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(This is a high school au where all the troll tribes live together in one big town.) One day in Troll Town all the teenage trolls were in school going about their usual school lives, one troll in particular was Poppy Kendrick who was dubbed 'Poppyshy' because she was so shy. She didn't talk to anyone except her friends and her father, she was even too shy to except the kind offers of the popular kids to have her and her friends sit with them.(yeah I made the popular kids nice because I don't like stereotypes.) It was such a shame that she didn't except their offer, they thought her and her friends were so cool and they also thought that her shyness was adorable in fact one of the popular guys Branch Timberlake had a huge crush on her and thought she was so nice and really pretty. As Poppy was walking down the hall with her mermaid friend Trollex Ramos, they were just talking until Poppy felt herself being shoved in to a locker and felt like she was being choked as she struggled to breathe, she looked down and saw the school bullies Creek Brand and Barb Bloom. "Well Well Well if it isn't Princess Poppyshy?" Creek said as he reached in his pocket and pulled out a pocket knife. "L-Leave her A-Alone!" Trollex said stuttering because he was scared that his best friend since pre-school might be stabbed but he himself felt being pushed in to a locker and choked when he locked eyes with Barb. "Shut you're mouth fish face or else you'll be getting the same treatment as pinkie over here!!!" She said as she pulled out her own pocket knife and held it to his neck. "HEY LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!" Someone said, they turned their heads to see who said that and saw the most popular guy in school Branch Timberlake with the rest of the popular kids and judging by the looks on their faces they knew that they weren't very happy. "YEAH YOU MEANIES, YOU PUT THEM DOWN RIGHT THIS INSTANT!!!" A popular girl named Moxie Dewdrop said. "Oh yeah?! what are you pansies going to do if we don't leave them alone?" Creek said smirking at them. "Don't get cocky Creep and Barf, If you don't leave them alone then we're going to tell your parents about your 'little' secret." Branch said crossing his arms with a raise of his brow and a smirk on his face. Creek and Barb looked at them in shock and horror. How did they know about their secret?! "How could you possibly know about that?!" Barb yelled glaring at Branch. "I was walking to class last week and when I was passing by the bathroom I heard someone moaning 'yes Creek yes!!' And it sounded like your voice Barb." Branch said still smirking. "Yeah, we all know how religious your two's families are and if they ever found out about that then your lives are over." Mandy Sparkledust said smirking. "So why don't you guys let the two cuties go and we won't tell your parents about your secret?" Cybil said. So with an angry groan from the two bullies they let go of Poppy and Trollex and walked away. Poppy and Trollex breathed deep because they had to catch their breaths and after their breathing was finally caught on they looked at the popular kids with smiles on their faces. "T-Thank you guys." Poppy said in her usual shy tone. "Yer welcome Darlin'. but what in tarnation were those two doing that to y'all for?" An orange Centaur troll named Delta Dawn Clarkson said in confusion. "They just don't like us for no reason." Trollex said looking at the ground sadly. "T-They don't L-Like us because w-we're m-misfits and we're e-easy t-targets." Poppy said stuttering and looked like she had tears in her eyes. The popular kids felt bad for them but they were not going to let those bullies push them around like that. "Don't worry you two, just stick with us and we won't those lowlifes push you guys around anymore." Branch said. "Yeah you two are so cute I don't see why those jerks bully you guys." Moxie Dewdrop said smiling at them. Poppy and Trollex felt themselves blush and smiled at the popular kids. "O-Okay." Poppy said stuttering cutely. Branch thought she was the most cutest thing on this planet from how shy she was and her stutter was so adorable. So for the past four months Poppy and her friends hung out with the popular kids and while Poppy was still shy, it took some time for her to come out of her shell and she still spoke in stutters she was now starting to talk normally. Her and Branch had gotten so close they were practically inseparable and everyone thought they should start dating because they looked so cute together. Poppy wasn't going to lie, she did have a huge crush on Branch before the whole bullying fiasco but she was too shy to tell him of course. One day Poppy and Branch were walking down the hallway together when all of a sudden Poppy was pushed on the ground, Branch now furious at the person who did that turned around and saw who else but Creep and Barf. He helped Poppy back up on her feet and turned around to glare at the two bullies. "Watch it you two, or else I will tell your parents about your secret although I'm pretty sure they're smart enough to notice that your stomach is getting bigger Barf!" Branch said putting Poppy behind him to protect her from these scum bags. "Aww look at that, popular boy is protecting his little girlfriend...how pathetic is she? She can't stand up for herself, what a wimp!" Barb said laughing. Poppy felt like she was going to cry, not only was she shy she was also really sensitive. "You take that back Barf before I make you!" Branch said furiously. "Look at you! Why are you even hanging out with this loser? She's not up to your status!" Creek said. "I hang out with her because I like her! She's Pretty, Sweet and she's way better than you two!!!" Branch yelled. "Ha!!! It almost sounds like you love her!" Barb said laughing. "YEAH AND SO WHAT IF I DO!!!!? THAT'S NON OF YOU TWO IDIOTS BUSINESS AND YEAH I DO LOVE HER!!!!! AND YOU WANNA KNOW WHY?!!!! BECAUSE EVER SINCE PRESCHOOL I HAVE HAD A HUGE CRUSH ON HER SHE'S BEAUTIFUL SWEET AND ADORABLE AND IF I CATCH YOU TWO BULLYING HER AGAIN I WON'T HESITATE TO BEAT YOU GUYS UP INCLUDING YOU BARF!!!!!!" Branch said yelling so loud the whole school was looking, everyone was shocked at his eruption even Poppy herself couldn't believe her ears so she reached her hand to tap him on the shoulder and with that he turned around to face her his face softening when he looked at her. "Is that true Branch?" Poppy said to everyone's surprise when she didn't stutter once. With a sigh Branch told her his answer. "Yes Poppy, it's true but I was so scared to tell you because I thought you wouldn't feel the same way as I do." Branch said hanging his head in shame until he felt a hand on his chin and felt his head being lifted up as he stared into Poppy's beautiful hot pink eyes and saw her beautiful face with an adorable smile. "I love you too Branch I've always had, you and your friends stuck up for me and my friends which goes to show that not all popular kids are stereotypical jerks but out of all the popular kids I hung around you the most because you make me happy and you helped me come out of my shell." Poppy said shocking everyone even more because she wasn't stuttering. Poppy gave Branch a sweet smile and kissed his cheek which caused him to blush and form a goofy smile on his face, everyone except Creek and Barb awwwwd at how cute they were together. "Oh get a room you losers!" Creek said angering everyone for ruining the moment. "That's it Creep and Barf! I'm going-" Branch yelled before he was interrupted by Aspen Heitz "It's okay dude, go hang out with your new girlfriend we'll take care of these scum bags ourselves." He said Branch smiled at his best friend and thanked him and with that he walked down the hall with Poppy holding her hand as they kissed and smiled at each other as everyone in the school beat up Creek and Barb. This one sucks but I like it because it's cute.

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