Chapter 40

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There was a big celebration for the clan a couple days later; Brooklyn felt happier than he did in the past few weeks of his recovery. He was much more calm and happy around Goliath, doing more daily activities with his rookery brothers and such, and not staying in his room so much anymore. He still held onto his comfort blanket every now and then, though.

He still felt scared of patrolling though, hanging back whenever his clan went out. Goliath continued to insist that Brooklyn stayed in to rest more, which he happily accepted.

After the others did their patrols, Broadway got to work making the celebratory dinner for Brooklyn. He got to sit at the head of the table, with the rest of his family around him on both sides of the table.

Most of the Labyrinth Clan were invited to the dinner, though Malibu and the clones volunteered to remain to keep watch for Thailog.

At first, Brooklyn felt a little shy when he first saw Maggie and Talon because he had heard them in the hallucination during his sound test. But Talon just gave him a smile and nodded in respect, while Maggie was crying and gave him a gentle hug. He flinched at first, but then accepted her gesture. Brook had missed Maggie too.

It had been a delightful dinner. Goliath had given a toast to Brooklyn for his health. Brooklyn ate as much as he could off the table. He didn't feel so afraid of everybody anymore. It was amazing how far he had come in his recovery.


After dinner, it was time for the others to head out on patrol. Goliath came up to Brooklyn.

"Bronx will remain with you. Just keep being safe and healthy for us," Goliath said gently, smiling at Brooklyn.

Brooklyn nodded, watching Goliath leave with a bit of sadness in his heart, wishing he could join them. But he knew that they wouldn't want him out there just yet, deciding to sit in the library for a while with Bronx to read.


Meanwhile, Angela and Lexington were on their own patrol route. So far, no bad ones were lurking about.

But then, suddenly, some flying projectiles came up into the air and shot just in front of them. It surprised them, but it made them both fall to the ground below. A little bruised but okay, Lex and Angela got to their feet. What was that all about?

A group of uniformed men that looked familiar came out of the shadows, pointing their guns at Lex and Angela, who got into fight stances, eyes glowing.

"You don't need to fight us. What do you want?" demanded Angela bravely. The leader smirked.

"I think you know." he sneered. "Get them!" The guns fired at the two, who tried their best to fight them off, but Lex felt a sting in his arm. He yelped in pain, pulling it out, as did Angela. The two then felt dizzy, collapsing to the ground and falling unconscious.

Charlie walked around their unconscious victims, wondering which one was the perfect bait to lure in their master's plaything. Sure, the female was a possibility, but the little one looked much easier to haul. Smirking, he directed his men to take the small gargoyle.

The Master will be pleased to have his plaything return. And his little brother would be the perfect bait, too... he thought after writing a ransom note and leaving it for the female. He had managed to live through her attack and vowed revenge, looking forward to damaging that red devil again.


Angela woke up a few minutes later, feeling like she had been hit with a hammer. She rubbed her head, looking around for Lexington.

"Lex? Lex?!" she called out, not seeing her friend anywhere. Panic overcame Angela from not finding him, until she spotted a piece of paper next to her. Curious, she took it and read it to herself:

To the Wyvern Clan:

We have taken your little gargoyle, the one you call Lexington to exchange him for our master's plaything, the red devil. If he doesn't come alone to this alley to trade himself in, Master Thailog will torture Lexington the same as he tortured your beloved Brooklyn.


Furious tears flickered in Angela's eyes that they had taken Lex like that, and that she should've killed that human when she had the chance. Crunching the note in her hand, she made her way quickly back to the castle after calling Goliath on her mic to get everybody back.


Thailog meanwhile, was creating another new shackle should they get his plaything back where he belongs. He smiled, seeing it glow a hot red color when finished, looking forward to putting it on Brooklyn.

"Master, we caught one of the gargoyles for ransom," one of his men informed him. Thailog smirked devilishly. This would be interesting. He hoped it would be that pretty female, but he supposed any of the others could work too.

He walked over to where they held Lexington in a cell. Two guards stood over him where he lay chained and still unconscious.

Ahh, the little one. This would be quite fun... Thailog thought to himself, chuckling down at Lexington, who was slowly coming to.

Lex groaned groggily, eyes opening, feeling something metal chained on his arms and legs, and a large form standing above him.

"Wh-where am I...?" he mumbled sleepily. Red eyes suddenly came into his view; familiar ones. The dark form moved in close, making him back away a little.

"Remember me?" sneered that Goliath sound-alike voice. This made Lex gasp in fright, and anger. He was being held by Thailog now.

