Bergen in disguise ( chapter 16)

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Poppy smiled at me.

" Okay, people. Hair we go!"

And ironically enough they began singing again.

"🎶 You🎶"
Smidge started. Followed by all the others. When each joined in they each pitched up a little bit making some sort of harmony.

"🎶 You gotta let it show!🎶"

We all got on top of Bridget's head and all the others began combining their hair into a rainbow glittery wig.

If I should be honest, I don't think that that is something a Bergen would normally wear...

" 🎶 I'm coming, I'm coming, out🎶"

We all, well Bridget more precisely stepped outside and was 'greeted' by all the other angry and miserable bergens.

" 🎶 I'm coming.🎶"

"🎶 Yo, I'm coming out like the sun after rain. Ready to shine no time to be plain feeling good gonna get get what I what I want. Gonna show 'er
'everybody how I how I funk."🎶

"🎶Look at me now my confidence is soaring, dudes will be impressed by the points of scoring like!🎶" She rapped. 

Bridget randomly took a basketball away from some random guys and threw the ball directly into the basket.

" Now, that ain't boring!"
They exclaimed.

"🎶 And I just won't quit. Watch the king drop his jaw when I'm shaking my hips I'm saying!🎶"

"🎶 She's coming out. It's time to take a stand🎶" Poppy and her friends sang.

" 🎶 To show the world that I'm...🎶"

"🎶 She's...🎶" Poppy joined in.

"🎶 Coming out 🎶"
They both sang together and gave each other a high five. Well, a

Why is it called a high five though?
We only have four fingers...

We were now standing in front of a bib shop where the king was trying out a new bib...

" No, it's all wrong!" Gristle yelled from inside the shop.

" I'm the king who's bringing back trollstice! I need a bib to match!"

Bridget gasped in awe.

The shop owner stepped a little back from the king.
" Oh, sire.."

" I need something elegant, something sophisticated!" Gristle pulled the bib off him and threw it at the shop owner. 

" You know, a man's bib!"
Gristle made a pose looking himself in the mirror.

My question is why would he even need a bib? Do all bergens use bibs? Cause we trolls sure don't, well, at least not grownups. So why would they need one?

" Oh, he's so beautiful!" Bridget exclaimed.

" And so are you."
Poppy complimented

" Oh, he'll know I'm just a scullery maid! I- I gotta get out of here!"
Bridget shifted from one foot to the other nervously.

" No, I'll be right here, Bridget. We all will."

" A- and you'll tell me what to say right?"

" Of course I will."
Poppy answered.

" Of course I will."
Bridget repeated out of nowhere.

"Yeah... Just, wait till we get inside"

Bridget entered the shop while Gristle seemed to have found what he was looking for.

" Sire, I believe I have the perfect bib!"

" It better be. Trollstice is tomorrow night! I mean I look good, but I have to look great!"
Gristle told him.

" Right"
* Click* the shop owner had opened a box I think since I couldn't really see that much from here.

Gristle gasped.
" It's got a wing-dingle on it!"

" Oh, your majesty, look at you! Such a big, big boy" he tied the bib around the king's neck.

Gristle looked himself in the mirror again and sighed.

" I love it!"

The shop owner and the guards clapped.

" I think you look fat!"
I heard a familiar voice say. I looked beside me and, yes, it was Poppy.

" I think you look fat!"
Bridget echoed.

I'm not sure this is a good idea... Is this something you would say to your crush? No, right?

" WHAT!?"
The king turned around to identify who said that.

" PH Phat, then strike that pose!"
Poppy commanded.

" PH Phat, eww..."

Did she just say eww? Or did I misunderstand something here?

The king's eyes widened.

" Hot lunch! "
He stepped towards Bridget.

" Total honesty from a total babe."

Bridget laughed nervously.

" And who might you be?"
He asked.

Oh, shoot we haven't even though up a name for her...

" you're name is... uhhh... Ummm. Uh?" She looked at me for help and then looked at the others.

" Lady"
Biggie started.

" Glitter?"
Guy diamond suggested.

" Sparkles!"
Smidge chimed in.

I looked questioning at Poppy
" Seriously?"

Is that even something you could be called?

" My name is Lady Glitter sparkles seriously."

Bridget informed.

