meeting Poppy's friends (chapter 8)

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I woke up to the smell of strawberry. I looked beside me and I saw Poppy. (she was laying on her back) And you gotta be kidding me she is so cute like any word couldn't describe it. I stared at her for what I wanted to be forever but I knew that that wouldn't be possible. "She looks so cute when she is asleep" I whispered so that only I could hear it well she was asleep so I don't think that she could hear it anyway. I got a little closer to her ((pls don't get it wrong or something😄whatever🙄😂)) She had a smile on her face. She was probably dreaming something good. On the other hand, I didn't. At the moment I only dreamed nightmares or just nothing. And most of my nightmares are about my grandma... I miss her so much. Then Poppy turned towards me And randomly wrapped her arms around me in her sleep. I looked at the sleeping Poppy blushing. I'm relieved that she is asleep so she couldn't notice it... Now I just laying here not knowing what to do I couldn't move cause I didn't want to wake her up. And for what that felt like forever I just stayed there doing nothing until she finally turned away from me. Oh... how much I wanted to return the hug but something inside me just told me not to. I feel a little bad for not doing it but then again who cares. I got out of bed. Made breakfast. Nothing special it could have been since the princess is in my bunker but 1. Is that really necessary? 2. Do I want to get out of my bunker just to find something that you can make some fancy food with?
3. Does she even want fancy food? 4. I raised too many fingers... ((Hope you got the reference😏😂 if you didn't it's from ttbgo season 1 episode 1)) while I made breakfast Poppy woke up and headed to the living room where she sat on a couch. don't ask me how I knew all of that but I could just sense it... when she could smell something coming from the kitchen she went in here. " what are you doing Branch?" she looked at me with curious eyes. Sorry, but is she blind?? " as you can see I'm making breakfast," I said pointing at the frying pan. " yeah I can see that but what are you cooking?" I guess she couldn't see that because she wasn't the tallest person but yeah she is about 3 years old or something so... not that I could see what I was cooking without using my hair to lift me up, but she was lower than me. When I was done making the breakfast we headed to the living room. I took two plates and gave one of them to Poppy. She stared at the plate where the Pancakes were and suddenly looked excited. " oooh! pancakes!! I haven't got that in a long time... and for breakfast! I'm so lucky, thank you!! thank you!!! " she exclaimed and began jumping all around my bunker. I didn't know what to do to make her stop. I didn't want her to make a mess. then she finally stopped and sat down on the chair again. she reached out to take a pancake but hesitated. " can I start?" She asked nervously and looked at me. " yeah go ahead" I waved my hand in the direction of the pancakes. She happily took one and began eating it and I took a pancake as well.

Well... I thought pancakes weren't special for breakfast. It's not like I eat pancakes every day but she for some reason thinks it is. She seemed to enjoy it and that makes me some kind of happy that she likes the pancakes I made...
"Branch? I thought of something." she looked at me with a smile. " yeah?"
She suddenly looked really excited but calmed down. " I thought that now where we know each other... I wanna show you, my other friends, and since we really can't do anything in here we could just go outside." "no, no, no I'm not going outside!" she looked at me with begging eyes. " Please!" I just couldn't resist those eyes and they made her look so cute "fiiiine..." I groaned. "Yay!!!"

______timeskip after breakfast_______

She took me by the hand and rushed outside "now we just have to find my friends." she looked around. "There!" "hi Poppy!!" the red one greeted and gave her a hug. "Hi DJ!, Hi Cooper!" the pink giraffe-like-troll who I suppose I called Cooper turned his gaze to me. " umm Poppy? What's the name of that donkey over there?" Donkey?!?! Is he making fun of me or is he blind?!? Well, I'm grey but that doesn't mean I look like a donkey?!! Or Do I?... Ugh. Nevermind. Poppy u embarrassed turned her gaze to Cooper "umm this is Branch, he is a new friend of mine." Dj or whatever her name is looked at me and smiled "hi Branch!" "umm... Hi" I looked at Poppy who smiled but she suddenly got a weird expression on her face "oh of course... Sorry Branch. This is Dj Suki." she waved her hand in the direction of Dj suki. Dj Suki looked at me "but you can call me Dj that's what the others call me." I nodded and looked back at Poppy " this is Cooper" she pointed at the giraffe-like-troll who just called me a donkey "Hi." I said a little cold. Cooper looked at me and laughed " haha... hi!" maybe he found my coldness funny I don't know but he is just weird. I turned to Poppy " umm... Poppy can we go now please." she looked at me confused "why? don't you like them?" " no, it is not that. I am just not the type of people who socialize much..." "come on please let's stay outside with them please..." she begged "No." "please..." "no." she looked at me with a disappointed look at her face. "fine..." Poppy said her goodbyes and we went back to my bunker where Poppy showed me a book made entirely of felt "what is that?" I asked her, she looked at me with a smile. "This is a scrapbook!!" she answered happily. " Ummm... Ok??" I said confused. "What do you use it for?" I looked at the so-called 'scrapbook'.  "Well, you usually make something inside the book and it can be anything from something you have experienced to just something creative  random stuff."  I raised one eyebrow ." and how do you get that into the scrapbook?"   " you can cut it in felt or you can take a picture of something, glue it on a page and personalize it." ((i dunno if this is a good definition of it.))  She showed me a page where she had made a miniature version of me and a miniature version of her hugging. and after about 4 seconds it began shooting glitter at my face. " ugh..." I tried to get the glitter off but it kept on sticking to my face. " Oh! sorry Branch are you ok? I didn't mean to hurt you with the glitter, i-i..." she gave me a really concerned look. " I'm fine but can you help me get this off my face?"  " umm ok..." after what felt like hours we finally got the glitter off my face. " thanks"  " you're welcome"  Poppy looked at me " wanna try it? you know... scrapbooking?" I turned my gaze to the book that caused a lot of glitters almost got stuck on my face. " well... maybe I'll just watch you doing your thing I don't think I'm good at it." I answered. "aww... ok" I spend the rest of the day looking at Poppy scrapbooking. 

hey finally I updated this book I hope you liked this chapter☺ I'll hopefully update soon see ya 

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