everything will be alright

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Twig and Clover woke up the next morning and got dressed to take a nice walk. Clover told Twig that he would take her on a nice date first thing in the morning. She of course agreed because she needed a day where she could take her mind off of Iris, the competition, and Stone, it was just too stressful so she needed this. Both decided to dress up.



Clover: come on baby we need to get out of here before Iris wakes up.

Twig: alright I'm done. ( Comes out of the bathroom ).

Clover: wow babe you look beautiful, but then again you're always beautiful.

Twig: alright Mister quit being cheesy and let's get out of here.

Clover: alrighty.

They walked out of the hotel together hand in hand and went at the cafe near the hotel. They were far from the treblemakers so wouldn't they have anything to worry about. It was just them and a bunch of sweet treats. Twig was spoon feeding Clover some chocolate mousse. Clover being the boy he is enjoyed being spoon-fed by his girlfriend. Twig laughed as some of the moose spilled from his mouth. She grabs a napkin and wiped some of the chocolate off his lips, but for some odd reason it wasn't coming off.

Twig: that's weird it's not coming off.

Clover: I know something that might get it off 😏.

Twig: yeah I might too 😏.

Clover: what 😏.

Twig: a wet towel 😁 ( 😂😋 ).

Clover: 😑.

Twig: I'm kidding ( kissed him ).

Clover: ( kissed back ).

Twig: (breaks it) now it's gone.

Clover: thanks. I love you.

Twig: I love you too.

Both: ( kissed again )


Branch and Poppy both woke up and gave each other a little good morning kiss. They got dressed and went for a little walk together, but then all the sudden poppy wasn't feeling so good so she threw up in a bush. Branch was worried about his wife because this wasn't the first time that happened. She had been acting differently lately, she's been getting really emotional, she's been eating a lot, she's gotten pretty sick, and her stomach has been in large pain. He carried her Bridal style and took her to a doctor.

Poppy: branch it's probably just a stomach bug I don't think we need to go to a doctor.

Branch: It can't be a stomach bug cuz otherwise you would still be throwing up now.

Poppy: good point. What do you think it is ?

Branch: I don't really know.

Poppy: neither do I.

( They finally made it to the doctor )

Branch: Well here we are.

Poppy: are you sure we really need a doctor.

Branch: just to be safe we should see one.

Poppy: yeah I guess you're right.

( So they went to the desk to check in and then they were told to wait in the waiting room )

Poppy: ( realizes ) hey Branch I think I know what's wrong with me.

Branch: what is it something bad ?

Poppy: no. At least I don't think so.

Branch: why what is it ?

Poppy: I think I might be pregnant.

Branch: wait what 😶.

Poppy: think about it. it all makes sense.

Branch: ( thinks about it and realizes ) 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨.

Poppy: uh Branch. You okay ?

Branch: yeah I'm fine 😓.

Poppy: what's wrong ? Is it that you don't want a baby ?

Branch: no no I do want one. It's not like that it's just that this is a big step forward in our marriage.

Poppy: but isn't having kids part of marriage ?

Branch: I know it's just that.... I guess I'm just a little shocked and a little nervous.

Poppy: it's understandable to be nervous but you have nothing to be nervous about you're going to make a great dad I know it.

Branch: thanks pops ( kissed her ).

Poppy: ( kissed back ).

Dr. Plum: the doctor is ready to see you now.

( 5 minutes later )
Dr. Spencer: so what seems to be the problem ?

Poppy: well my stomach has been starting to hurt, I've been craving a lot lately, I've been acting differently to, and I've been really sick too.

Dr. Spencer: hmm..... Why don't you take this. ( Gives her a pregnancy test ).

Poppy: ok.

Poppy went into the bathroom and peed on the test. She waited 5 Minutes before you getting the results. A pink plus sign appeared, poppy was a little shocked but so happy to be a mom. She came out of the bathroom and gave the test to Spencer. Spencer looked at the test and smiled.

Spencer: well it looks like your going to be parents.



Spencer: I'm happy for the both of you.

Branch: thank you so much Spencer.

Spencer: your welcome.

Poppy: Twig, Clover, and Iris are gonna be so excited.

Branch: they sure are.

Twig and Clover went back to the hotel before the others woke up and it turns out they came on time thank goodness. They rehearsed again before going on cloud guy's bus. After changing in the same uniform and getting on the bus it was complete silence for the whole ride. It wasn't long before the Clef-hangers made it to competition. They went inside the building and to their surprise, they see the treblemakers sitting around waiting for their turn instead of trash talking ( well stone was trash talking while the rest weren't paying attention to him ).