Why did she include my comment? I face-palmed.

" Well, m' Lady Glitter sparkles,"
Gristle laughed.

" Would you care to join me for an evening at captain Starfunkles roller rink and arcade?"

Wow, that's what I call romantic... A roller rink and arcade... Really?

" Would I ?..... Would I?"
Bridget asked.

" Yes, you'd be delighted."
Poppy answered.

" Yes, you'd be delighted."
Bridget copied.

" Oh, indeed I would."
Gristle agreed.

I turned to Poppy.

" When are you gonna ask him about Creek?" I asked her.

I mean there is no way that a 
' stranger' just mentions that Gristle had eaten a troll at his castle. That would just seem weird and make her seem like a creep. Wait, creep sounds a lot like Creek, maybe that should actually be his name, Creep...

" Well, we have to warm him up first." Poppy said
" Do you know anything about romance?"

I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.
" Of course, I'm passionate about it."

She looked at me weirdly.
" Really?"

" Ugh. Don't you know anything about sarcasm?"
I asked her.

" I think I had a sarcasm once!"
Cooper said randomly.

Ugh... Cooper why do you have to be so stupid...

" Well, I'll take one of everything, Bibbly. "

Oh, that's his name? Weird...

Gristle grabbed Bridget by the hand.
" Things are gonna get messy!"

The two of them walked out of the door.

The two of them quickly arrived at the roller rink and arcade and sat down.

Another Bergen who seemed to be a waiter came with their order.

" Enjoy your pizza."
He said miserably and threw some coins on the table beside the pizza.

" Here's your tokens."

The waiter guy walked away again and left the two of them alone. Well, not all alone we were still there...

" Oooh, so fancy. Good thing I brought my appetite."
Bridget exclaimed.

The two bergens reached out to grab a slice of pizza, but reached out for the same slice and touched hands.

They looked at each other.

Suddenly Bridget slapped his hand away and ate the pizza slice.

Oh, great, Bridget I think you blew it...

" Wow, you're fantastic."
Gristle complimented.

Excuse me, what?

" Bridget, compliment him back!"
Poppy said.

" I like your back."
Bridget told the king.

" No, I meant, say something nice about him."
Poppy explained.

" But I do like his back.."
Bridget let out.

No, we're not going there. Just no,

Gristle looked up from his slice of pizza.
" Huh?"

" I.. uhhh umm..." Bridget stuttered

" Poppy, help her!"
I looked at Poppy.

" Uhh... Your eyes, their...ugh."
Poppy instead focused on his ears.

" Oooh, your ears..."
But she seemed to be lost for words.

Biggie exclaimed.

" Skin!"
The twins suggested

" Neck!"
Cooper shouted.

Bridget repeated what they said.

This was really not going well.

" - skin, neck, nose, ears, face, back of your head.."

Gristle looked at her worried.                    "are you ok?"

" your TEetH!"                                                         Guy diamond auto-tuned.

The king arose from his seat.                  " what's going on? are you making fun of me?!"

ugh. I have to do something... think...  think about Her. Not him don't look at him.

" your eyes.." I sighed.                                                                                                         "they're like... two pools,"

I awaited for Bridget to catch up.

The king seemed to calm down.

" so deep, I fear that if I dive in, I might never come up for air..."

" I might never come up for air."                    I heard Bridget repeat.

I heard a light gasp from beside me and I felt everyone looking at me. Especially Poppy.

" And your smile, the sun itself turns jealous and refuses to come out from it's hiding behind the clouds. Knowing it cannot shine half as bright.."
I sighed.

" I kinda do have a nice smile, don't I?"                                                                      Gristle asked and smiled.

I smiled.                                                                                                                                 " yes," I turned to face Poppy.

" you do."

She smiled at me in a way she had never done before and looked me in the eyes. I quickly felt uncomfortable and turned away rolling my eyes.  I don't have a chance. I knew that, but something told me that something was going on. But what?

" I can't believe I'm about to say this."        Bridget suddenly began.

" Guys, she's going rouge!"                                Biggie's eyes widened.

