An aca-mazing wedding

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Tiffany was getting fixed up for her wedding with help from the girls. While Spencer was getting help from the guys.

Tiffany: I'm so nervous.
Twig: about the wedding or our performance.
Tiffany: both.
Twig: well it's ok Tiffany,  remember your not alone. We're here with you. ( Puts more flowers in her hair ).
Tiffany: Thanks.
Twig: no prob cuz.
Tiffany: So you guys really don't mind if I decided for the brides maids wear matching dresses.
Iris: of course not.


All the girls:

Tiffany: thanks for agreeing to be maid of honor Poppy.
Poppy: Your very welcome Tiffany.
Twig: You ready to walk down that aisle.
Tiffany: Heck yeah I am.
Twig: that's the spirit.
Poppy: Let's do it.

( With the guys )
Spencer: she said she has a special treat for the party ?
Branch: so you don't know about it either.
Spencer: no. It must be special if they haven't told anyone.
Branch: I'm wondering myself.
Clover: Well we can't tell you.
Ray: your gonna have to find out at the party.
Spencer: looks like we're going to have to wait.
Branch: I guess so.

( At the aisle )
Spencer: man I'm so nervous. What if she backs out, what if she says no, what if-.
Spencer: your right I need to calm down. ( Adjusts his bowtie )

The guys:

Spencer: Thanks branch. Your the greatest best man a guy could ask for.
Branch: your welcome Spencer.
Clover: guys look. Tiffany is coming.
Spencer: ( looks at her in awe while blushing ).
Tiffany: ( finally makes it to him and linked arms with him ).
Spencer: you look beautiful my love.
Tiffany: thanks. You look good to.

Both Tiffany and Spencer stand before Fireza.

Fireza: Dear friends and family. We are all gathered here today to witness the union of Tiffany and Spencer.Both of you repeat after me. Let's start with Spencer. I Spencer take Tiffany Sunshine to be my lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health till death do we part.
Spencer: I Spencer take Tiffany Sunshine to be my lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health till death do we part.
Fireza: Your turn Tiffany.
Tiffany: I Tiffany Sunshine take Spencer to be my lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health till death do we part.
Fireza: Then by the power vested in me I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

Spencer and Tiffany look at eachother while smiling. Spencer ducks her back and pulls her into a passionate kiss. Everyone cheers wildly for them as they walk down the aisle together. When they arrive at the party they dance the night away. They even sang for a bit. Then moments later Tiffany stood on stage and got a microphone.
Tiffany: I'd like to thank everyone for coming and for coming here to the party. Now my friends and I have a nice surprise for you.

All of the siblings, daughters, and girls went on stage with Tiffany. Everyone had head worn microphones this confused everyone.

Tiffany: 1 2 3 4

Whoaoa, yeah
I gotta new life
You would hardly recognize me, I’m so glad
How could a person like me care for you?
Why do I bother when you’re not the one for me?
Is enough enough?

I saw the sign, and it opened up my eyes
And I am happy now living without you
I’ve left you all alone
I saw the sign, and it opened up my eyes
I saw the sign (I saw the sign, I saw the sign)
I saw the sign (I saw the sign, I saw the sign)
I saw the sign

Close your eyes, give me your hand darling
Do you feel my heart beating? Do you understand?
Do you feel the same, or am I only dreaming?
Or is this burning an eternal flame?

Say my name, sun shines through the rain
A whole life so lonely, then you come and ease the pain
I don’t want to lose this feeling
Is this burning an eternal flame?

Turn it around, turn it around
Turn it turn it, turn it around, turn it around
Turn it turn it, turn it around, turn it around
Turn it turn it, turn it around (Aww yeah)

Turn the beat around, love to hear percussion
(Turn the beat around…love to hear percussion)
Turn it upside down, love to hear percussion
(Turn it upside down…love to hear percussion)
Turn the beat around, love to hear percussion
(You gotta turn the beat around, you gotta turn it around, woah)
Turn it upside down, love to hear it
(You gotta turn the beat around, you gotta turn it around, oooh)
Love to hear it, love to hear percussion
(Can I hear it? I love to hear percussion)

Turn it around, turn it around
Turn it turn it, turn it around, turn it around
Turn it turn it, turn it around, turn it around
Turn it turn it, turn it around (Yeah)

Everybody went wild cheering and clapping for them. The group was proud of their performance. They stepped off stage. each of them was getting hugged by their families. Exept for Sona, Bunny, Heartsmay, and pipsqueak.

Branch: the was cool performance sis.
Twig: thanks.
Poppy: so that's the special treat an acapella performance.
Iris: oh that's not all sis.
Poppy: there's more ?!?
Clover: yep. If we performaned acapella what do you think that means ?
Poppy: ( gasps ) Oh. My. Troll. No way. You guys are starting an acapella group !!
Twig: yep.
Branch: that's really cool. So how long have you had this acapella group together for.
Twig: since the day after you guys left.
Branch: WHAT. But that's 4 months.
Poppy: since then you guys have been rehearsing.
Iris: yep.
Twig: yeah.
Clover: pretty much.
Poppy: wait a minute. Sis ? You guys are going to the riff off next week aren't you ?
Iris: yeah.
Poppy: Iris I'm not sure about you guys going to a riff off is such a good idea.
Branch: yeah I mean the groups there play hard core.
Twig: yeah, but we can play hard core to.
Branch: no offense but you guys are very far from being hard core.
Twig: what's that supposed to mean.
Iris: ( whispers ) he's dead.
Tiffany: ( whispers ) yep.
Branch: you guys are to nice.
Twig: ( stares at him )

( Moments later )
Twig: ( has him an arm lock position )
Still to nice.
Branch: OK OK I TAKE IT BACK. ( Screams in pain )
Twig: ( lets go of him ) that's what I thought. Think twice before you say that we're to nice.
Branch: oh trust me I will.
Twig: good.
Branch: ( sighs ) you guys really wanna go to that riff off.
Iris: yeah we really do.
Branch: I don't know.
Twig: Please ( puppy eyes )
Branch: ( dang it. That face. I can't say no to that )
Twig: Pwetty pwease big brother.
Branch: ( don't give in. Don't give in. )
( Sighs ) okay.
Twig: thank you. That was embarrassing.
Branch: why did you do it then ?
Twig: I know your weaknesses.
Branch: darn you.
Twig: ( chuckles ) but I still love you anyway. ( Kisses his cheek ).
Branch: well I gonna get back at you. ( Kisses her entire face ).
Twig: PLEASE STOP. THAT TICKLES ( laughing really hard )
Branch: your really ticklish.
Twig: I KNOW I HATE IT. ( Continues to laugh ). OK I'M SORRY.
Branch: that's what I thought.
Twig: Alright we're gonna go practice some more.
Branch: Alright be home by 10:39.
Twig: I will

So Tiffany was married to Spencer and the acapella group kept rehearsing like there was no tomorrow.

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