Chapter 15

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The men were now debriefing on Brooklyn's condition and tests, and deciding on what to do with him now. Watson sat at the head of the table, smiling sinisterly.

"We're getting close, Gentlemen, I can feel it. It will be so enjoyable when we finally brand that demon devil with our Master's mark!"

One man stood. "When will he get it?" He growled in a deep voice.

"Patience. Just three or more tests, along with his final one that could really bring him down. I've been thinking of poisoning him next, not just from bad food. Actual poison."

Carlos smiled too. He remembered when he had Thailog poison their toy, and he longed to do it again.

"Yes... let's poison him!" He agreed, laughing darkly. Watson nodded.

"We'll get it ready, then set up his next force feeding to give that beast the poisoning he deserves..." the doctor said maliciously.

The group then proceeded with getting a dangerous plant Watson found to extract the poison; which was known as Oleander. Dangerous to anybody who ate it or drank its juice. Watson himself did the extraction, having Carlos and Charlie wear gloves to hold the plant to bring it to him.

Watson held the plant, squeezing as much as he could to fill up the cup that he would mix in with his victim's food. He smiled as he finished, taking the cup over and pouring just enough dosage into the can of food.

"That should be enough to give our prisoner some pain for a while. Go get him, it's time for him to eat." Watson instructed, nodding to the two big thugs, who chuckled dangerously when heading to Brooklyn's room.


It was another three days; and Brooklyn felt even worse after they broke his wing despite it being in the splint now. The sun shone beautifully into his room, but the young gargoyle hardly acknowledged it. He could still barely tell what was beautiful or fun after knowing nothing but pain, misery, neglect, and abuse for so long.

Brooklyn's eyes welled with tears, staring down at the floor in despondency, hardly moving any part of his body if he wanted pain. His wings were now broken aside from his tail and sprained ankle and terribly wounded belly, plus Brooklyn's loincloth was even more worn down, hardly offering any coverage anymore.

He could move his hands though, hiding his face in them and crying bitterly, cursing these humans to go to hell.

He was afraid what would happen when they did mark him. What would they do? It scared Brooklyn dreadfully to think about that, and he trembled.

Just gotta get out... Brook thought, his crying causing him to breathe in panicked gasps. It didn't help when sometimes Thailog whispered into his head. And he could almost feel his breath, though it was only an illusion.

"Oh, naive, weak plaything," cooed Thailog viciously. Brooklyn gritted his teeth. "N-not weak!" He hiccuped, shaking. Thailog simply laughed, making Brook shut his eyes, wishing his wings weren't broken to hug himself.

Then the cell opened, Charlie leading in the two guards, and Brooklyn shied away, tears still falling.

"You hungry? I'm sure you must be!" sneered Charlie, reaching out to grab Brooklyn, who continued to shy away from them, breathing harsh and ragged.

"No... am-am not...!" He said tearfully like a small hatchling. After everything he didn't want food, especially not anymore of that awful canned stuff. He had also forgotten what good food tasted like, and fruit. They never gave him a healthy diet of anything than being fed by that tube.

Charlie snarled as he signaled the guards. "No more resistance from you, Devil. You will be fed today, and be grateful!" Those vice-like hands took Brook up harshly, causing him to shriek softly, dragging him off to the examination room.

Watson smirked as he witnessed Brooklyn being dragged in, who struggled weakly. He was very thin even from the canned food; it hardly built up the young devil's body strength.

He came close to Brooklyn after they strapped him down tight, tracing a hand along his stomach. Brooklyn glared at him weakly, pulling fitfully at his bonds.

"Stop t-touching me!" He gasped shakily. Watson responded by slapping his face, then using the shackle to squeeze him, and Brook curled up in pain.

"I'm afraid that's out of your control to order us around, Plaything. Now, be good and enjoy your little meal." sneered Watson dangerously, pointing a knife at Brooklyn's neck, who whimpered and nodded, the tube now being placed into his stomach.

Sweat started pouring down Brooklyn's body while feeling his stomach being filled by that food. But Watson didn't tell him about the poison.

Brooklyn moaned in protest and pain after the third can was put into his system, feeling so dizzy and sick to his tummy, pulling weakly on his straps that shocked him when he did, the guards laughing mercilessly at his helplessness. He had no idea of how much pain he would be in later from what new ingredient had been given to him.

After the last can, the tube was pulled out. Brooklyn shivered from his still active fever and bloated stomach. He wanted to barf. But Watson told him otherwise.

"You dare puke again and this knife will make even worse wounds..." he threatened. Brooklyn nodded in fear, eyes round at the weapon while the guards took him out and dragged him back.

Brooklyn was brought back to his room where he was once again tied up to his shackle.

"Now remember what our boss said..." One guard decreed as they left him alone.

Brooklyn pulled himself to the wall and hugged himself with his arms. Tears came to his eyes. He wanted out of here so bad. Then, he felt his shackle tighten a little. He winced, putting his hands onto his still bandaged stomach.

He felt so full and bloated after they had overfed him, and now they were squeezing him with it. He could still feel his wounds stinging under the shackle. It wouldn't surprise him if his wound were torn open from all the squeezing they did to him.