He struggled in his chains until a guard hit him hard on his shoulder. "Bastard! Let me go! I'll kill you!" he screamed in fury and pain, panting from his sore shoulder. Thailog grabbed his throat, making his ransom victim struggle and choke.

"I'd advise you to remain quiet. You are the one to lure my plaything back to where he belongs, with me..." he said in a soft, deadly voice. Lex flinched and kept fighting.

"Y-you're a monster! Just leave my brother alone!" Lex croaked from Thailog squeezing his windpipe, heart fluttering in fear at the idea of being stuck here in Brooklyn's place where he was tortured. Thailog thrust Lex to the floor.

"Silence! He will come to save you. But if he doesn't comply to my reasonable ransom, I won't mind getting to play with you instead..." he snarled.

Now this made Lex terrified, not wishing to experience what Brooklyn did. He didn't want this to happen to him, but he also didn't want Brooklyn or his clan to come if it meant Brook getting tortured again.

Please don't come, please...!


Goliath and the others gathered around Angela when she called a meeting, handing Goliath the ransom note.

Brooklyn had been sleeping in his room when Angela called him out. He saw her, Hudson, Broadway and Goliath there, but someone was missing.

"Where's Lex?" he asked in concern. Angela had tears.

"Me and Lex had been attacked. I was knocked out and when I woke up, I-I found this note." she said in a crying voice. Goliath spoke the rest.

"They took Lexington, Brooklyn. Thailog is holding him," he said to the Second. Cold terror rang in Brook's veins, his legs shaking.

Angela held the ransom note out to Brooklyn. He took it, reading it through with anger, a flicker of fear in his heart.

"I-It says I have to come alone, or- or we won't see Lexington again," the red gargoyle said hoarsely. Hudson shook his head, taking his arm.

"No, lad, I won't let you go back to them!" he said. "We'll figure out something else together!"

Brooklyn, for some reason now, no longer felt so afraid. Yes, he was nervous about meeting the ones who took him before, but this is for his brother.

"I g-got to do this, guys. For Lex's life, I have to face them." Brook proclaimed in a determined tone. Goliath smiled, feeling proud.

Xanatos came up. "This time though, you're going have a tracker so we can find you."

Brooklyn nodded, as he, Xanatos, Talon and Maggie both went to get the tracker ready. Xanatos made sure the tracker was placed in a spot on Brooklyn's belt where Thailog and his cronies wouldn't find it. Brooklyn took it from the man, putting it on his belt in the back.

Brooklyn readied himself on the balcony after that, his nerves rising to an all time high, scared of seeing him again, when Maggie put a hand on his shoulder.

"Please let us come," she begged pleadingly. Brook shook his head no.

"You must understand, Maggie. They asked for just me. If all of you come, Lex's life would be in great jeopardy. I can't risk it," he said, taking her hand.

"Be careful," she said, staring up at him. Brooklyn smiled softly at her, nodding, as he took off into the night.


Brooklyn managed to arrive at the same alley where Angela and Lexington had been ambushed for the ransom meeting, anxiously waiting where his kidnappers could be waiting, unaware of Charlie hiding in the shadows, pointing an arrow.

"I-I know you guys are out there! Show yourselves!" shouted Brook nervously, trembling. His wings were out, and his eyes glowed.

Shooting Brooklyn with an arrow was yet another little idea Charlie failed to mention to Thailog intentionally. He wanted more revenge than what his master requested. Smirking, he pulled back the bow.

Brook's ears went up, sensing something not right, backing away, but not fast enough when out of nowhere, he was hit in his right side. He screeched, clutching it, staggering to the ground on his side, trembling in pain.

Vision blurry, he glanced up at the sound of footsteps. To his fear, he recognized a familiar metal glove worn by none other than Charlie.

Charlie had a cruel grin on his face, seeing Brooklyn clutching his side, blood pouring out. "I've waited too long for this..." he sneered, holding a bow. Brook glared through his fear.

"Y-you didn't have to shoot me. Just give me back Lexington and I'll come with you," he grunted in agony. But all Charlie did was use the metal glove to hit Brooklyn hard in his stomach. Brooklyn gave a loud pain filled gasp from it, holding his belly now, memories of his belly torturing rising from the ashes.

"You're in no position to make demands, Devil. And this is just a little reminder to you that you still belong to Thailog. Remember..." he hissed. Brooklyn shook silently, eyes glowing, gritting his teeth, knowing now he was in trouble, but hoped they would take him to where Lex was.

