could take care of the rest.

He was then pretty much done with his work, a big tight bandage was now around Brooklyn's belly, a new bandage on the wing and left arm as well. The sun was just about coming up.

"I've done everything I could, but his recovery is going to take time so he'll need to spend a couple days in the medic room. Plus, Brooklyn will need all the support he can get," Sato informed Angela, who was massaging Brook's arm. He was still under anesthesia.

"Okay, I'll bring everyone back in," she whispered, getting up. The clan was back in a few minutes, Lexington crying in happiness at finally seeing that shackle off. The whole clan thanked Sarai, who smiled from their gratitude before she left.

Bronx nudged Brooklyn's hand, whining, and Hudson put another wet cloth on Brook's forehead. When he heard from Puck that Brooklyn had been without his stone sleep for six weeks in the building from the spell, he was outraged and perhaps intrigued at how Thailog had found it.

After a time of wishing a good recovery to Brooklyn, the clan went out to turn to stone. Sato went out to rest too after taking out the IV.

"Angela, go and rest, Lass, I'll turn to stone here with Brooklyn," he offered. Angela now felt rather tired as she nodded, still worried but knew Hudson would protect him.

The sun's rays began to come in,. Hudson smiled sadly as he took Brooklyn's hand into his own. "Sleep well, Brooklyn. You deserve this after everything you've been through," he said gently. Brooklyn let out a small hoarse breath, trembling, until at last, stone began to cover Brooklyn, until he became a statue for the first time again, Hudson still holding his hand when he too, turned to stone.

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