I will protect you

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I advise y'all not to watch the video below and to let you all know that I hated this short film because I watched it last year and I haven't been the same since so please please don't watch it!

Poppy and Branch were in the former's pod because it was movie night but they had to watch a little short film first but Poppy didn't want to watch it. "Why do we have to watch this? I don't like scary stuff." She whined.

Branch looked at her, she probably forgot that they were dared to watch this film by Guy Diamond because he wouldn't shut up about it. "Because we were dared by Guy Diamond to watch this and if we didn't listen to him he wouldn't have shut up." He answered bluntly.

Poppy groaned and put her hands on her face, she really didn't feel like watching a scary short film when it was night time. She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Branch smiling at her sincerely.

"It's okay Poppy, I understand you completely I don't want to watch a stupid scary movie either but we promised Guy Diamond but don't worry because I'll be by your side all night." He said lovingly and gave her a hug(pun intended) Poppy smiled and returned the hug(again pun intended) but unknown to her she would be scared to give hugs ever again after this film.

So after they broke their hug they loaded Hulu and searched for the short film called The Hug, which sounded pretty stupid for a scary short film they put it on and got comfortable.

"Pandory's pan pizza palace!"(please kill me for I hate that annoying song so much that I want to puke.) some woman sang as the film began with some human kids standing on top of 3 skee ball machines playing skee ball, the human employee glared at them and told them to get off of the machines. Branch was getting bored all ready while Poppy was shaking in her seat even though the scary part hasn't began yet.

5 minutes and 11 seconds later(because I don't want to type the whole plot.)

Branch was yawning because he thought it was really stupid and really boring. "Okay Poppy now that that's over why don't we watch a comedy movie of your choice?" He said and looked next to him but he didn't see her until he saw the blanket shaking, he lifted the blanket and saw her shaking like a leaf.

"Please Mr Pandory, please let the kid go!" She said as she sobbed with her hands on her eyes. Branch looked Sorry for her, he was not used to seeing her like this and he was sure as hell going to have a serious talk with Guy Diamond tomorrow.

So after 20 minutes of telling her it's okay and that it wasn't real she felt a little better and they put on a comedy movie of her choice like he promised, Branch was laughing through the whole movie but Poppy was still scared. After the comedy movie they decided to call it a night and go to bed.

Poppy was tossing and turning in her bed with Branch next to her sound asleep but she was having trouble sleeping thanks to the stupid short film.

*Dream world* Poppy was in the pizzeria from The Hug all by herself. What was going on?! Why was she here?! It wasn't long when she heard trumpets playing and saw the curtains open to reveal Pandory in his true scary form. Poppy was sweating and crying, he inched closer towards her and took out a knife and fork and licked his lips. "Mmmm I've never had Troll before but I bet you'll be delicious!" He said with an evil smirk on his face.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Poppy screamed and ran towards the door to escape but the doors wouldn't budge, she heard evil laughing and turned around and saw Pandory right in front of her. She was crying until Pandory lunged at her. *real world.*

Poppy shot up from her bed and screamed which woke up Branch. "What happened?! What's wrong?!" He said panicking, he looked at Poppy who had tears in her eyes and she began crying.

"Poppy what's wrong? What happened?!" Branch asked as he hugged her until she calmed down. "I had a nightmare where I was in the pizzeria with Pandory and I ran to the door to escape but they wouldn't open and then he was behind me and all of a sudden he ate me!!!" Poppy said and hugged him as she continued crying.

"It's okay Poppy, it's okay it was just a dream! He's not real and even if he was I would never let him hurt you, I would even Hairball Duken him all the way to the moon if he ever tried to hurt you!" Branch said as he rubbed her back. Poppy sniffled and shook her head understanding. "Okay Thank you Branch, you're the best boyfriend ever." Poppy said smiling at him and kissed his cheek.

Branch blushed and smiled sheepishly while he rubbed the back of his neck. "Heh heh anything for my beautiful, sweet Poppy." He said and kissed her cheek in return. Poppy smiled at him and knew he was right, everything was going to be fine.

5 days later. Yeah everything was not fine, Poppy hasn't slept in 4 days and she missed all the hug times with all the trolls. Branch has had enough and went to go confront Guy Diamond, he stormed his way to Guy's pod with an angry glare on his face and pounded on Guy's door. When Guy answered he had a smile on his face but it disappeared once he saw Branch's angry expression.

"What's wrong Branch?" He asked, Branch continued to glare at him because he didn't know why he was mad. "What's wrong is that Poppy hasn't slept in 4 nights and she hasn't hugged anyone in 4 days all because you dared us to watch that stupid short film that scared her to death!!!" He shouted in Guy's face so loud Guy had to back up and cover his ears.

"Wait it scared her?! But it was so stupid and cheesy!" Guy Diamond said. Branch continued to glare at him because even though he knew Poppy more than he did he didn't know that she didn't like scary movies.

"You obviously don't know that she doesn't like scary things because you're too busy being egotistical and praise about how you're the top Glitter Troll of the Village!!! Now you're going to come with me to her pod and you're going to apologize to her!" Branch said angrily, Guy Diamond nodded scared and followed Branch to Poppy's pod.

Branch opened the door to Poppy's pod because she kept it unlocked so Branch could come over, Branch and Guy went inside the pod and saw Poppy sitting on her bed with her hair disheveled and with bags under her eyes. There was coffee cups all over the place and poor Poppy was rocking back and forth.

Branch was so worried about his girlfriend that he ran to her and hugged her, he turned around and glared at Guy Diamond who had a worried face with his hand over his mouth. "You see?! This is why you don't dare the sweetest girl in the Village to watch a stupid short film about a dumb animatronic panda who eats a child!!!" Branch yelled angrily.

"I'm so sorry Branch, I had no idea that she was scared of scary things." Guy Diamond said with tears in his eyes. Branch softened his expression and sighed. "Don't tell me you're sorry, tell her you're sorry!" Branch said calmed but still a little stern.

Guy Diamond nodded and sat next to Poppy and put his hand on her shoulder, she stopped rocking back and forth and looked at her glittery friend. "Poppy, I am so sorry I dared you to watch that stupid short film. I had no idea that you're scared of scary things, I just thought you would laugh them off but then Branch made me realize that I don't know my friend as much as I thought. Do you forgive me?" He said with tears in his eyes, Poppy looked at him with tears in her own eyes and hugged him tightly which he happily returned.

"Of course I forgive you Guy, you're one of my best friends." Poppy said as she broke the hug and looked at him with a smile on her face... and then she slapped him in the face as she had a glare on her face. "But if you ever dare me to watch another scary movie again I will wring you by your neck!!!" She said angrily.

"Noted." Guy Diamond said scaredly and exited her pod leaving her and Branch alone. Poppy and Branch smiled at each other and hugged. "Thank you for bringing him here so he could apologize Branch." Poppy said nuzzling in to his neck. "You're Welcome Poppy, I will always protect you." Branch said lovingly as he nuzzled her hair, he heard Poppy yawn so he decided to help her clean up her pod and then he put her to bed. She dreamed sweet dreams but he decided to stay with her, so he climbed into her bed with her as he wrapped his arms around her and together they cuddled as they slept because Branch wasn't going to have anything bad happen to her. He will always protect her.

The End!

And that's all for today, I hope you all enjoy it, also I'd like to tag a few friends.

And broppyshipper46
I love you all and you're all so awesome so continue to stay awesome.😉

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