The men then surrounded Brooklyn, taking him up by his shoulders, tying his hands behind his back, and throwing him into the back of their van, taking him away after Charlie broke off some of the arrow, but leaving the arrowhead in his skin, looking forward to watching his master play with him again.


Meanwhile, the clan saw on Xanatos' computer he had been taken, but thankfully, the tracker was still on him, hoping he would be okay and get Lex out. He had two hours to get him out on his own.


Brook didn't know what was happening to him. He had an arrow stuck in his body. He was feeling so lightheaded, held in place by two men, and so weak he could hardly fight. Both hands were tied behind his back, not helping the matter any.

It was an hour drive before he could feel them shoving him out of the car, and being made to walk, though his legs felt like they wouldn't support him. He was scared of what was gonna happen and if he and Lex could survive this.


Thailog waited with Lexington, who was looking down at the floor, a couple bruises on him, but not too badly injured.

"I'm sure you're looking forward to seeing your precious brother, aren't you?" purred Thailog in a false, sweet tone. Lex hissed back at him.

"He won't come! He won't fall for this ransom, not after what you did to him!" The olive gargoyle flinched in pain as Thailog struck him again.

Then, at that moment, the door opened. Lex looked up, eyes round when seeing a familiar figure being hauled in by the men, blood growing cold.

"Brook... no!" he choked in dread and terror. Brooklyn looked rather pale and bad, an arrow embedded in his side, eyes looking quite dizzy. His hands were cut loose as the men threw him at Thailog's feet. Thailog grinned triumphantly at seeing the return of his precious plaything.

"At last!" he sneered, approaching Brooklyn with contempt, who was struggling to get up. Thailog's smile disappeared when he saw the arrow. He didn't want his plaything too damaged.

"I will find and punish whoever did this!" he snarled viciously, holding up Brooklyn and showing the arrow. Brooklyn whimpered from Thailog touching him again, his old fear coming back at seeing his old tormentor. His breathing was fast and heavy as well.

Thailog pulled Brooklyn close to him and began stroking his stomach the same as he did before most tenderly but threateningly, ultimate pleasure at having his plaything return flashing through him. "Everything will be okay, little Plaything. I will put a small bandage on this wound for you before we resume our lost fun together... You're back where you belong..." he said softly and deadly.

Brook cried and protested, squirming desperately from Thailog's hand rubbing his belly while Lex struggled in his cuffs, shouting out in fury.

"STOP IT! DON'T TOUCH HIM!" he screamed, feeling disgust from seeing this. A guard hit him hard in the side, making Lex buckle. Thailog turned to the olive gargoyle, holding Brooklyn tight in his talons.

"I can have my way with your precious Second as much as I desire. Now that he's back with me, I wish to remind him even more at what he is." This wasn't sounding good to Lexington, scared for Brooklyn's well-being in this monster's clutches.

Brooklyn shook as Thailog smirked back down at him. "You really thought you could get away from me, didn't you, little Plaything? Well, we'll fix that, won't we?" he purred threateningly, looking forward to their fun.

The red male looked at Thailog with absolute fear in his eyes. He had never wanted to see Thailog again. He was still barely into his recovery and was just starting to get better, then this happened.

Thailog had two men restrain Brooklyn on the floor. Another one brought out some bandages and he began attending to the arrow wound in his side first before there would be anymore 'fun.' The arrow was left in his side for the time being. As he thought about it, it might buy him some more leverage over his plaything before he would have his doctor remove it later.

Brooklyn was too weak to struggle much. He whimpered and tried hard to breathe when bandages were applied around the arrow and secured it around his belly to keep it in place.

Lexington was really worried for his brother, but there was little he could do to help him when he was tied down like this.

After his treatment, the two biggest men then took Brooklyn to the farthest corner of the room, where they then put his wrists into cuffs and raised them above his head. Brooklyn knew he was helpless at this point.

"Wha- what are you going to do?" Brook asked nervously.

"I have been arranging to have my own personal brand to mark what is rightfully mine. And you, Plaything, are mine. You are going to wear my brand for the rest of your days." Thailog sneered in his face. Brook flinched slightly. "And a new discipline shackle."

Brooklyn's eyes lit up. His breathing quickened. "No, please." He begged panickedly. He didn't want to think about another horrible shackle being on his stomach after barely surviving the others.

Thailog was pleased that his plaything was already afraid of what was to come. He had missed this. He ordered the new shackle to be brought in.

Brooklyn knew that there was a limited time left for him to get Lex out of here, but with him tied up now as well, and one hour had been used to get here, he knew the clan should be here soon. He wasn't about to tell Thailog that they were coming. He was trying his best to put on a good show, though he really did fear that he would get a new shackle on before they could get here.

