~Sweet Torture|Pt. 2~

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Obviously I lied about not writing the next part. I just couldn't help myself.

Enjoy ;)


Seeing Poppy spread before him, completely bare, arching towards his touch, made Branch pause in his pursuit of revenge. She looked mouth-watering tied to the headboard like that, the fluffy pink handcuffs holding her arms high above her head. He didn't know when or where she'd procured them or even where she'd gotten the idea, but they were definitely going to be used again. He wanted to see her like this a thousand more times, lying before him like a vulnerable but wanton goddess waiting to be worshiped in the wickedest of ways.

She was all long limbs and slenderness and he drank in every inch of her, his gaze travelling over the swell of her small breasts, the indent of her waist, down to between her hips. Her skin was moonlight wrapped in satin, smooth and glowing, begging to be touched.

She caught him staring at her and parted her legs, revealing the glistening treasure between her thighs. Branch gritted his teeth, restraining himself from throwing her legs over his shoulders and feasting on her. He knew that that was what she wanted, but he wanted to torture her a little first as she had done to him.

He'd made her beg plenty of times before, coaxed from her all manner of scandalous things, but never like this. Never with her tied to the bed, powerless and exposed. He could take his sweet time. She wouldn't be able to direct his hands or mouth, wouldn't be able to give herself any relief by her own hand. She was his to torture and worship.

It was maddening.

He bent to pick up the blindfold she'd used on him earlier and tied it around her eyes. He ignored her desperate whimpers. He wanted her to feel how heightened every touch and kiss was without sight. He'd hated the blindfold when it had been around him, but he also couldn't remember being as aroused without it, having had only his imagination to picture how Poppy looked astride him.

"I'm going to make you beg like you've never begged before," Branch whispered, bending to lick the back of her ear.

Poppy shuddered and Branch felt her skin prickle with goosebumps under his hands.

With a nip to her earlobe, Branch began trailing kiss after kiss down her neck, licking over her sharp collarbones, sucking on the skin at the hollow of her throat. He could tell she was trying to swallow her moans. He smirked, knowing she would resist begging for as long as she could, knowing she would have taken his whispered words as a challenge. She wouldn't be able to hold out for long, though, not with what he had in mind.

He traced his fingers the length of her arms up to the handcuffs around her wrists, resuming his kissing back up her throat. He resolved to kiss every inch of her tonight. Every inch.

Moving from her throat, he kissed his way up one arm and then the other, each time sucking the very tips of her fingers into his mouth. He felt her nipples peak against his chest as he changed fingers, but she didn't let out a sound. Branch only smirked; he'd barely begun.

He trailed his way back to her neck, then moved lower down her chest. He kissed around the outside of each breast in turn, getting closer and closer to her nipples but never more than brushing his lips over them before retreating. She was trembling beneath him now and Branch knew she was willing herself not to arch towards his mouth.

If Poppy thought he'd relent soon, she was wrong. He wasn't giving in until she did, until the sound of his name fell wantonly from her lips.

Branch trailed his kisses lower still, over every inch of her stomach and then all the way down her legs. When he got to her toes, he found them curled inwards just as he'd expected. He gave the underside of her feet a quick stroke and she arched, a tiny moan escaping her. He huffed a laugh and crawled back up her body, dropping kisses on the insides of her legs. He was enjoying this immensely.

Poppy spread her thighs as he kissed the insides of them, inviting him towards their peak. But Branch stopped before he got there and raised his head. For a moment, he simply gazed down at her and took in the signs of her resolve slipping: her parted mouth, her quiet panting, her body arching up like a drawn bowstring. He couldn't imagine a more beautiful sight. If he could just get her to beg then it would be perfect.

"Come on, Pops," Branch coaxed. "All you have to do is beg a little."

He waited, listening to her soft pants.

"Please…" Poppy whispered, breaking sooner that she'd wanted. She could hardly help it; Branch's kisses had left her feeling electrified to the point where she thought she'd burst into flame.

"Please?" Branch said, raising his brow even though she couldn't see him through the blindfold.

She didn't say anything this time and Branch's patience was starting to wear thin. This was quickly becoming torture for him too. He kissed her once where she wanted him to the most. That did the trick.

"Branch!" she cried. "Please…please…Branchie…"

The way she said his name was like music to his ears and his own resolve shattered at the sound of it. He grabbed a pillow and propped her hips on it, then before she could prepare herself, he bent between her thighs and began to feast on her.

Poppy couldn't hold back her moans and pleading any longer. Branch's name fell from her lips like a chant until she couldn't breathe. He was feasting on her like he was starved, like she was his favourite flavour. It was too much - the feel of his tongue, his lips, his skin. She felt drunk on pleasure, her head fuzzy, her eyes rolling back.

She understood now why Branch had begged like he had earlier. The handcuffs and blindfold were heightening her pleasure tenfold…a hundredfold...a thousandfold…until finally she reached her peak.

She might have cried out but she didn't have the breath. Her legs shook fiercely and her head spun before becoming blissfully numb. Branch continued his ministrations through her climax, drawing it out. Only after her legs had stopped trembling did he stop, raising his head to wipe his mouth.

