Bus ride

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Everyone woke up early in the morning because the acapella group had to catch their bus so they can get to the riff off. The girls were wearing their floral dresses and the guys were wearing their butterfly print suits.

Branch: ok. You guys stay together and don't wonder off on your own.
Twig: Bro we're gonna be fine. And remember we're only going to be gone for a week.
Branch: that still doesn't make me worry about you any less.
Twig: I know, but you gotta trust me to take care of myself.
Branch: I know.
Tiffany: and besides I'll be with her.
Twig: ok. I'll right you as soon as I get there. I promise.
Branch:ok i love you (hugs her and kisses her cheek ).
Twig: I love you too ( hugs back )

Everyone said their goodbyes and got on the bus.Twig let go of her brother and waved goodbye as she got on the bus ( Bella was driving ). The bus took of and Poppy, Branch, and the snack pack waved. As the girls were in the bus they sat in complete silence until Iris began to sing. ( P.s the bus did not break down )


I hopped off the plane at LAX
With a dream and my cardigan.

( Then Bunny jumps in )

Welcome to the land of fame excess,
am I gonna fit in?

( Then everyone except for Twig jumps in ).

Everyone except Twig:
Jumped in the cab,
Here I am for the first time
Look to my right and I see the Hollywood sign
This is all so crazy
Everybody seems so famous

( Everyone looks at twig trying to get her to sing )

My tummy's turnin' and I'm feelin' kinda home sick
Too much pressure and I'm nervous,
That's when the taxi man turned on the radio
And the Jay Z song was on
( Twig: oh my God )
And the Jay Z song was on
And the Jay Z song was on

So I put my
hands up
They're playing my song,
And the butterflies fly away
Noddin' my head like, yeah
Movin' my hips like, yeah
I got my hands up,
They're playin' my song
You know I'm gonna be okay
Yeah, it's a party in the USA
Yeah it's a party in the USA.

Tiffany: man we sound really good.
Bunny: yeah I really don't see how we can lose.
Twig: yeah we got this.
Clover: those treblemakers jerks are going down.
Pipsqueak: Yeah we're going to crush them.
Bunny: ( starts thinking about Chip ).
Heartsmay: hey bunny you ok ?
Bunny: yeah I'm fine.
Heartsmay: ok. Hey Twig where are we staying. The riff off is tomorrow.
Twig: well I rented an apartment at a fancy hotel. We'll be staying there for the week.
Sona: Did I just hear fancy hotel !!
Twig: yep.
Iris: how big is it.
Twig: pretty big. Kinda like a pent house.
Iris: wow that thing has rooms for all of us !!!
Twig: sure does.
Clover: ( whispers )maybe we can share a room.
Twig: ( glares at him ).
Clover: nevermind.
Twig: yeah that's what I thought.
Dj Sam: are all of us in here dating someone or are some of us lonely Pringles.
Heartsmay: ( her cat ears go down in anger ) what do you have against lonely Pringles.
Dj Sam: I don't have anything against. I was just asking.
Ray: all the girls say who's their boyfriend.
Bella: you. ( Points at Ray ).
Penny: Sam.
Twig: Clover.
Tiffany: Spencer.
Iris: lumber.
Sapphire: Button. ( Her and Jasper broke up ). ( Button and peak also broke up ).
Velvet: Moss.
Frizzy: ¥π€π'√¢°¥°€√.
Velvet: frizzy said her boyfriend is mushroom.
Sona: Lonely Pringle.
Heartsmay: lonely Pringle.
Pipsqueak: lonely Pringle.
Bunny: lonely Pringle.
Twig: anyways let's try to get some sleep.
Tiffany: ( yawns ) Cloud guy are we almost there.
Cloud guy: we still have an hour but you kids get some sleep.

Clover wrapped a blanket around himself and Twig as they snuggled up together and fell asleep. All the other girls got with their boyfriends and snuggled up. Since Iris, frizzy, or velvet's boyfriends ( nor is Tiffany's husband ) weren't there they slept by themselves. So did the lonely Pringles. Tiffany smiled at Clover and Twig for she new that they were going to be together someday in the future then she went to sleep. Bunny was still awake thinking about Chip. It was hard that she had to keep her relationship a secret.She just wished that she could be in his loving embrace and kiss him without having to worry about people watching. She hoped everything would work out soon then slowly fell asleep.

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