Going to Bergen Town

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So everyone was waiting for poppy at the bus stop.  ( And by everyone I mean the snack pack and branch. Along with the siblings and daughters.) As the bus finally came everybody took their seats. Everyone sat with their families, except for poppy and branch, they sat next to eachother. As Twig took a seat next to Iris she tapped her shoulder. Twig gave her a confused look. Iris pointed at poppy and branch when they weren't looking. Twig simply rolled her eyes. ( Iris is an all-time broppy shipper. She was desperate to see when they would get together). As they heard a voice from the bus speakers they turned their attention to the driver seat to see a familiar face. Welcome to the caterbus express cloud guy announced through the speakers. Oh no Twig and Branch muttered under their breath in Union. Hey captain no slappys cloud guy said. Twig and Branch simply glared at him. Poppy, Iris cloud guy greeted. Cloud guy poppy and Iris said in Union. Please put away all electronics, put away all carry-on, and hold on to your dinkles. Thank you for choosing the caterbus, the safest way to travel. Unless you fall into a wormhole cloud guy said. I'm sorry did you just say wormhole branch asked. Nope twig said as she took the form of a blue mouse and attempting to escape. Oh no you don't Iris said as she tried to catch Twig but failed. It wasn't long before everyone tried to catch Twig but failed. Everybody was in a pile. Twig was so close to escaping until branch caught her in his hands and cloud guy shut the door. Aw man Twig groaned under her breath. Branch took her to where he and Poppy were sitting. She was now on his lap dozing off until she fell asleep. He stroked her blue fur gently. Everyone was aawwing at the sibling closeness until branch shushed them.
( 10 minutes on the road )
Twig woke up. How long was I out Twig asked. 10 minutes branch answered. Ok then I'll just go back to my seat now Twig said as she jumped back to her seat taking her original form.
( Skipping to the part where they made it to Bergen Town ).
Ok everyone remember what they're doing poppy asked. The group nodded. Okay everybody we're going in 3 2 1 poppy said. She slammed the doors open and yelled stop everything. Poppy Bridget yelled in joy. Bridget poppy yelled back.
Bridget and Brianna: Popstar
Poppy and Iris:Levi
Bridget and Brianna: lollipop
Poppy and Iris: roller girl
Bridget and Brianna: water bomb
Poppy and Iris: morning jogger
Bridget and Brianna: helicopter
Poppy and Iris: prim and
All: proper
Gristle and Gretel: sup
Branch and Twig: sup
Your hair looks amazing poppy said admiring Bridget's rainbow ponytails. It's a weave Bridget whispered. I won't say a word poppy said. It's good to see you poppy. What are you doing here Bridget asked. Funny you asked. HIT IT SMIDGE poppy yelled.

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