He felt intoxicated, drunk on the musky scent of her arousal. His own was unbearable but he stalled for a minute, letting Poppy's breathing return to normal. Then he crawled up her body, positioning his hips between hers.

"I'm not done making you beg yet," he said before sheathing himself inside her.

She groaned in time to his thrusts, which were hard and fast, too much and not enough. She strained against the handcuffs as the coil of tension inside her began tightening, faster than usual on the heels of her last climax.

She was so close, hurtling faster and faster towards that blissful edge, her heart beating in time to the movement of Branch's hips. He knew just what it took to make her fall off that precipice. She hung at the very tip of it now, but before she could fall, Branch slowed his thrusts and she was dragged back, the tension in her dissolving until the precipice was completely out of reach.

"Branch!" Her voice was a strangled cry.

Branch smirked above her, lazily grinding between her thighs. Now he'd truly begun and he would make her beg like she never had before.

"Tell me what you want," he said. "Tell me what you need."

She wanted him to ravage her, pound into her until she screamed. She needed his mouth on her throat, around her nipples, whispering filthy things in her ear… but she wouldn't beg for it…she wouldn't. Even as she thought it, her lips betrayed her.

"Branch," she moaned. "Faster." It was all she could manage, consumed by the tingling spreading through her nerves.

Branch obliged, his hips moving more rapidly.

Poppy cried out again; it wasn't enough. "Faster," she gasped. "Please, faster."

"That's it," Branch coaxed. "Keep begging."

"Yes," she gasped. "Don't stop…please…harder…please."

Hearing her beg like that, unrestrained, was quickly becoming too much. Branch clenched his jaw, reaching his peak. He held her hips tightly, spilling himself inside her. He stilled for only a heartbeat, then started moving again, his arousal recovering rapidly. When he felt her about to release, he slowed again, robbing her of the chance.

"No, please," Poppy groaned, barely able to get the words out. Her body was taut, sweat glistening between her breasts.

"Beg." Branch said. Only when he felt she'd pleaded enough would he allow her to climax.

"Faster," she pleaded. "Don't stop…please."

He was moving again, matching his pace from before. She whimpered under him. He drank in the sight of her, burning the image of her lithe body writhing under him into his mind.

Poppy could barely think straight, barely keep begging him. This was torture, sweet torture.

Once more, he slowed his thrusts, pacing himself more languidly. He knew her tells. They'd done this too many times for him not to be familiar with them.

"Please," she whispered, panting against the sheets. "I need…please…Branchie, please."

Branch wrapped her legs around his waist and resumed his fast pace. She was pleading nonstop now, her words merging into each other. He savoured her pleas and the haze of pleasure surrounding him. It was all consuming, burning through every inch of his mind.

Once again, he stopped before she reached her peak. A strangled cry escaped her, angry yet lustful. She was enjoying this, he knew. Climbing to the precipice was half the fun, after all.

He leaned over her, brushing his lips softly against hers. "Beg me one last time." He murmured.

"Please," she whispered. "Please, Branch."

His mouth slanted over hers, swallowing her moans as he began moving faster once more. He concentrated on the feel of her, hot and slick around him, wanting to fall off the precipice with her. One hand firmly at her hip, he moved the other to her breasts, pinching her nipples the way she liked before skimming up one of her bound arms. Somehow, through his haze of pleasure, he undid the handcuffs, finally freeing her wrists, wanting to feel her wrapped around him completely when they both finished.

Poppy climbed higher and higher, almost at that precipice. Her hands ran over Branch's back, clutching him closer to her. She could hear him panting beside her ear, nuzzling into her hair. She could feel the delicious friction of his skin against hers, his rough hand grabbing her backside, his hot breath brushing against her cheek. Then suddenly she was falling, plunging over that rapturous precipice.

The pleasure was like nothing she'd ever felt before. It was painful. It was endless. It was everything.

She kept on falling, plummeting further over that edge. The world fell away and there was only utter bliss.

Slowly, she came back to herself. Branch lay beside her, undoing the blindfold over her eyes.

"That was…" Poppy shook her head, turning to him. "I've never felt anything so intense."

Branch smiled down at her, gazing at the sight of her tousled hair, flushed face and half-lidded eyes. Tears clung to her lashes, evidence of exactly how intense her peak had been. He had wound the coil of tension inside her tighter and tighter, then tighter and tighter still every time he stopped and resumed. He could only imagine how it must have felt to finally feel all that tension release.

He pulled her into his side and held up the fluffy pink handcuffs and blindfold. "Truce?" he asked.

Poppy considered, eyes boring into his. "For now." She conceded.

"For now." He agreed, already looking forward to the next round, even if it was his turn to be tied up again.


I had a little help with my vocabulary using the internet. I feel like my B&P scenes are getting kinkier but with Branch tying Poppy up, I just couldn't see it being fluffy or romantic. Who doesn't love a bit of kink anyway?

Please leave a review - I appreciate any comments and feedback immensely!

Guest reviews welcome as always. Happy Valentine's Day!💙❤💙❤💙❤💙❤

Until next time,


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