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This is a one shot about Branch and Poppy being boyfriend and girlfriend and live together and one day they find a stray orange kitten and adopt him and name's him Oliver. It was a beautiful day in Troll Village and Poppy and Branch were going on a walk around the village holding each other's hands. They found a nice spot to sit and enjoy each other's company. (Get it?) Branch sat down first and held out his hand for Poppy to take which she did and sat her down next to him. "It's so beautiful today." Poppy said admiring the beautiful sunshine. "Yeah it is. But do you know what's even more beautiful?" Branch said smiling at her. She turned her head to meet his gaze with a smile. "What?" She said. "You." Branch said. Poppy blushed and giggled and kissed his cheek. Branch sighed affectionately. "What did I do to deserve a beautiful, sweet and kind girl like you?" He said. "That's a good question. Why don't you tell me?" Poppy said smirking. Branch opened his mouth and was about to speak until they both heard a cry for help. "Poppy did you hear that?" Branch said worriedly. "Yeah I did." Poppy said with worry as well. They both stood up and followed the desperate crying until they found the source. Standing right in front of them was a tiny little orange kitten drowning in the pond and meowed his cries. Branch who feared for the young kitten took off his vest and threw it on the ground and dove in the pond to rescue the baby cat. Poppy had a scared look on her face because she also feared for the kitten's life but changed her expression to a smile when she saw her boyfriend scoop the cat in his arms and started swimming back to shore. When they finally made it to shore Branch got out of the pond with the little kitten in his arms crying. Poppy walked up to them and bent down and petted the little kitty. "Oh it's okay sweetie, don't cry you're safe now." She said and took the little boy in her arms and started rocking him to sleep and telling him that he's safe now. It seemed to work and within seconds the cat was curled in Poppy's chest fast asleep. Branch got up and looked at the cat. "Cute Little Guy but what was he doing here all by himself and drowning in the pond for that matter?" He said petting the sleeping kitten's head. "I don't know Branch maybe someone gave him away or maybe he ran away from his owners." Poppy said. Branch looked at the kitten and noticed that he was shivering in Poppy's arms. "He's shivering, we have to get him a towel to dry him off and he's probably hungry too!" He said. So him and Poppy went to their shared bunker and wrapped the kitten in a soft and sweet smelling pink towel and seconds later he stopped shivering and opened his cute little brownish orange eyes and let out an adorable little mew. "Awwwwww!" Poppy said gushing over how adorable the kitten was. Branch scratched the kitten's chin which made him start purring happily. "Hey little guy, are you hungry?" Branch said. The kitten smiled at Branch and let out another mew. Branch took the kitten from Poppy's arms and fed him a bottle of milk. Poppy looked at the adorable sight in front of her, Branch looked like he was actually becoming a father to the kitten. "Hey Branch is it okay if I call the vet and have her check on him to make sure that he's okay?" She said. Branch turned his head to her and smiled. "Sure babe." He said. Poppy squealed and kissed her boyfriend's cheek and ran off to call the vet. 15 minutes later the vet was at the bunker checking the kitten. "Well The good news is that he's perfectly fine but he's going to have to be put up for adoption." The vet said and scratched the kitten's head which made him start to purr. Poppy and Branch both had horror on their faces when they heard the vet explained that the kitten had to be put up for adoption. "What if me and Poppy adopted him?" Branch said getting the vet's attention. "Are you sure about that?" She said staring at him confused. "Yes I am!" Branch said glaring at the vet. "Well it's just I don't really see an animal safe in any of your presences." The vet rudely said. Branch glared at her more and was starting to lose his patience with this rude vet. "Oh yeah?! Then what's that?!!" He said  pointing his finger and him and vet turned their heads to see the kitten fast asleep in Poppy's arms purring happily while the young queen was singing him a lullaby. The vet stared at the sight dumbfounded. "Are you sure you're a vet and not just some phony?!" Branch said. The vet turned towards him and glared at him. "Fine!! Keep him for all I care!!!" She yelled but was interrupted when she turned her head to Poppy glaring at her and shushing her. That caused the vet to explode and stomp her way out of the bunker. When she was finally gone they both sighed in relief. "Thank God she's gone she was really making me mad." Branch said. "Me too, if she kept on yelling she would have woken up Oliver." Poppy said. Branch looked at her confused. "You named him already?" He said. Poppy nodded with a smile. They both turned their heads and saw Oliver sleeping peacefully on the bed and smiled at the cute little orange bundle. "Oliver, I like it it suits him." Branch said. They suddenly heard loud banging on the door and groaned in annoyance. "I'll get it, you stay here and look after Oliver." Branch said. "Okay." Poppy said. Branch walked to the door and answered it and saw The Snack Pack. "Hey Branch, we heard the news. Can we see him?" Guy Diamond asked pleading. Branch let out a sight and stepped aside to let them in. "Okay fine but be very quiet because he's sleeping." Branch said sternly. They all nodded and followed him to the bedroom and saw a beautiful sight. "So Oliver don't be shy, get out there let go and try. Believing you're the guy they're dying to see, cause a dream's no crime not once upon a time once upon a time in Troll Village." Poppy sang beautifully with Oliver in her arms. The Snack Pack came closer and took a good look at the kitten. He was orange with stripes on his back, yellow snout with a pink nose, black whiskers and a little tuft of extra fur on top of his head. "Awwwww." The Snack Pack said quietly. "Cute isn't he?" Poppy asked."Adorable." Satin said. "What's his name?" Chenille asked. "Oliver." Poppy said. "Awww so cute." DJ Suki said. "Yes He is. Our little Oliver." Branch said. Hours later the Snack Pack all went home to their pods and Poppy and Branch had dinner and fed Oliver and got ready for bed. When they were ready for bed they got in bed, they tapped the bed for Oliver to come up to them which he did. He spinned around laid down and cuddled up to them, they smiled sweetly at their adorable new pet and kissed his head. They both laid down and fell asleep with their Oliver in their embrace. Okay that's all for today and before you ask, no this is not a crossover with Oliver and Company and it's not the same Oliver, just a kitten who looks exactly like him.

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