Chapter 27

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Ever since Elisa had saved Brooklyn from hurting and killing himself, he had grown a bit closer to her in the following days. She had even been kind enough to hang dark curtains in his room to keep lightning out. When another storm came along, she stayed with him to keep him calm, for he still hated lightning because they still reminded him of the Quarrymen's hammers. And he wouldn't let other humans near him except Elisa. But Brooklyn kept on wearing his jacket.

She hugged him during that new storm, feeling his body shaking. "Don't worry, it won't get you," the detective assured the red gargoyle, who gave a small smile, tears falling.

Brooklyn though still couldn't tell his clan about what he had been feeling and how Castaway made him blabber out all of his dark secrets. It still made him sick thinking about it.

Goliath had told the clan about how Brooklyn had been cutting himself, and the clan didn't really take it well like he predicted. Hudson looked really sad from it, and Lex looked mad and upset along with Broadway. Angela was nearly in tears.

"But why? Why would he do such a thing?" Lex asked in remorse, hands balling into fists. Hudson took his arm.

"The lad's been feelin' all sorts of grief these past days. Which would explain the reason," the elder said. Angela herself wanted now more than ever to be close to Brooklyn again after hearing about it. She volunteered to take Brooklyn his dinner.

Angela came to his room, feeling nervous about seeing him, but she had to try. She would do anything to make the scared male happy again. Breathing steadily, she knocked on the door.

Brooklyn had heard the door knock, tensing up in fear, eyes round when he saw who was visiting him; Angela. The one he avoided most of all. She had a bowl of his soup for him, a smile on her face. Brook just growled at her.

"Get away from me..." he snapped bitterly again, still not wanting Angela near him whatsoever. Her face fell from this, setting down his tray on the nightstand.

"I won't leave, Brooklyn. Rookery siblings look out for each other. But why have you been avoiding me?" she asked in concern and sadness. Brook's eyes glowed viciously, trying to shield his body from her again with the bike jacket.

"Save your pity and love for your precious mate. I don't deserve it! I don't deserve anyone's love! I'm the ultimate freak failure in the clan! Get out! Leave me alone!" Brooklyn screamed, his tears flowing nonstop. This made Angela flinch as if Brooklyn hit her. But she held firm.

"No, I have to know, Brooklyn. I still love you; can't you understand that?" She begged. Brooklyn kept shaking his head and trembling, threatening to let out all his emotions.

"Y-you wouldn't understand... h-that man... he-he...!" Brooklyn hiccupped when unable to say anymore words. Angela tried again to sit near him, but Brooklyn backed away once more. Angela's heart broke from Brooklyn's continuing avoidance of her approaches.

"I know I can't understand, but I won't be able to if you can't tell me. Please?" She begged softly, eyes soft and gentle. Brooklyn breathed erratically, eyes crazed with grief and anger. He still shook his head.

"I-I can't..." he whimpered, curled up against the wall, sniffling badly, hiding his face in his hands, and turning away. Then suddenly, Angela thought of something that could reach him. A little smile showed when beginning to sing:

"Just a closer walk with Thee

Grant it, Jesus, is my plea

Daily walking close to Thee

Let it be, dear Lord, let it be"

This made the distressed male take his head out from his hands, Angela's soft singing voice, turning to look at her. Brook trembled more when she continued.

"I am weak but Thou art strong

Jesus keep me from all wrong

I'll be satisfied as long

As I walk, let me walk close to Thee"

Small memories flickered in his shattered brain. He could see Angela comforting him while enduring terrible stomach pain, singing the same song.

The comfort of the song made tears come to Brook's eyes. The feelings of the past were all bubbling up inside him. He knew he had to tell someone of his feelings of what had happened while in Castaway's custody.

"Brooklyn, you can tell me anything you want," Angela said gently. "Can we mend this rip between us?"

Brooklyn trembled nervously as he thought about what she said and what he wanted to say to her.

"I can help you eat if you want." She offered.

"No, I can do it." He replied.

"Alright, if there's nothing you want to talk about, I can go." Angela stated and rose from the bed.

He turned. "Angela, wait." He called out to her, making her turn around.


"I'm-I'm sorry that I've been avoiding you so long. It's just- what that man did to me, he embarrassed and humiliated me in front of the clan, especially you, a female that isn't my mate." Brooklyn explained with tears in his eyes.

Angela could see what he was getting at. "Brooklyn, that wasn't your fault. You couldn't control what he did to you. We all saw what happened. We know that Cas-" She saw how the male cringed. "Sorry. That man wanted to hurt you as much as he could. He wanted to hurt us too. But we are all just glad that you weren't dead from the poison."

"It's more than that. Angela, he also made me admit some of my past regrets that I didn't want to talk about again. And please forgive me that I don't want to say what they are in front of you." Brooklyn explained.