A man brought in the new shackle. Both Lex and Brook gazed at it, and this was very different. It was burning hot from being freshly made.

Brooklyn and Lex's eyes widened at the sight of it. The red one gulped at seeing it. He knew Thailog was going to put that on him, remembering a bad dream from not long ago. A burning shackle...

Thailog began to approach him with it. He tried to get out of the chains.

"NO! Don't put that on him!" Lex cried out.

Brooklyn began to struggle, breathing fast in panic. "P-please, y-you can't!" he screamed in fear. This could have been just about the same or worse than the last one that had spikes embedded into his flesh. This one was going to sizzle his flesh down if it was put on him!

"Please no!" he kept begging, feeling tears coming and his panic overstimulating him.

Thailog continued smirking as he approached his victim with the hot shackle. The back of the shackle had some metal parts that were not on fire. That's why Thailog wasn't getting burned by it.

"There's no point in resisting. Your little family couldn't protect you from me forever..." he purred, stroking Brooklyn's cheek, making the red male wince from his terrible talons, continuing to struggle as hard as he could.

But just as Thailog was getting all too close to put the new shackle on Brooklyn's stomach, suddenly, there was a crash through the roof and mighty roars going through the air.

The clan had arrived. The clan all took on Thailog's men. Talon and Maggie were there, along with Xanatos and his robots.

Thailog and his men looked up in shock. "How's this possible?" he pondered. "No matter. You are still going to be punished for leaving me and be branded, Brooklyn."

"I'm not your plaything! I never was! I'm the rightful Second in Command!" Brooklyn now put on his braver face, glowering at Thailog and struggling.

"Let him go, Thailog! You've put him in pain for too long! It's over!" Goliath proclaimed, eyes glowing fiercely.

"I don't think so, Father. I am going to take over your leadership, and this one will be put out of the way." Thailog sneered, drawing his rifle that was on his hip.

Brooklyn's eyes lit up with fear as Thailog was really wanting to shoot him, pressing the cold barrel hard into his neck, the dark gargoyle smirking at how scared his victim was being from his rifle.

Then a laser shot came from above, destroying the rifle. It was Xanatos in his Gargoyle suit, his laser gun in his hands "Let them go." he ordered.

"What are you going to do if I don't?" Thailog demanded smugly.

"This is going to end, Thailog. This had all gone too far with everything. And I know that I created a true monster when I created you." the man stated.

Thailog growled. "Yeah, well, you should have thought about that first. Now I will have my fun with this one." He tried to go on to put the shackle on Brooklyn.

"NO!" Brooklyn cried out, already feeling the terrible burn of the shackle getting too close for comfort. "GOLIATH!"

Then there was a shot from above once again, but this time, it hit the top of Thailog's head before Goliath or any of the others could make a move to save Brooklyn, surprising everybody.

Goliath, Brook, and Lex were shocked that that came from Xanatos' laser gun. Thailog staggered for a moment, then went down. He was dead.

Xanatos then landed next to Goliath. The two of them looked down at Thailog's body. "It had to be done." the man said.

"Yes. It was inevitable." Goliath agreed. Then he approached Brooklyn. He broke the cuffs and chains on his Second's wrists. "Are you alright?" he asked.

"Yes. Just barely." Brooklyn replied. Then he winced. He held his stomach and side. "My- my side!" His voice got weaker. Goliath held him gently.

Broadway freed Lexington from his bonds. He ran over to Brooklyn.

"What happened?" Goliath asked.

"One of the men, shot me with the arrow upon capture- for the ransom!" Brooklyn gasped out. "I- I don't feel good." He could slowly feel his strength failing him, Goliath doing his best to keep his Second steady on his feet.

"We have to get him home now!" Lex exclaimed. "He did this for me."

"And we will." Goliath said.

The clan and mutates had subdued Thailog's men. They were going to be going to jail. Xanatos stayed behind to greet police who were on their way.

"Can you at least climb to the roof, Brooklyn?" Angela asked.

"I'll try," he moaned.

It hurt him to climb, but they had to get out of there before police arrived. Once on the roof, the pain he was in made Brooklyn finally black out in Goliath's arms.

"Is he alright?" Broadway asked.

"Yes. He's just in shock." Lex said. "Let's get him home."

Goliath ended up carrying Brooklyn home this time, trying not to hurt his side so much.

Xanatos was going to be the one who worried about what to do with Thailog's body. As much as Goliath wanted to help his son a long time ago, after what he had done to Brooklyn, his Second was more important right now to make sure he lived.

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