Iris: still trash talking about us I see.

Stone: course I am you guys are losers. And don't forget what happens to your little friend if you get in my way.

Clover: if you lay a finger on her your double chin won't be the only thing I'll beat off you.

Stone: so the Knight still protects his princess how touching and how predictable. Sure you can probably protect her from a lot of things but you can't protect her from me.

Clover: wanna bet ?

Stone: watch yourself Junior.

Tiffany: don't you think you caused enough problems for us already.

Stone: please there's still more to cause.

Perry: how about you walk away before you get hurt.

Stone: ooooo I'm so scared to be beat up by a girl.

Sona: oh believe me we can make you scared if you don't walk away.

Stone: this is the last time I let you guys off the hook. ( Walks away ).

Pixie: what a bastard.

Bella: I know I'm disgusted.

Iris: forget him he's not important and worry about the win.

Pixie: which reminds me you guys are the next ones up.

Iris: all right then guys let's go.

They all step on stage. Twig already knew the crowd was going to doze off because of the same song so she had a little idea. It was risky but it would definitely give them first place. ( Twig is the one adding in the song Bulletproof )


( After their performance )

Twig: okay I'm sorry that I messed you up but the crowd dozed off during our performance.

Iris: it's not your job to decide what we do and when we do it. I knew you weren't a Clef-hanger.

Perry: Iris please don't-

Twig: no it's okay guys it's not like that's a lie.

Iris: your attitude sucks and you've become a pain in my ass.

Twig: oh I'm sorry if I just wanted to help.

Iris: really why don't you ask the group about how they felt about your little improvisation.

Twig: ( looks to Bella ) Bella ?

Bella: it was really cool but it did take us a little by surprise.

Iris: yeah a lot by surprise.

Bella: just a little.

Iris: great now we're going to lose because of you twig.

Pixie: ( steps on stage ) alright in 3rd place is tone down for what, in 2nd place is the treblemakers, and in 1st the clef hangers.

Iris: wait we won ?

Twig: now what was that about are lost being my fault ?

Iris: all right all right you made your point but don't ever do that again.

Twig: yeah yeah.

The clef hangers were walking out of the Auditorium with the first place trophy in their grasp but someone came to grab twig by the neck.

Stone: you're really hard headed aren't you ? ( Choking her hard )

Twig: ( choking )

Stone: oh but don't worry I'm not going to kill you just yet I'm going to have a little fun first.


Stone: Berry I thought I told you to stay with the guys.

Berry: I don't take orders from you anymore.

( Just an all the treblemakers came with the police arrested Stone )


Berry: goodbye Stone I hope you rot in jail.

Twig: Berry you saved my life. thank you.

Berry: you are my girlfriend's friend and you're my friend too how can I not help ?

Twig: I just don't know how to thank you.

Clover: TWIG ! ( kissed her ) did he do anything to you are you okay ?

Twig: yeah I'm okay thanks to Berry.

Perry: you saved her ?

Berry: she's my friend too.

Perry: wow I don't know what to say.

Chip: well me and berry couldn't just sit around and let Stone do what he wants.

Iris: so the two you saved my sister in law ?

Chip: um....yes.

Iris: all this time I thought you guys were heartless jerks and I was wrong. I let the team infuriate me and I let that anger take over me and take it out of my team. I was really controlling I'm sorry. And not just to the treblemakers but to all of you guys.

Twig: it was understandable Iris. You were under a lot of stress we get that.

Iris: what did I do to deserve such loving friends and family like you.

Twig: nothing.

Iris: well now I know I'm not fit to be a team leader but ( tosses twig the pitch pipe ) you are Twig.

Twig: you're letting me lead ?

Iris: I don't have the potential to lead this team but you do.

Twig: wow. Okay. I'll do it.

Iris: how about we go back to the hotel and celebrate.

Pixie: sounds like a plan.

So the Clef-hangers go back to their hotel and celebrated their victory.

Iris: so all this time Bunny and Perry have been dating treblemakers ?

Bunny: yeah

Perry: pretty much.

Iris: well it doesn't matter anymore anyways you guys are free to date whoever you want.

Perry: you're the best Iris.

Iris: aw come on guys I'm not that great.

Penny: of course you are.

Iris: alright.

Twig: well let's finish eating so we can start rehearsing.

Iris: to our new leader Twig.

Everyone: to our new leader Twig !!

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