" But being here with you today makes me realize that true happiness is possible"     Bridget smiled

"It is, "    Gristle began
" True happiness is a lot closer than you think."                                                              Gristle moved closer to Bridget and gestured to something near his chest you would almost think he gestured to his heart

" It's right here"

I have never heard a bergen say something like that... I actually thought he pointed at his heart, but it turns out he pointed at the lock on his cape which had a green gem attached to it. What?? was he one of those guys who only cared about gold and gems?  

" oh," Bridget let out in disappointment. She probably thought he pointed at his heart too.          " That's pretty I guess..." 

" what do you think now?" he raised a brow and opened the lock to reveal...

"Creek?" I said surprised.

" I knew he was alive!" Poppy exclaimed.

" Mr. Dinkles! He's alive!" Biggie looked excitedly at his pet worm.

"Oh Snap!" said a deep voice.

Wait, did Mr. Dinkles just say that?

we gasped.

" You  just talked!" Biggie eyed him.

"mew.." it just came from the little glow worm.

I sure hope that Bridget didn't repeat that...

"I've been savoring this little guy." Gristle picked Creek up with two fingers. 

" Help!" the helpless purple troll looked at Bridget.                                                       
" Mercy!-"

Gristle put Creek back in the lock and closet it.

" Tell me m' lady, will I be seeing you at the trollstice feast?"   He asked.

" well, duh. I'll be working!"                 Bridget repeated what Poppy had said.

Poppy's eyes widened when she realized that she forgot something.

" It! working it. you know... "

Bridget got up from her seat and did a move of some sort

" working it!" 

" Yeah, you're not kidding you will? cause you're gonna be there as my plus one!"

Gristle said and got up from his seat as well.

" R- really?"

" assuming you'll say yes??"

Gristle looked at her nervously.

" Yes!"

she answered.

" Yes!" Gristle smiled.

" Yes!!" Poppy and the snack pack exclaimed.

" Well, in the meantime. I think we should find some other way to.. work up an appetite?"

Gristle raised a brow.

" oh, yeah, what did you have in mind?" Bridget asked.

The two bergens went to get some roller skates. Gristle bought both pair of roller skates for them to use. The two of them then hit the rink. They were skating happily as they pinned each other around. 

suddenly when Gristle spun Bridget around we all slipped off her head.

uh, oh...

Poppy grabbed Bridget's hair in a hurry and reached for my hand.
I took her hand and grabbed onto Cooper. Poppy pulled us down on Bridget's head again. We all landed safely...

huh? I realized that I wasn't standing on my feet when I landed. I had accidentally landed in Poppy's arms. 

I blushed slightly

oh, well.. I guess this is not so bad... I smiled slightly and got down on Bridget's head again. 

The two of them then kept on roller skating, but suddenly got disturbed by someone

" Your majesty," a deep female voice suddenly said, 

" you seem to be having.. fun?" Chef looked weirdly at the king.

" Yeah, I am!"
Gristle exclaimed.

" Meet the lovely Lady Glitter sparkles" He gestured to Bridget.

" Hmm... You remind me of someone..." She looked suspiciously at Bridget.

Bridget along with all the others began shivering in fear of getting busted. I looked through the wig standing in front if Poppy and her friends in a protective pose.

I wanted to protect them mostly Poppy and since they were her friends I would protect them too I couldn't just leave them behind couldn't I? I'm not evil. I may be rude at times but I'm not a creep.

" well, I guess I'll just get my worthless scullery maid make a place setting for the lovely Lady Glitter Sparkles."

Chef smiled evilly.

" put her place setting next to mine." He told her.

" Bridget, we gotta go now" Poppy commanded.

Bridget, of course, went out of the door on her roller skates whining in joy.

" Lady Glitter sparkles?!"
I could hear the king exclaim inside the building as he tried to follow her.

" Wait, Lady Glitter Sparkles! See you tomorrow. Right?"
He yelled after her
" oh, "

That was the last thing I heard from the king before we got too far away to hear anything else from him.

Cut again.
I know... Even though all the cutting from the story I hope you enjoy this story. I was thinking something I wanted to hear if anyone was interested.

I was thinking about maybe making one of these again, but with TWT (trolls world tour) it's still gonna be Branch's POV so yeah does it sound?

Also, I thought of maybe making one of these, but in Poppy's POV. Tell me what you think. I'll gladly do both if you want to.  😊🙂 see you in the next chapter. 👋

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