Chapter 23

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Brooklyn continued to remain under gentle care from his clan, remaining in bed and making sure he ate well, and not too much heavy food yet that could further damage his stomach again.

The Second enjoyed his brother's soup, though. But he still was scared whenever Elisa or any of the other humans came to see him, since he had been mistreated pretty badly from those others.

He tossed a bit one night during his nap, Thailog sneering in his head.

"Your clan is just playing with you, especially your human 'friends.' Soon, they will abandon you..."

"Stop!" sobbed Brooklyn, waking from his nightmare. Bronx whined in concern, gazing at him. Brook noticed, small tears coming, petting his companion. He didn't want to believe Thailog. He was lying!

A knock on the door was soon heard, causing him to flinch, but it was Hudson. He had a look of concern, seeing the scared tear-filled eyes of Brooklyn.

"Something troubling ya, Lad?" The elder asked, sitting down in his chair. Brooklyn shook his head. That familiar shame continued to plague inside him, scared of what his family would say if he told them anything.

Hudson massaged his hands. "You can tell me whenever yer ready. There's no pressure." He assured the scared young gargoyle.

But then, Hudson asked something else. "Do yeh think Elisa could be able to see you? She would really like to, and wants to help," the elder asked. Brooklyn shivered. He really didn't want to see anymore humans at this point. But a memory came of when Elisa gave him his blanket, fingering it now.

Remember, Elisa's not Watson or any of them. A comforting voice said in his head. He looked at Hudson and nodded. Hudson smiled, going to let Elisa in. Brooklyn kept trembling, when Elisa came forward toward her bedridden friend, his head lowered from being shy.

"Hey," she greeted softly.

Brooklyn clenched his jaw, holding his blanket. Elisa took off her shoulder bag that had some of Alex's books inside. This got his curiosity, another memory coming to him.

"Wanted to come to cheer you up, Brooklyn, and maybe read to you again?" Elisa asked gently. Brooklyn pulled away a little whenever she talked.

"I know you must be scared of other humans now. But you need to understand; me and the others here won't do you any harm. We all love you." she said to try comforting Brooklyn. Then he gazed into her eyes; they were looking at him like how a mother would. He still seemed scared of her, though, holding his blankets close. Elisa then wanted to try to hug him, but Brooklyn shied back.

"Don't want... anyone... touch..." he said shakily, closing his eyes. Elisa could understand his fears, hating those people who did this to her friend.

"Is it ok for at least me to hug you? I won't hurt you, Brooklyn," she then suggested. Brooklyn gazed at her, hearing the honesty in her voice. Tears coming, he nodded, nervously accepting it. Elisa smiled, hugging her hurt friend gently. Brooklyn cried into her arms, now accepting her hugs.

Hudson smiled at the sight, glad that Brooklyn was able to allow her to hug him and get close again. Bronx woofed, wagging his tail, putting his paw on the bed for attention. Brooklyn smiled as well as Elisa, the two of them going to pet the gar dog behind his ears.

Hudson stayed in the room while he let Elisa take the chair so she could take out a book and read to the red gargoyle. Reading to him seemed to relax him even though he still watched her warily.

Elisa read a few books to him until he fell asleep with Hudson watching. Elisa let out a sigh of relief. "I hope he sees me as a friend again soon." she said.

"I think he does, Lass. Just a little more time and I'm sure he'll be fine." Hudson said gently. He laid a hand on her shoulder. She was glad that she could be a friend in need to any of the clan, even though she was practically Goliath's mate.

Later, Brooklyn woke up and Broadway brought him in some more soup, along with some crackers and toast, to give him a little more variety. His stomach seemed to be doing a lot better now. It had been over a week now since his rescue. He was still taking the medicines though just to be sure that his digestive organs healed.

Brooklyn was starting to eat more solid foods again, beginning a little slowly with the gentler foods.

After more than a week of being in bed, Brook was ready to get out of bed to start feeling like this was his home again. He at least didn't want to feel like an invalid anymore.

"Hudson, will you walk with me around the castle. I just don't want to be in my room all the time anymore. I feel lots better now." Brooklyn begged the elder.

"Alright, Lad. I can see your point." Hudson gave in.

"I just don't want to be around any humans right now." Brook said.

"I understand." Hudson replied.

He helped Brooklyn get out of his bed for the first time in days. His legs felt weak from not standing on them in a while. His right ankle felt healed of the sprain and could walk on it again. Hudson helped the red Second walk a little at first to make sure he got his bearings. It wasn't long though that Brooklyn was able to walk on his own beside Hudson. Bronx was walking along behind them.

The clan was out on patrol. The Xanatos family was away for the evening even though Owen was there watching Alex. Broadway had stayed behind though to fix Brooklyn's food. He had gone to just watch TV in the living room after his brother had eaten. Brook had started to accept his aqua brother again because of him bringing his food to him.

From the proper eating a few times every night, Brooklyn was starting to gain his weight back, but it would still take some time yet to be at his full strength yet.

No matter what was going on, Brooklyn still didn't want to tell his family about what he was dealing with in the back of his mind. He and Hudson walked all around the gargoyles' wing of the castle before heading back to his room. As the red one was looking around, he remembered thinking that seeing this castle was one thing he would never see again while he had been in the evil humans' custody.

"I want to learn to glide again soon. My wings are starting to feel cramped." Brooklyn said.

"Maybe in a few nights, Lad. You still need to get more strength back yet. But soon, I promise." Hudson replied.

Brooklyn felt so useless having to stay here in the castle, feeling like he was lazy, but everything he had been through was also eating away at him. When he had been with the evil humans, aside from the few times of defending himself in their tests, he had otherwise not done the extent of damage to any of them versus what they had done to him, twice. He had used nice words to get them to stop hurting him and they had never listened to him. What was the point of using nice words when no one listened to them?

The thing of such thoughts were making him angry. When he and Hudson got back to his room, he said he wanted to be alone for a little while, even having Hudson take Bronx out for a while. He needed to feed the gar dog anyway.

Brook couldn't help it that he broke down and cried after that. He hid his face in his legs with his arms wrapped around his knees. He wished all that had never happened to him again.

There were just lots of demons in his head right now, especially Thailog, haunting him. He wanted those demons to go away. And he had also been called Demon and Devil so much by those men that it seemed he would forget what his real name was. He was glad that his clan was calling him what he had named himself. Of course, they wouldn't do that sort of thing to him.

But the anger kept growing. He was angry at himself for letting those monsters get to him once again. Why couldn't he escape them?

The real Brooklyn had always been a warrior of course, but he was one of the most kind-hearted gargoyles someone could meet, despite how his looks could make him look like a devil creature. But he wasn't a deceiver like some other people that he knew, like Demona. He wanted to be a true friend to anyone he could meet. But right now, his feelings were all in turmoil from the torture he had gone through for so long.

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