"Oh, Brooklyn, I'm sorry he did that to you," she replied in concern and went to hug him as he began to cry.

Brooklyn trembled as the gargess held him. He wished she was hugging him as his mate, not just a friend. But a friend was what he needed most right now. At least he had told someone of what had happened to him in his captor's custody.

After a time, the two broke apart, and Brooklyn eventually was able to eat his soup by himself, Angela keeping him company. Brooklyn gave her a smile.

"Thank you for listening, Angela. I have just been having a hard time being able to share my feelings with anyone," he said softly, setting his bowl down when done. Angela took his hand.

"That's what we're here for, Brooklyn. Your family will always be around to talk to. But maybe soon I can help you talk to my father and the others?" Brooklyn swallowed at the thought but nodded. If he was able to talk to Angela, then he was certain he could do the same with the rest of his clan.

"I t-think so."

"I'll be right here with you," Angela encouraged the nervous red male, who took her hand and she guided him up to proceed into the living room. Brooklyn at the moment kept his jacket on, still waiting until he felt comfortable enough to take it off.

Goliath, Elisa, and the others all waited for Brooklyn, hoping that Angela had been able to reach through to him. Bronx paced until suddenly he woofed, smelling the arrival of Brooklyn. Brooklyn felt greatly shy, his nerves tingling all over from all the eyes of his family on him, but Angela was there. Bronx came up to him and woofed softly. That made Brook feel a bit more comfortable, giving Bronx a gentle pat.

Goliath invited Brooklyn to sit down. Brooklyn did, eyes shifting about, clearing his throat awkwardly.

"H-hey... guys..." He was interrupted when Lex suddenly gave Brooklyn a hug. Brook yelped a little from this, feeling scared for a moment, but Lex kept on embracing his brother. For he saw those bandaged wrists on him from the self-cutting and he knew that his brother needed a lot of love.

After a bit, Brooklyn ended up hugging the smaller gargoyle, the warmth of his brother spreading over his body. He felt more tears come.

"Please don't you ever hurt yourself again, Brooklyn! We'd be lost without you here!" Lex sniffled. "But-but why did you want to erase your memory too?" This made Brooklyn tense, feeling guilty again. Goliath put a hand on his shoulder.

"You know that one should never mess with their memories. Memories are like time. Any erase of one moment in life can damage yourself greatly." Brooklyn nodded, but he curled up on himself again after Lexington broke out of their hug.

"I-I know. But-but all I wanted was to forget about my time with that terrible human. He-he hurt me, squeezed me, starved, and drugged me, Goliath. When I saw you guys being brought in to watch me be hurt, that was the most pain I have ever felt, more than the beatings and poison combined. Guilt for having you guys be forced to hover all over me again after my rescue when you had better things to do..." he said hoarsely, rubbing his eyes with his hands to dry the tears. Goliath took his hand firmly but gently. Brook gazed in fear and sadness at the look on his leader's face, which was full of grief and love.

"Don't, Brooklyn. Don't ever think that we would ignore you after that horrible ordeal you went through with him. Your clan will never stop loving or looking after you." Goliath said in a choked tone. But Brooklyn's face was still riddled with pain.

"I just felt so abandoned... unloved... when I was with him... I hated it..." Brook continued in a sniffling voice, eyes red. "T-thought you guys would leave me to die with them..." he whimpered, shaking nonstop. That was when Goliath provided Brooklyn his own hug. Brooklyn buried his face into his leader's chest, still unable to stop his tears. Goliath's wings wrapped gently around his Second, to help him feel more safe and secured, stroking his hair gently.

"Shh, it'll be ok. You're with your family again. We will never let that horrible human take you away from us again. Never ever forget that your family will always love you." Brooklyn snuggled into his leader's gentle wing hug, the warmth of the wings helping to relax his nerves as well as his heart, not feeling as heavy as before. He finally understood now that Goliath didn't hate him, neither did his clan or Elisa. They would always have his back.

Hudson entered on the hug, too. "We deeply care about ye, Laddie. And ye still have the makings of a great leader someday." He said with pride in his voice. Brook looked at him, eyes red.

"Y-you really mean it?" He sniffled. Broadway nodded. "You bet, Buddy. We will follow you to the ends of the Earth!" This made Brooklyn grin softly, while Lex gave him a proud grin. "I'm glad you're my brother, no matter what those Quarrymen say!" Lex proclaimed. Brooklyn bowed his head shyly. This was all too much praise for him. He wasn't used to it after a week and a half of abuse and nearly half a year of poison.

"And we will keep supporting you until we can help gain back your honor," Elisa stated, making Brooklyn flush, but he nodded. He was happy that they still loved him. "Um, thanks, Angela and Elisa, for the new loincloth," he said shyly. The two girls nodded. "Anytime, Brooklyn," they said. After that, they just had a quiet time together, giving Brooklyn his much needed love and comfort.

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