Not long after though, Brooklyn began to feel some sharp pains going through his stomach that weren't being caused by his shackle or his wounds. Some nausea was rising fast inside him. He put his hands over his stomach. The pain was certainly not helping his fever any.

He started to feel dizziness in his head and vision. He felt like his vision was spinning. He put one hand to his head. "Oh... I really don't feel too good..." Brooklyn moaned.

Brooklyn felt like he needed to lay down before he fell over. The pain in his stomach was also rising. He winced again, baring his teeth and closing his eyes. He began to make the move of trying to lay down while keeping a hand on his belly. He also felt like his heart was speeding up.

He laid down on his side first, but that seemed to make the pain worse. Wincing and groaning with pain, Brooklyn moved onto his back, being careful of his injured wing. His lungs felt like they were hurting for more air than what he was getting. He had a dreadful feeling of what was going on, like he felt like he had been poisoned again.


From the cameras on their side, the men were overjoyed that their toy seemed to be feeling the effects of the poisoning already. They grinned evilly.

"He deserves every ounce of that pain!" Carlos decreed.

"Yes, he does." Watson agreed. "After what he did to us all."


The pain had intensified even more. Brooklyn cried out as he felt a big jolt of pain course through his stomach. It felt like something was pulling his insides apart. Both his hands were covering his belly now.

"OH! STOP THE PAIN! PLEAAAASE!" Brooklyn cried desperately. He was trying desperately to breathe. His head hurt and his throat hurt from all the screaming. Tears fell from his eyes, soaking his face.

He tried bending his knees up. It helped a little, but the pain kept on coming. It got to be so great that he rolled onto his right side, the side that didn't have a broken wing. He brought his knees up even further towards his belly, curling as much as he could.

"AGH! HUDSON! GOLIATH! ANYBODY! HELP!" Brooklyn yelled desperately. "Oh, it hurts!"

The pain got to be so great that Brooklyn began tearing his hands into the floor for relief too. His talons scratched up the floor he was hurting so badly. His eyes were glowing from the pain.

Suddenly, he began to feel the shackle tighten. "Ah! Oh! Please stop... hurting me...!" Brook pleaded weakly. His stomach churned. He panted hard.

Through his hazing vision, he saw Thailog. "It's so delicious to see you in such pain, Plaything." he sneered.

"Why... do you keep... tormenting me...?" Brooklyn asked weakly.

"To make sure you are ready for my mark soon. And as for the men, it's payback for them, for what you did to them." Thailog said.

"I did nothing... to them! OH!" Brooklyn cried out as the shackle tightened more. He tried to get a hand under the shackle, but he couldn't get it there. Pain was his belly full force, inside and out.

"Oh, but you did. You gave them scars for life." Thailog said, smirking fiendishly.

"Only because... they were trying... to hurt me first... last time!" Brooklyn exclaimed. "Oh, stop it, please!" He begged.

His stomach churned. Brooklyn knew what that meant. He was going to be sick. He had no idea how long he had been in pain for, but he began to pull himself to the toilet, the shackle squeezing him quite hard now.

Brooklyn barely made it to the toilet before he found himself puking up the food he had been given. There was so much pressure on his stomach he couldn't help it. Sure, he didn't want to face any more painful consequences, but it was what the humans were doing to him to make him do this. Thailog laughed in his head from all of it.

He felt like he was bringing up all his internal organs from the amount of puking that he did. His head spun even more from dizziness as he tried to stop throwing up, but he dry heaved and puked some more. It was like he was bringing up everything given to him.

When he finally stopped, his head and throat hurt just as well as his stomach. His muscles were so sore from being squeezed, both internally and externally.


From the control room, Carlos growled, "He is going to get quite a punishment for throwing up when he was told not to!"

"Yes, he will get what is coming to him soon, Carlos." Watson declared.


After throwing up, Brooklyn had to lay down again. His fever had flared up some more. He felt like he was on the verge of passing out. He didn't feel good at all.

His stomach still hurt but it didn't seem to be quite as painful after puking up the poison, or at least some of it.

As he fell into light unconsciousness, he could barely make out when he was picked up and carried to the exam room and strapped down again. An iv was put into one of his arms and the antidote was given to counteract the effects, but it would take awhile for all the problems to go away.

Brooklyn was kept strapped down in the exam room, trying to struggle between what was real and what was not. Like Thailog wanting to torture his mind. He even had fever dreams.

Watson said to his men, "I'm also going to give him something to treat his fever. If we wish to pursue further with him, his fever has to be stopped as well."

"Very well, Doctor, but he still needs more punishments before he earns the mark." Charles stated firmly. "I won't let that monster get away from what he did to me."

"Same here. But if doesn't live, he won't get the mark." Watson said.


Watson gave Brooklyn some medicine to at least treat his fever and of course, the poison. The effects would take a while to go away. At least a few days. After that it would be hard to tell. But it wouldn't be long now before Thailog's mark was given to him.

They placed him back in his room after treating him, where Watson sat with his unconscious toy, wanting his face to be the first thing the devil saw when he finally wakes up.

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